
本周六(04/09) 我们将继续查考: 腓立比书 3: 1-16   The True Righteousness


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欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ

以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/

时间:04月09日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:       6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Hope to see all of you soon! 

CEF at Stanford

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(04/02) 查经活动 腓立比书 2:12-30


希望大家度过了一个愉快的Spring Break, 本周六(04/02) 我们将继续查考:

 腓立比书 2: 12-30  活出生命之道,像星光闪耀

基督徒的生活不是一个信条,而是应该活出我们所信的。但是往往我们的行动和态度显示出我们的信心是多么的微小。在本周查经中,我们将会看到保罗如何劝勉信徒活出生命之道来荣耀神, 要有一颗喜乐的心, 追随基督,像星星一样闪耀在这个被罪充斥的世界里。

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CEF at Stanford

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(03/26) 没有查经


本周六(3/26) CEF没有团契活动,下周六(4/02)我们将一起继续查考腓立比书.
希望大家度过愉快的Spring Break, 期待下周相见!

CEF at Stanford

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CEF Newsletter| 本周六早晨9:30(03/19))特别讲座:走过古老的从前


本周六3/19 早晨930, 我们邀请到陈庆真博士,他在美国德州休斯顿大学获得物理博士学位。先后担任台湾国立阳明大学物理,医学工程研究所教授兼所长, 美国麻州波士顿大学物理教授。并著有《走过古老的从前》一书。

这次他将给我们带来“走过古老的从前”讲座,带我们走进圣经考古中, 讲述他以科学方法挖掘,解读,评论以及分析《圣经》里记载的有关文物,欢迎大家一起加入我们,开启一段探索人类起源和发展的神秘之旅。

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以下是signup form link, 希望大家能尽快signup, 以方便我们准备午饭的数量。欢迎大家邀请自己的朋友一起来参加!



欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 

  •  9:45am -10:45am  workshop1
  •  11:00am-12:00pm  workshop2
  •  12:00pm        Lunch

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

CEF at Stanford

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(03/05) 查经活动 腓立比书1:12-26



腓立比书127-211  合一与谦卑


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下周六3/19 早晨930, 我们邀请到陈庆真博士,他在美国德州休斯顿大学获得物理博士学位。先后担任台湾国立阳明大学物理,医学工程研究所教授兼所长, 美国麻州波士顿大学物理教授。并著有《走过古老的从前》一书。

这次他将给我们带来“走过古老的从前”讲座,带我们走进圣经考古中, 讲述他以科学方法挖掘,解读,评论以及分析《圣经》里记载的有关文物,欢迎大家一起加入我们,开启一段探索人类起源和发展的神秘之旅。

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以下是signup form link, 希望大家能尽快signup, 以方便我们准备午饭的数量。欢迎大家邀请自己的朋友一起来参加!




欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:3月12日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 
活动: 6:30-7:15pm  晚餐

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!


CEF Newsletter| 本周六(03/05) 查经活动 腓立比书1:12-26

Dear all,


Popular culture worships courageous leaders and fearless entrepreneurs. Yet how many of them can truly give up everything for their mission? In contrast, Apostle Paul is truly living an unstoppable and passionate life that “to live is Christ, and to dies is gain”.

Come study with us this Saturday the passage Phil 1:12-26, and experience the power of the Cross and Resurrection that can be manifested in a Christian.


这星期六请与我们一同查看腓立比书1:12-26 ,体验在一个基督徒的生命里彰显出的十字架和复活的大能。

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欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:3月5日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:6:30-7:15pm  晚餐
           7:15-7:45pm  唱诗
           7:45-9:30pm  查经

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(02/27) 查经活动 腓立比书第一章

Dear all,



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欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:2月27日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:  6:30-7:15pm  晚餐
             7:15-7:45pm  唱诗
             7:45-9:30pm  查经

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon! :)


CEF Newsletter| 本周六(02/20) 查经活动 腓立比书

Dear all,


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

We are starting a new series on Philippians, the book of Joy. Come this Saturday for an introduction, to find out the founding and beginnings of the church at Philippi, and the amazing acts of the Holy Spirit guiding apostle Paul and his companions in the face of adversity, and let this inspire your own journey.


