LaserPerformance Men's Singlehanded Championship


Sponsored by Beneteau

Saturday, November 7:

The great forecast predicting wind all weekend turned out to be just that, only a forecast. Reality was a bit harsher on Day 1 of the 2015 LaserPerformance Men's Singlehanded Championship as the breeze spent a good part of the day somewhere other than the race course. Multiple races were abandoned and all the efforts to get good racing in resulted in 3 races completed in 3-6 knots of breeze on a combination of Trapezoid and Windward-Leeward courses. On the water judges led by Christine Accettella gave out 5 yellow flag penalties in the 3 races and the ODU Sailors did a great job moving marks and shuttling coaches in the rain. Freshman sailor Nic Baird from Yale leads the fleet but with only 3 out of the scheduled 14 races completed, it is anyone's game.

Racing resumes tomorrow at 9:30 and hopefully the breeze is a bit more helpful.

Score summary

Sponsored by Beneteau
1YaleMalcolm Lamphere '182828
2CharlestonStefano Peschiera '183333
3CharlestonEnrique Arathoon '163939
4HarvardJuan Perdomo '174040
5YaleNicholas Baird '194747
6StanfordLuke Muller '184949
7YaleJoseph Kiss '175252
8GeorgetownNevin Snow '166262
9George WashingtonBrendan Shanahan '176868
10NavyGary Prieto '188585
11BerkeleyRichard Didham '188686
12CharlestonReed Baldridge '168888
13St. Mary'sMarkus Edegran '169393
14Oregon StateMichael Levy '19100100
15Texas A&M GalvestonJohn Hanna '19112112
16Washington UJames Harvey '17117117
17Michigan StateMatthew Declercq '17127127
18WisconsinNathan Jamieson '17137137

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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