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Departments & Programs


Neogene grassland expansion and climatic evolution

Transition to grass-dominated landscapes during the Neogene dramatically changed the recycling of water vapor, ushering in the modern hydrologic regime. Learn more


Reconstructing Central Asian climate during the Cenozoic

Understanding the interplay between 60 million years of climate change and tectonics on our planet's largest continent.  Learn more

Mongolia scene

Pliocene El Niño

Reconstructing hydrologic change across the US to characterize the dynamics of atmospheric teleconnections in the Pliocene. Learn more.

Pliocene El Nino

Eocene Latitudinal Gradients

Understanding the role of latent heat transport in maintaining low latitudinal temperature gradients in hothouse climates. Learn more.

2015 Kazakhstan Field Expedition

Page, Jeremy, Dan, Annie, and Derek travel to the Zaysan Basin in eastern Kazakhstan and collect Cenozoic paleosols and lake sediments to track changes in the mid-latitude westerlies. Read more.

Paleosols at Kiin-Kerish, Zaysan Basin, eastern Kazakhstan
Neogene grassland expansion and climatic evolution
Reconstructing Central Asian climate during the Cenozoic
Pliocene El Niño
Eocene Latitudinal Gradients
2015 Kazakhstan Field Expedition

Terrestrial Paleoclimate Group

Understanding interactions between the biosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere of the Cenozoic

Our research is focused on the terrestrial paleoclimate of Earth.  Our efforts are to understand the links and feedbacks between the ancient biosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere with specific emphasis on the Cenozoic time period.  We use a combination of stable isotope measurements, coupled with field studies, and numerical models in order to build an understanding of the Earth’s past climate.  We are particularly focused on studying past climates to understand how the Earth’s climate may behave in the future as greenhouse gases increase in our atmosphere.  Field sites include western North America, north-central Asia, and Europe.