应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告,祈求,和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保守你们的心怀意念。( 4:67)

这周六我们开始新的查经系列: 腓力比书,常称喜乐之书。欢迎来一起查看腓力比教会的建立与起始,圣灵对圣徒保罗与同伴在患难中奇妙的引领,希望能鼓励你自己的历程。

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欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:2月20日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:  6:30-7:15pm  晚餐
             7:15-7:45pm  唱诗
             7:45-9:30pm  查经

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

CEF Newsletter | 本周六(2/13)LGCC (主恩教会)春节晚会



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教会地址是:1101 San Antonio Rd, Mountain View, CA 94043
我们也会提供Carpool, 5:00-5:10pm 在GCC 门口见.
P.S. Feel free to just bring yourself, there will be more than enough food for everyone! 

Hope to see you more often in the new year! 😁

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(01/30) 查经活动(圣灵的果子:节制





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欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:01月30日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:         6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Hope to see all of you soon! 😎

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(01/23)查经活动(圣灵的果子:温柔 )





欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:01月23日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:         6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Hope to see all of you soon! 

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(01/16)没有活动


希望大家周末开心, 期待下周相见!

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Best wishes
CEF at Stanford

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(01/09)查经活动(圣灵的果子:忠诚) 

Dear friends,


Happy New Year!

Have you made your New Year resolution? I bet they are health related!

Do you care also for the health of your soul and make resolutions accordingly?

How do you even gauge/measure that?

Welcome back to our series on the Fruit of the Spirit. We will focus on Faithfulness, both God's faithfulness and our response of being faithful, as the key to our spiritual health.




欢迎大家回到我们查经系列: 圣灵的果子。这周我们探讨“忠诚”, 神的忠诚与我们的回应。 这就是通往灵命健康的关键。


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:01月09日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:         6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Hope to see all of you soon! 😁

CEF at Stanford

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(12/12)查经活动(圣灵的果子:良善)



在你的心里,怎的人算是好人呢?你自己算不算是一个好人?很多人都很努力的做一个好人,可是有很多候明知道应该去做的善事,却真的是做不出来。自己的人尚且做不出来,那对恶人呢?害我的人呢? 就史上最大的使徒之一也说,他心里想行善,果行出来的却是

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周六,邀大家来和我一起探索什么是良善(goodness),真正的好人是,以及什么有的人可以做到以善报恶自己的仇。 而我们又怎么为这样的好人,去自内心,不求回报的行善事,出良善的果子?

欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:12月12日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:          6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Hope to see all of you soon! 😁

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(12/5)查经活动(圣灵的果子:恩慈)





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欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:12月05日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:          6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Hope to see all of you soon! 😁

CEF at Stanford

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(11/14)查经活动(圣灵的果子:忍耐)



生活中,我们经常要忍耐各种各样的事和人。我们总希望好的事情马上就发生,想得到的东西马上就可以得到。 可是实际上,要得到最好的东西,似乎都需要很大的忍耐。

有时候他人没有随着我们的心意做事或是做了伤害我们的事情时,我们也很容易失去耐心,甚至发怒,很难饶恕对方。为什么忍耐这么难?我们为什么要忍耐? 圣经里是怎样教导我们忍耐的?本周,邀请大家加入我们来探讨这些问题-圣灵果子系列的第课:忍耐

欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:11月14日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:         6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Hope to see all of you soon!  😁

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(10/31) 没有活动

Dear friends,

There is no meeting this Saturday(10/31). We will resume on Nov 7th.
Have a wonderful weekend.

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CEF Newsletter| 本周六(10/24)查经活动(圣灵的果子:平安)





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欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:10月24日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:         6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Hope to see all of you soon! 

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(10/17) 查经活动: 圣灵的果子-喜乐







欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:10月17日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi
活动          6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Hope to see all of you soon! 

