PCAP Primary Care Associate Program


Important information:
A proposal has been put forth to Stanford University leadership to transition the current PA program which results in a Certificate of Clinical Competency from Stanford University and an Associates Degree from Foothill Community College to a Stanford University Master of Science (M.S.) Degree in Physician Assistant Studies.  We expect to have more information available in the coming months so please continue to check our website for updates

All applications received by the deadline are prescreened to determine that the clinical and academic prerequisites have been met. Complete applications are then reviewed by the Admissions Committee. Based on this review, selected applicants will be invited to a validation session. Final class selection is made after the validation session and follows the program's admission criteria posted on the web. Frequently, the most competitive applicants are those that have surpassed the minimum academic and clinical requirements. All applicants will receive a written notification of the result of their application. Confidentiality issues prohibit giving feedback by telephone.

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