Full text of dissertations can be found on the
Stanford University Libraries website

2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05
2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 2000-01


David Ayala
Geometric Cobordism Categories
Advisor: Ralph Cohen

Zachary Cohn
Nonuniqueness of Constant Scalar Curvature Metrics in a Conformal Class
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Josh Genauer
Cobordism Categories, Corners, and Surgery
Advisor: Ralph Cohen

Lan-Hsuan Huang
Center of Mass and Constant Mean Curvature Foliations for Isolated Systems
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Daniel Mathews
Chord Diagrams, Contact-Topological Quantum Field Theory, and Contact Categories
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Nikolay Penev
The Chow ring of the moduli space of genus 6 curves
Advisor: Ravi Vakil

Joseph Rabinoff
Higher-Level Canonical Subgroups for p-Divisible Groups
Advisor: Ravi Vakil

Eric Schoenfeld
Higher Symplectic Field Theory Invariants for Cotangent Bundles of Surfaces
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Kamil Szczegot
Sharp Approximation of Density Dependent Markov Chains
Advisor: Amir Dembo

Kirsten Wickelgren
Lower Central Series Obstructions to Homotopy Sections of Curves over Number Fields
Advisor: Gunnar Carlsson

Kaiyuan Zhang
Two Problems in quantitative Finance
Advisor: George Papanicolaou

Ziyu Zhang
On Singular Moduli Spaces of Sheaves on K3 Surfaces
Advisor: Jun Li



Jarod Alper
Good moduli spaces for Artin stacks
Advisor: Ravi Vakil

Andres Angel
Cobordism of Orbifolds
Advisor: Ralph Cohen

Theodora Bourni
C1Alpha Theory for the Prescribed Mean Curvature Equation with Dirichlet Data
Advisor: Leon Simon

Michael Eichmair
Non-variational existence problems in general relativity
Advisor: Richard Schoen

David Fernandez Duque
Results in Dynamic Topological Logic
Advisor: Grigori Mints

Isidora Milin
Orderability of Contactomorphism Groups of Lens Spaces
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Pompiliu Zamfir
Spherical Spin Glasses
Advisor: Amir Dembo



Muzaffer Akat
A Unified Credit Risk Model
Advisor: George Papanicolaou

Kâzim Büyükboduk
Kolyvagin Systems Over an Iwasawa Algebra
Advisor: Karl Rubin

Huai-Lian Chang
Donaldson Thomas Invariants of P¹ Scroll
Advisor: Jun Li

Pok Man Cheung
Supersymmetric Field Theories and Generalized Cohomology
Advisor: Ralph Cohen

Robert Easton
S3-Covers of Schemes
Advisor: Ravi Vakil

Chad Lawrence Groft
Isoperimetric Functions on the Universal Covers of Compact Spaces
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Kate Gruher
String Topology of Classifying Spaces
Advisor: Ralph Cohen

Jian He
Symplectic Field Theory of Subcritical Stein Manifolds
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Geir Helleloid
Automorphism Groups of Finite p-Groups: Structure and Applications
Advisor: Persi Diaconis

Peter Kim
Mathematical Models of the Activation and Regulation of the Immune System
Advisor: Doron Levy

Dana Paquin
Multiscale Methods for Image Registration
Advisor: Doron Levy

Daniel Ramras
Stable Representation Theory of Infinite Discrete Groups
Advisor: Gunnar Carlsson

Tiago C. Requeijo
Modeling Group Dynamics of Phototaxis
Advisor: Doron Levy

Leobardo Rosales
Minimal Immersions With Prescribed Boundary
Advisor: Leon Simon

Andrew Schultz
Galois Module Structure of Galois Cohomology
Advisor: Ravi Vakil

Henry Segerman
Incompressible Surfaces in Hyperbolic Punctured Torus Bundles are Strongly Detected
Advisor: Steve Kerckhoff

Baosen Wu
A Degeneration Formula of Donaldson-Thomas Invariants
Advisor: Jun Li



Joseph Blitzstein
Building Random Objects Sequentially From Characterization to Algorithm
Advisor: Persi Diaconis

Paul-Olivier Dehaye
Averages over Compact Lie Groups, Twisted by Weyl Characters and Application to Moments of Derivatives of Characteristic Polynomials.
Advisor: Daniel Bump

Daniel Ford
Probabilities on Cladograms: Introduction to the Alpha Model
Advisors: Persi Diaconis and Susan Holmes

Hui-Chuan Huang
The Resolvent and Scattering Operator on Near-Product-Hyperbolic Spaces
Advisor: Rafe Mazzeo

David Lecomte
Hidden Functional Equations for Rankin-Selberg Integrals Associated to Real Quadratic Fields
Advisor: Daniel Bump

Robert Lipshitz
A Heegaard-Floer Invariant of Bordered Three-Manifolds
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Elizabeth Samantha Meckes
An Infinitesimal Version of Stein’s Method of Exchangeable Pairs
Advisor: Persi Diaconis

Suhas Raghava Nayak
Equations of Hamilton-Jacobi Type and Their Applications in Finance
Advisor: George Papanicolaou

Yan-Ping Pan
Endogenous Default, Bond Pricing and Term Structure of Credit Spread Under Stochastic Volatility
Advisor: George Papanicolaou

Julie Marie Rowlett
Spectral Geometry and Asymptotically Conic Convergence
Advisor: Rafe Mazzeo

Ioannis Sakellaridis
Unramified Representations of P-Adic Groups on Spherical Varieties
Advisor: Daniel Bump

Alexander Ivanov Sotirov
Boundary and Interior Convergence for Hard Sphere Mixtures
Advisor: Tai-Ping Liu