CEF at Stanford

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(10/10)查经活动 (圣灵的果子系列:爱)


一提到”, 是什么图画闪过你的眼前?父母对子女的爱?情人的爱?或是朋友之间的友爱?还是像广告告诉我们现代人对爱的定义:只在乎曾经拥有,不在乎天长地久?然而,我们都知道人心中渴望的不是那样的。如果我告诉你还有另一种爱,只有在圣经中才提到,是真正天长地久的爱。只有圣经中才解释它,只有圣经中才看到这爱的实践,你惊奇吗?本周,欢迎你来参加我们团契的查经,与我们一同研讨” 是什么。

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欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:       10月10日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:       GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:        6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                   7:15-7:45pm Worship
                   7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Cannot wait to see all of you soon! 😁

CEF at Stanford

CEF Newsletter| CEF本周五(10/2) 组队参加唐崇荣牧师布道会


在10/2-10/4 是南湾中国基督徒等待的日子。唐崇荣牧师会到南湾的Jubilee Christian Center 做布道会。我相信,绝大多数的中国基督徒都听过唐牧师的名字,可能也在网上听过他的讲道。唐牧师知识渊博(不是普通的渊博,是不寻常的),尤其对文化,哲学及艺术。他的神学认识及讲道更是中国近代的精英,这可说他是中国人的“Billy Graham" 唐牧师远从印尼到美国来。现在他也渐渐年长,所以这次是难能可贵的机会,切勿错过!

CEF会安排car pool在礼拜五晚参加。从GCC大约5:30离开。因座位有限,希望学校学生优先。
Sign up sheet link:



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Hope to see you all soon! 😁

CEF Newsletter| 9/26 本周六CEF查经活动


我们从小就听过“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”这句话。这说明了自然界的定律。然而圣经更这样说“你种的是什么,收的就是什么” 这是指什么样的种与收呢?当然人人都希望自己是过着大丰收的人生。但圣经所说的收成,是指生命素质,比方仁爱,喜乐,和平,忍耐,良善。。的丰收,是书灵上的收成,我们称之为“圣灵的果子”。这个礼拜六,莉莉姐会带我们做开始第一次的查经,对于圣灵的果子做一个介绍。诚恳的邀请你参加。
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欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ
以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/
时间:9月26日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:         6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:15-7:45pm Worship
                    7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Cannot wait to see all of you soon!  

CEF Newsletter| 9/18 本周五斯坦福CEF迎新活动





这次迎新,我们荣幸请到斯坦福商学院讲座教授李勉群博士,他是斯坦福大学2014Asian American Faculty winner, 商学院201220132014教书奖得主,与我们分享“Leadership in Asian Context". 
我们也提供中国美食及月饼,一同庆祝中秋.  欢迎所有的朋友都来参加!




欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:9月18日(周五) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 
活动:        6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                    7:45-9:30 pm Talk

Cannot wait to see all of you soon! 😁

本周六(8/29)特殊分享见证 | 秋令营尽快报名



首先,我们会有一个破冰游戏 (帮助大家更多彼此了解)。

之后阳春弟兄要给我们介绍他在他台湾参加短宣的经历。 几个星期以前阳春随一个短宣队去了台湾新竹中华大学传福音;星期六他将给我们分享他这几个星期的心得。 


时间:08月29日(周六) 6:15pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:     6:15-8:00pm Dinner
                   8:00-9:30pm Game and sharing


另外,我们强烈鼓励大家报名参加9月初的秋令营。 这次营会的主讲员颜新恩牧师和潘儒达牧师长期从事学生工作,如果你对基督信仰还有很多疑问,他们的信息会帮助激发你的思考。营会还有各种丰富多彩的Workshop特别欢迎大家报名参加!

学生学者:$90 (Cabin)

在职:$140 (Cabin) $240 (Lodge)

儿童(5-12$40/ (5岁以下)免费



报名链接:  https://goo.gl/uGjzuv





Hope to see you all soon!

本周六(08/15) CEF约翰福音21章查经活动 (6:15pm开始)







It was near dawn,a group of fishermen rowed their boat toward shore.  They were hungry and tired.   But most of all, they were depressed: they labored the whole night but caught nothing.  Vaguely, there seemed to be someone on the shore, who was he?  He had lit a charcoal of fire, he was calling them....

Have you ever failed in your life?  Have you ever felt that nothing you did seem to come to fruition?  Or, have you done something you felt that even you can not forgive? This Saturday, let us learn from the conversation between Peter and the risen Lord, and how that conversation changed the guilt ridden Peter to becoming the "rock"he was meant to be.

