Stanford headlines for the week of May 23, 2007

University honors Amy Blue Award winners

Extra! Extra! As newspapers struggle, panels surmise future of print journalism

Tour de Peninsula

Hennessy announces new interdisciplinary graduate fellowships

Yearly staff-appreciation picnic tomorrow

Newsstand: Stanford Business

Teenage fixation on ‘success’ bad for mind and spirit, according to panelists

Innovation policy for the next U.S. president will be subject of all-day forum

Study: Some birds can survive in agricultural areas with even limited habitat conservation

Hennessy reviews 2006-07 highlights

Hydrogen cars taken for campus spin

Professor of engineering says his children matter most to him

Honors & Awards

Insiders debate how to pay for quality news coverage

Camarillo appointed to new position focusing on faculty diversity

Faculty Senate rejects ban on tobacco industry research funding by 21-10 vote

Surgeon's research scores a hit in his war against scars

'Star Trek'-type scans may reveal tumor genetics

Arthritis workshops offer self-help tips for adults

Court decision on stem cells lauded by expert

Medical students leave the lab to show off their research

Media monitor

Horwitz named Bloomfield Professor of Medicine

Scavenger cells may help block obesity

Medical center people

Upcoming exhibition at Cantor Center highlights 'artful' Tuareg of the Sahara

Screening of No End in Sight followed by panel on Iraq

Study: Altering bugs effective way to help eradicate disease

Sit-in results in student arrests

Faculty Senate minutes - May 17, 2007 meeting

Address of President John Hennessy to the Academic Council

Ph.D. Orals


Three local groups honored at community-partnership luncheon

Cardinal Chronicle

Staff salary program for fiscal year '08 announced