Desi me rollin'

Founded in 1989, Sanskriti has expanded quickly to become one of the largest cultural groups at Stanford. With over 600 members, Sanskriti functions as a portal that connects the Stanford community to South Asian culture. By exploring history and tradition, addressing issues of sociopolitical importance, presenting a social forum for our members, and promoting our performances and lively arts to the rest of the Stanford community, Sanskriti seeks to strengthen student awareness of South Asian culture.

Shahrukh would be so proud.

Sanskriti is the most fun student group at Stanford. Don't believe us? Look at the latest pictures on our Instagram page or just come visit us at one of our events. Once you are in Sanskriti, you never go back. We host the most amazing Bollywood parties, Maggi Movie Nights, Dance and Music Festivals and so much more!

Sanskriti has also been awared the SAL Campus Impact Award for its work in strengthening student awareness of South Asian culture across Stanford. We usually partner with other organizations to create a positive social impact. This includes research conferences, fundraising for our non-profit partners, talks and panels on South Asian culture among other events.

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Want to keep up with our latest events? Just follow us on Twitter or Facebook. You can also send us an email here. We are super excited to see you at the next Sanskriti event.

Chai Beta Chai

Learn even more about us.

  • Team Sanskriti

    Meet the people behind your favorite group on campus here.

  • Event Calendar

    Check out the event calendar for this quarter and beyond here

  • Our Bollywood Playlist

    Check out our bollywood playlist here

  • Event Spotlight

    Learn about our event spotlight of the month - #StanfordForNepal here.