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时间:08月15日(周六) 6:15pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:        6:15-7:00pm Dinner
                   7:00-7:30pm Worship
                   7:30-9:00 pm Bible Study

Hope to see you all soon! :)

CEF Newsletter| 福音秋令营报名|本周六(08/08)没有聚会



一年一度的福音秋令营将在9/4~9/7的Labor Day weekend 举行。今年的主题是“去留之间-更美的家乡”,副主题是“超越自我-活出精彩”. 讲员分别是颜新恩牧师和潘儒达牧师。

专题讲座包括职场中的属灵操练”——李勉群教授 , “我们爱上网”——谭俊德牧师,“科学与信仰”——唐理明弟兄,“神圣的浪漫-雅歌书中的爱情奥秘”——颜新恩牧师 以及基督徒造就”——傅强弟兄 等。此外还有各种丰富多彩的Workshop特别欢迎大家报名参加!


学生学者:$90 (Cabin)

在职:$140 (Cabin) $240 (Lodge)

儿童(5-12$40/ (5岁以下)免费







缴款方式交支票或现金给炜新。 Email:chenweixin07@gmail.com




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Refund Policy: If can’t make it due to emergency, you can get full refund by referring a friend who is the same-sex with you (Due to accommodation booking), otherwise you will get 80% refund.


CEF Newsletter| 本周六(08/01)CEF约翰福音14章查经活动




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时间:08月01日(周六) 6:15pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:        6:15-7:00pm Dinner
                   7:00-7:30pm Worship
                   7:30-9:00 pm Bible Study

Hope to see you all soon!

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(07/25)CEF 查经活动




约翰福音131-7 34 耶稣为门徒洗脚



Hi! Everyone! It's the week of our Bible study again!  We look forward to seeing you again. We love to share a meal and study together with you. Brother Delong is going to lead us this week:

John 13:1-17,34 Jesus washed disciples' feet

In your opinion, who is the person that holds the highest authority in this world?  Could it be Chairman Xi, or President Obama? or... Imagine if this person comes to your dorm, or goes to your little (messy) apartment, and starts to clean the floor, and take out your garbage, how would you react?  Jesus did much lowlier service to his disciples.  This Saturday, let us learn together how Jesus humbly served them, and the lessons he wanted his disciples, and all of us, to learn from his actions.

时间:7月25日(周六) 6:15pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:        6:15-7:00pm Dinner
                   7:00-7:30pm Worship
                   7:30-9:00 pm Bible Study

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Hope to see you all soon! :)

CEF Newsletter| 本周六(07/11)CEF 查经活动



希望大家暑假都得很好!CEF又要开始聚会了,个礼拜六晚上6:30 老地方(GCC Nairobi room)老时间:6:30 开,7:15 聚会开始。
查约翰福音11 章,由周也姐妹带领,切勿错过

翰福音11 :1-44
经实在是切切与我们现今的生活相关的。你有失望过吗?曾有你想要,你要的西却得不到?什么?神忘你了?你是否自己人生经历过,或看到过别经历不能解的苦楚?迎参加个礼拜六的查经。我翰福音第11 章,耶如何应对他的好友拉撒路的病痛?他如何回答拉撒路的姐妹他的问题---你什么不早一点来帮助我?借着次的查经,也能帮助你回答你自己,或你朋友这样问题。更重要的, 你会听到耶的宣言及他的挑:复活在我,生命也在我。。你信这话吗

John 11:1-44
I wonder if you agree that the Bible is a book that is very relevant to our everyday life. If you have been disappointed, or have not gotten something you think you deserve. If you have experienced pain or suffering that came on without explanation, if you have ever asked "God, where are you? Have you forgotten me? " Come and study with us this Saturday. John chapter 11 records the event of Jesus' reactions to his good friend Lazarus' illness, and how he comforted Lazarus' sisters. Most importantly, you will hear Jesus' proclamation of Himself and His challenge to you," I am the Resurrection and the Life...do you believe this?"




