Faculty, staff, residents recognized with awards at commencement

John Boothroyd

Thomas Clandinin

At the School of Medicine's commencement June 15, a number of faculty received annual awards recognizing their dedication to excellence in graduate and medical education, patient care and teaching.

Thomas Clanindin, PhD, associate professor of neurobiology, was the recipient of the School of Medicine Award for Graduate Teaching. The award recognizes teaching excellence, exceptional impact in the graduate classroom and outstanding service on behalf of graduate students at the medical school. Recipients of this award are chosen by medical faculty and MS and PhD students at the medical school.

Poonam Hosamani

John Boothroyd, PhD, professor of microbiology and immunology, was honored with the Stanford University School of Medicine Award for Outstanding Service to Graduate Students. This award, voted on by all graduating MS and PhD students and by the medical faculty, recognizes remarkable and extraordinary service on behalf of medical school graduate students.

Poonam Hosamani, MD, clinical instructor of medicine, was honored with the Arthur L. Bloomfield Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Clinical Medicine, which commemorates the late Arthur Bloomfield, MD, chair of the Department of Medicine from 1926 to 1954. The recipient is chosen by students in clinical training.

John Kerner

John Kerner, MD, professor of pediatrics, was honored as this year's recipient of the Alwin C. Rambar-James B.D. Mark Award for Excellence in Patient Care, which recognizes a member of the medical faculty for compassion in working with patients and their families, excellence in providing medical treatment and effectiveness and pleasantness in interactions with patient-care staff. The annual award was established in 1985 to honor the late Alwin Rambar, MD, a Chicago pediatrician long associated with the medical school, and was renamed in 1997 to include James Mark, MD, a Stanford thoracic surgeon and professor emeritus who was also Rambar's son-in-law.

Erika Schillinger

Mindie Nguyen

Mindie Nguyen, MD, associate professor of gastroenterology and hepatology, received the Franklin G. Ebaugh Jr. Award for Advising Medical Students. The award honors the late Franklin Ebaugh, MD, longtime associate dean for veterans affairs and chief of staff at the Palo Alto VA. Nguyen was chosen by medical students and full-time faculty members.

Erika Schillinger, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine, was given the Lawrence H. Mathers Award for Exceptional Commitment to Teaching and Active Involvement in Medical Student Education. The award, which was created in memory of the late Lawrence Mathers, MD, PhD, professor of pediatrics and of surgery, recognizes an individual who exemplifies the values and accomplishments of Mathers' work and life.

Three longtime awards created by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation are given each year for excellence in medical education and in clinical and preclinical teaching:

Andrew Connolly

Sakti Srivastava

Julie Theriot

--Julie Theriot, PhD, professor of biochemistry and of microbiology and immunology; Sakti Srivastava, MD, associate professor of anatomy; and Andrew Connolly, MD, PhD, associate professor of pathology, received the Kaiser Foundation Award for Excellence in Preclinical Teaching, whose recipients are chosen by students in preclinical medicine.

--Ryan Knueppel, MD, assistant clinical professor of infectious diseases, and Jeffrey Dunn, MD, clinical professor of neurology and neurological sciences, were presented with the Kaiser Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching.

--Anna Messner, MD, professor of otolaryngology and of pediatrics, won the Kaiser Family Foundation Award for Outstanding and Innovative Contributions to Medical Education.

Anna Messner

Jeffrey Dunn

Six residents were chosen to receive the Arnold P. Gold Foundation Award for Humanism and Excellence in Teaching. The award recognizes medical residents for their humanism and for exemplary teaching of medical students. This year's recipients are Danielle Pickham, MD (general surgery), Charles Lei, MD (emergency medicine), Mauricio Palau, MD (pediatrics), Toby Frescholtz, MD (obstetrics and gynecology), Ryan Hubbard, MD (internal medicine), and Yijun Chen, MD (general surgery).

Stanford Medicine integrates research, medical education and health care at its three institutions - Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Health Care (formerly Stanford Hospital & Clinics), and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford. For more information, please visit the Office of Communication & Public Affairs site at http://mednews.stanford.edu.

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