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Quotations about Liberty and Power


Lord Acton on the destruction of the liberal Girondin group and the suicide of Condorcet during the French Revolution (1910)

2010 is the 100th anniversary of the publication of Lord Acton’s Lectures on the French Revolution in which he describes the suppression of the liberal Girondin group as a necessary step for creating the dictatorship of Robespierre. One of the sad victims of this process was the mathematician and social theorist Condorcet who went into hiding and wrote an optimistic vision of what a free society would look like, before taking his own life to avoid being arrested and executed. Acton concludes that “at their fall liberty perished”:

During the agony of his party, Condorcet found shelter in a lodging-house at Paris. There, under the Reign of Terror, he wrote the little book on Human Progress, which contains his legacy to mankind. He derived the leading idea from his friend Turgot, and transmitted it to Comte. There may be, perhaps, a score or two dozen decisive and characteristic views that govern the world, and that every man should master in order to understand his age, and this is one of them. When the book was finished, the author’s part was played, and he had nothing more to live for. As his retreat was known to one, at least, of the Montagnards, he feared to compromise those who had taken him in at the risk of their life. Condorcet assumed a disguise, and crept out of the house with a Horace in one pocket and a dose of poison in the other. When it was dark, he came to a friend’s door in the country. What passed there has never been known, but the fugitive philosopher did not remain. A few miles outside Paris he was arrested on suspicion and lodged in the gaol. In the morning they found him lying dead.

See full quote and previous quotations about liberty.

[More works by John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Lord Acton (1834 – 1902) and on The French Revolution]

Recent Additions

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1835, 1840).

Liberty Fund is pleased to announce a new definitive translation of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America (1835, 1840) by James T. Schleifer in 4 volumes. It is based upon the critical French edition edited by Eduardo Nolla who also edited the Liberty Fund edition. The printed version is a bilingual edition with the French on the left hand page and the English translation on the right. For copyright reasons, the online version contains only the English translation. Copies of the bilingual edition can be ordered from our online catalog. The online English version can be found here.

To the Forum (839 essays) (RSS):

To the Library (1,218 items, 1,002 in HTML) (RSS):

To the Reading Lists (102) (RSS):



The 5th edition of the Portable Library of Liberty data DVD is now available. It contains 1,002 titles from the OLL in EBook PDF format and 36 hours of MP3 audio from our audio collection. Request a complimentary copy and include your postal address and indicate your browser preference (Firefox/Safari or IE8). If you have trouble viewing the PLL in IE8 see this page for help.

2010 is the 50th anniversary of the founding of Liberty Fund by Pierre F. Goodrich in 1960. The Foundation develops, supervises, and finances its own educational activities to foster thought and encourage discourse on the nature of individual liberty, limited and constitutional government, and the free market. It does this by publishing classic works on liberty, organizing conferences, and hosting websites to promote understanding of individual liberty.

Obituary - We are sad to note the passing in March 2009 of Ronald Max Hartwell (1921-2009) who was one of the greatest economic historians of the industrial revolution. He was interviewed by Patrick O'Brien in one of Liberty Fund's Intellectual Portrait Series in 2000.


Structure of the Site

The Forum is the place where discussion about people, the books, and the ideas these books contain take place. It contains articles, essays, biographies, bibliographies, and other educational material about the texts. Subscribe to the RSS feed to be contacted when new material is added. [See the detailed User Guide].

The Library is where electronic versions of classic books about individual liberty are stored. They are in a variety of formats - facsimile PDFs so scholars can view the original text, HTML for ease of searching and attractive layout, and text-based PDF EBooks for personal use. Subscribe to the RSS feed to be contacted when new material is added. [See the detailed User Guide].

Authors - the OLL contains works by hundreds of authors from Ancient Sumeria to the present, and is organized by people, historical periods, and schools of thought. Each author's bio page contains a brief description of their life and works, a list of their owrks online, and where possible a picture. [See Authors (by Period) and Groups & Collections]

Titles - the OLL contains over 1,200 titles which are organized by titles, subject areas, and topics. Each title contains full bibliographic information, a summary of its content, and copyright information. [See Titles (by Subject) and Groups & Collections]



The 5th edition of the Portable Library of Liberty data DVD is now available. It contains 1,002 titles from the OLL in EBook PDF format and 36 hours of MP3 audio from our audio collection. Request a complimentary copy and include your postal address and indicate your browser preference (Firefox/Safari or IE8). If you have trouble viewing the PLL in IE8 see this page for help.

Search Engine - our powerful search engine allows you to search all titles in our collection or books by a particular author. Filters allow you limit your search to an historiacl period or topic. The search results show the full paragraph in which the key words are located and provide full bibliographic information. You can also search the material in The Forum, or do a quick search for author or title.

Liberty Fund Books - many of the books published by Liberty Fund are also available online at the OLL website. You can also order copies from our online book catalog or download a copy of the current catalog in PDF format.

Quotations about Liberty and Power - Each week we post a Quotation about Liberty and Power which is taken from the collection of titles in the OLL. Its aim is to explore what some key thinkers have to say about some aspect of man’s struggle for liberty. This collection of quotations provides a valuable resource which shows the diversity and richness of these texts.

Anniversaries of Authors and Titles in 2010 - this is a list of the anniversaries of the publication of important books and the births and deaths of important people which we have in the OLL collection. [See previous anniversary years]

Resources for Teaching and Learning about Liberty - the OLL contains many resources to use in teaching and learning about Liberty, such as biographies, bibliographies, timelines, reading lists, essays, key documents. Most of these can be found in The Forum.

