Cantor Scholars

Cantor Scholars provides Stanford undergraduates with a meaningful, in-depth experience working directly with art at the museum through original research and scholarship or creative work. The program is designed to allow students the opportunity to work with and learn from objects as a way to further their knowledge and provides new ways of thinking about the arts in their academic and professional life.


Students chosen as Cantor Scholars will have the opportunity to work over two consecutive quarters (fall/winter or winter/spring). The program offers:

  • Financial support of $2500
  • $1500 travel budget to support research

  • Mentorship from a member of the curatorial staff

Cantor Scholars is available only to junior and senior undergraduate students. All majors are eligible to apply, though priority will be given to majors/minors in Art History or Art Practice. This is a distinguished award given to a limited number of students each academic year.


To apply, students should submit a proposal detailing the area of his or her research, which must be related to the Cantor or its collections. In addition, the proposal should include the potential culmination of the research project, which may include:

  • An exhibition from the Cantor’s collection
  • A  research paper
  • A new creative work in response to the collection


Cantor staff is available to help shape these projects. Please contact Kim Mansfield with any questions or if you'd like to speak to someone about crafting your proposal.


Applications for winter/spring 2016 are due by Sunday, November 15 at 11:59pm. Download an application here.


Applications for fall/winter 2016-17 will be due by Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 11:59pm.