Tarn Adams
Flat Chains in Banach Spaces
Advisor: Brian White

Pedro Albin
The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem and Index Theory on Conformally Compact Manifolds
Advisor: Rafe Mazzeo

David Futer
Angled Triangulations of Link Complements
Advisor: Steve Kerckhoff

Yichi Gu
Probabilistic Theory for Topological Approximation and Copositive Matrix
Advisor: Gunnar Carlsson

Sanjai Gupta
Renormalized Seesaw Identities on G L(2,A)
Advisor: Daniel Bump

Byoung-Du Kim
The PartyConjecture and Algebraic Functional Equations for Elliptic Curves at Primes with Supersingular Reduction
Advisor: Karl Rubin

Dan Lee
Connected Sums of Special Lagrangian Submanifold
Advisor: Richard Schoen

André da Silva Neves
Singularities of Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Brett Parker
Holomorphic Curves in Lagrangian Torus Fibrations
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

José Robredo
Open-Closed String Topology
Advisor: Ralph Cohen

Mariel Saez Trumper
Relaxation of the Curve Shortening Flow on the Plane via the Parabolic Ginzburg-Landau Equation
Advisor: Rafe Mazzeo

Danzhu Shi
Capillary Surfaces at a Re-Entrant Corner
Advisor: Robert Finn



Dimitrios Cheliotis
Diffusion in Random Environment and the Renewal Theorem
Advisor: Amir Dembo

Olivier Daviaud
Brownian Motion, Cauchy Process and the Gaussian Free Field
Advisor: Amir Dembo

Véronique Godin
A Category of Bordered Fat Graphs and the Mapping Class Group of a Bordered Surface
Advisor: Ralph Cohen

Michel Grueneberg
The Yamabe Flow on Three-Manifolds
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Eric Edward Katz
A Formalism for Relative Gromov-Witten Invariants
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Tyler Lawson
Derived Representation Theory of Nilpotent Groups
Advisor: Gunnar Carlsson

David Linnan Li
The Green’s Function of the Navier-Stokes Equations for Gas Dynamics in R³
Advisor: Tai-Ping Liu

Jessica Purcell
Cusp Shapes of Hyperbolic Link Complements and Dehn Filling
Advisor: Steve Kerckhoff

Christopher Ryan Vinroot
Twisted Frobenius-Schur Indicators of Symplectic Groups Over a Finite Field
Advisor: Daniel Bump

Yu Yan
Some Geometric Problems Involving Conformal Deformation of Metrics
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Ke Zhu
Degeneration of the Moduli Space of J-holomorphic Discs and Legendrian Contact Homology
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg



Kirsten Jan Boyd
Methods for the Approximate Computation of Homogenized Coefficients
Advisor: George Papanicolaou

Theodore Hwa
Galois Representations Associated to Torsion Points of Elliptic Curves
Advisor: Karl Rubin

Alexander Ivrii
Lagrangian Unnottedness of Tori in Certain Symplectic 4-Manifolds
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Pengzi Miao
On Variational Problems in Geometry and General Relativity
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Jacob Shapiro
Counting BPS States of D-Branes in Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Advisor: Jun Li

Scott Sheffield
Random Surfaces: Large Deviations Principles and Gradient Gibbs Measure Classifications
Advisor: Amir Dembo



Frédéric Bourgeois
A Morse-Bott Approach to Contact Homology
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Nikos Frantzikinakis
The Structure of Non-Ergodic Strongly Stationary Systems
Advisor: Yitzhak Katznelson

Urmi Bhattacharya Holz
Subspace Approximation Methods for Perturbed Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems
Advisor: Gene Golub

Benjamin Howard
The Heegner Point Kolyvagin System
Advisor: Karl Rubin

Yevgeniy Kovchegov
Brownian Bridge Percolation and Related Processes
Advisor: Amir Dembo

Heaseung Kwon
Asymptotic Convergence of Harmonic Map Heat Flow
Advisor: Leon Simon

Alexander Meadows
A Semilinear Elliptic Equation
Advisor: Leon Simon

Weiyang Qiu
Variational Approach in Special Lagrangian Geometry
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Joshua Sabloff
Invariants of Legendrian Knots in Circle Bundles
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

João Monteiro dos Santos
Topology of Moduli Spaces of Rank Stable Instantons and Holomorphic Bundles
Advisor: Ralph Cohen

Jay-Calvin Uyemura Reyes
Random Walk, Semi-Direct Products, and Card Shuffling
Advisor: Persi Diaconis

Maria Joana Mendes Ventura
Homological Algebra for the Representation Green Functor for Abelian Groups
Advisor: Gunnar Carlsson

Neshan Wickramsekera
Rigidity of Tangent Cones and the Singular Set of Minimal Hypersurfaces
Advisor: Leon Simon



Peter Cotton
An Analytic Approach to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes with Fluctuating Parameters and Applications in the Modeling of Fixed Income Securities
Advisor: George Papanicolaou

Seung-Yeal Ha
L¹ Stability for Systems of Conservation Laws with a Non-Resonant Moving Source
Advisor: Tai-Ping Liu

Sang Seon Kim
Relative Contact Homology and Contact Non-Squeezing
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Kirill Michatchev
Invariants of Legendrian and Transversal Links
Advisor: Yakov Eliashberg

Dana Powell Rowland
Bott-Periodic Phenomena in Holomorphic K-Theory
Advisor: Ralph Cohen

Xin Wei Sha
Differential Geometric Performance and the Technologies of Writing
Advisor: Rafe Mazzeo

Xiaofeng Sun
On the Theory of Harmonic Maps to Trees
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Xiaodong Wang
On the Geometry of Conformally Compact Einstein Manifolds
Advisor: Richard Schoen

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