Collections of Major Scholarly Significance - the collection contains the Glasgow Edition of the Works of Adam Smith, 7 vols., the University of Toronto Press edition of the Works of J.S. Mill, 32 vols., the Sraffa edition of the Works of David Ricardo, 11 vols., and Liberty Fund's Natural Law and Enlightenment Series (40 vols.).

User Created Reading Lists is a tool for professors and teachers to bring OLL books into the classroom. Create and annotate your own customized collection of readings which can be posted on the OLL website for use by your students. Or you can create a list of your favorite titles to send to your friends. These lists can be printed as a complete anthology of the Readings you have selected. Subscribe to the RSS feed to be contacted when new material is added. [See the detailed User Guide].

Audio Collections - we have in mp3 format the Intellectual Portrait Series: Conversations with Leading Classical Liberal Figures of Our Time, the lecture series The Legacy of Friedrich Hayek, a number of books, and the weekly Quotation about Liberty and Power.

The OLL has begun an ePub Pilot Project to explore the possibilites of this open format for publishing and reading ebooks on portable devices.

All new titles added to the OLL include a MARC Record. These Marc Records are part of a collection known as the Online Library of Liberty Series at WorldCat.


The Online Library of Liberty Website

The Online Library of Liberty (OLL) is a project of Liberty Fund, Inc., a private, non-profit educational foundation based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The aim of the OLL is to provide thousands of titles about individual liberty, limited constitutional government, and the free market, free of charge to the public, for educational purposes. [See more on the history of the OLL]

The OLL has won a number of international awards for its outstanding collection of online material in the humanities and social sciences. It has been recognised by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the British Arts & Humanities Research Council, and the International Political Science Association


Liberty Fund's Other Websites

Liberty Fund's main website hosts an extensive online book catalog where the books published by Liberty Fund can be purchased.

In the Goodrich Seminar Room in the Lilly Library at Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana the limestone walls are engraved with the names of the political and legal documents and authors which Pierre Goodrich, the founder of Liberty Fund, believed had most contributed to our understanding of what it means to be free and responsible individuals. This website contains a virtual tour of the Seminar Room.

The Library of Economics and Liberty (Econlib) contains classic economic books, an online encyclopedia of economics, articles discussing current economic topics, a moderated blog (Econlog) where economic issues are discussed, and a collection of podcasts (EconTalk).


50th Anniversary

This year, 2010, is the 50th anniversary of the founding of Liberty Fund by Pierre F. Goodrich. The Foundation develops, supervises, and finances its own educational activities to foster thought and encourage discourse on the nature of individual liberty, limited and constitutional government, and the free market. It does this by publishing classic works on liberty, organizing conferences, and hosting websites to promote understanding of individual liberty. (Learn more about Liberty Fund.)


Copyright and Fair Use

There are four different types of texts which Liberty Fund has put online as part of the Online Library of Liberty:

  1. public domain texts published before 1923. These texts are no longer under copyright and are in the public domain. We have put them online in order to further the educational aims of Liberty Fund.
  2. texts to which the Liberty Fund has electronic rights, such as the books published by Liberty Fund in both print and online formats
  3. other texts to which Liberty Fund has acquired the electronic rights from third parties, such as the journal Literature of Liberty (from the Institute for Humane Studies)
  4. titles which are put online under license from third parties, such as the Glasgow Edition of the Works of Adam Smith (from Oxford University Press).

For titles in the first three categories listed above, no special permission from Liberty Fund is required for quoting material in papers and essays, or for limited photocopying and distribution for academic or other educational or non-profit purposes. The only requirements are that you include proper attribution on the first page of the document being distributed - e.g. for John Locke’s The Two Treatises of Government you would say either of the following:

  1. if using the OLL website - "This material originally appeared on the Online Library of Liberty hosted by Liberty Fund, Inc. URL: and accessed on 2010-01-22." This information can be found in the "Citation" button on the title’s table of contents page.
  2. or if using the copy on the PLL DVD - "This material originally appeared in the Portable Library of Liberty published by Liberty Fund, Inc. URL: and PLL v5 (generated 22 January, 2010)." This information can be found in the footer of the EBook PDF.

For titles in category two and three, any reprint of material "for profit", such as a chapter or a substantial section of an online book for inclusion in a book or other publication for sale, requires written permission from Liberty Fund.

For titles in the fourth category you must follow the specific requirements of the copyright holder whose work we publish online under license. In the case of the Glasgow Edition of the Works of Adam Smith published under license from Oxford University Press, for reprint or copying permission you need to contact OUP directly. Under our contractual obligations with OUP we have placed the following declaration on the front page of every book and section of the online version of the Glasgow Edition of the Works of Adam Smith:

The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith and the associated volumes are published in hardcover by Oxford University Press. The six titles of the Glasgow Edition, but not the associated volumes, are being published in soft cover by Liberty Fund. The online edition is published by Liberty Fund under license from Oxford University Press.

© Oxford University Press 1976. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be stored transmitted retransmitted lent or reproduced in any form or medium without the permission of Oxford University Press.

Thus, for reprint or copying permission you need to contact OUP directly. Liberty Fund cannot grant you this permission because it is not the copyright holder.

[For more information see this page.]


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