We're proud to announce the Revs Program won first runner up in the Core77 Design Awards for 2013. Our 'ReMake' class was awarded in the group's Educational Initiatives category.

The Core77 Design Awards celebrate the richness of the design profession and its practitioners. For Revs, it is another example of how we are bringing the automobile to the center of the university. Where most people consider automobiles to be the domain of engineering, we strive to make the automobile available across the disciplines. ReMake was a perfect example of that, a collaborative effort to disassemble and reassemble a 1962 Cadillac and learn design lessons along the way. The dozen or so students arrived from all over the university.

The heavy lifting for the class went to a great group of students, our advising professor Martin Steinert and PhD student Greg Kress. As is the case with these car projects, what we expected to take one quarter actually expanded to fill two. As it turns out, it's much easier to disassemble a car than to reassemble it!

After taking a year to consider what we learned from this course, and especially in light of the Core77 Design Awards honor, we plan on revisiting the idea of a course like this sometime in the 2013-14 school year.

To hear the jurors talk about the winners in the Educational Initiatives category, view the video below. At 9:40, you'll find them talk about our project specifically:


 To see the full list of winners in the category, click here.
