Energy Research at Stanford

As a global citizen and leader in science and technology, Stanford is tackling one of the most pressing issues of our time — energy. Our broad network of world-class researchers working on energy-related problems spans more than 200 faculty in 22 academic departments and more than two dozen independent labs and programs. Here are just a few examples of how Stanford is working to solve the world's energy challenges.

Making new energy

Tomorrow’s alternative energy solutions start on a lab bench today. Stanford scientists are inventing solar cells, batteries and innovative fuels that could replace fossil fuels.

Real-world solutions

Freeing ourselves from fossil fuels also involves improving how we use today’s energy sources. That’s why Stanford scientists are implementing innovative applications of green technologies.

Influencing energy policy

Stanford’s clean-energy efforts extend beyond the lab. Faculty, scholars and students play a variety of roles in shaping energy policy decisions in the U.S. and around the world.

Clean energy starts at home

Stanford’s commitment to energy solutions can be seen across campus, in green architecture, reduced-carbon energy plants and the community efforts of student-run sustainability groups.