迎大家来subscribe 我的 Youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我的 Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:7月11日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房

: 6:30-7:15pm Dinner
            7:15-7:45pm Worship
            7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study


Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

CEF 06/06 特别聚会|06/12 欢送毕业生活动



6/6 特聚会



学生组在6/6 号请到特别难得的讲员。他们是境界杂志的创办人刘阳及沈颖夫妇。他们在5年以前就意识到借着新媒体把福音传给年轻人,20131月借新浪和腾讯微博创办了境界” 杂志,之后又通过微信号“newjingjie"发布《境界》手机版,每天传出非常感人的文章或见证。《境界》的异象是让世界的丰富与信仰的活水相遇,从新闻、日常生活、工作、心理的挣扎的真实处境中传福音,建立基督徒媒体人的专业团队,通过社交媒体和新媒体来传播,将福音传到地极。如今《境界》微博微信平台有忠实订户十几万人,鲜果APP平台订户有67万多人,影响力覆盖到全球数百万华人,遍布五大洲,甚至北极圈都有读者。

 《境界》在facebook 的网页:https://www.facebook.com/jingjieterritory
 《境界》手机版杂志的网页效果可见:  http://www.xianguo.com/section/AE967ECDEDC9FA9F250369ECB37AE79D



刘阳简介:《境界》联合创办人、前《南风窗》杂志常务副总编辑、Purdue University访问学者、美国正道神学院道学硕士

沈颖简介 :《境界》执行主编 ;前《南方周末》资深记者、Berkeley新闻学院、Purdue University访问学者 

时间:6月6日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:      6:30-7:15pm 晚餐
                  7:15-7:45pm 敬拜
                  7:45-9:30pm 分享


Future Events

  • 6/12日(周五6:30),我们会在EV Center举办欢送毕业生活动,欢迎大家一起送上对他们的祝贺!详细信息见下周Email,敬请期待
  • 6/13-7/10 期间CEF没有活动.
  • Summer 聚会从7/11 号开始,每两周一次查经,还有其他丰富的活动,欢迎大家踊跃参加。具体信息之后会再通知。

05/30 约翰福音第九章查经







Suffering Displaying the Work of God


It is known that there’s suffering in this world. While in the suffering, not only does one have to fight against the pain in his/her body and heart, but also has to confront the gossip and contempt of those around. These aspects will likely keep one away from hope, walking in darkness without seeing a thread of light. This Saturday we will be studying John 9, a story of a man blind from birth who was healed by Jesus. It will reveal to us the work of God and lead us to see the light of God without being trapped in suffering and to live in truth and the love of God.




欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:5月30日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:      6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                 7:15-7:45pm Worship
                 7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

05/16 约翰福音第四章查经



“凡喝水的要再渴,人若喝我所的水就永不渴! 这样的水,你是否也想有呢?本周六, 将一起品主耶与撒亚妇人相遇,又是如何将她从苦痛与不幸里拉回到的国度,并得到生命的活水,在她里面直涌到永生。在主耶眼里,不分种族,不分性,不分贵贱,只要我用心灵和诚实来敬拜他,任何人都可以得到喝了就不会再渴的生命的活水。所以加入我,一起生命的活水!

"Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirty again."  Would you want this kind of water too? This Saturday, we will together study how Lord Jesus met the Samaritan woman, and how he brought her out from hurt and misery to a loving kingdom, and how he eventually gave her the living water which became in her a spring of water welling up to eternal life. In Lord's eyes, no matter what race, gender or social status that we have, as long as we worship him in spirit and truth, any of us would be able to get this living water. So join us, let us find peace and rejoice in the way of finding the living water! 


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:5月16日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:      6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                 7:15-7:45pm Worship
                 7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

05/09 约翰福音第三章查经



John 3:1-21 约翰福音3:1-21

一个人夜间来看耶稣。他穿着华丽的袍子,戴着高贵的帽子,他看起来有权有钱有势他为何要来见这位年轻的拉比, 这位让大家议论纷纷的人物?但因为这次的来访, 他听到了跨越时空惊天动地的话语:神世人,甚至将祂的独生子给他们,叫一切他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。



A man came to see Jesus late at night.  He wore rich garments and fancy head gears; he looked wealthy and powerful.  What motivated him to visit this young rabbi, this rather controversial character?  However because of this visit, he was told the greatest proclamation of the universe: For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Please come join us this Saturday to study and to understand this amazing statement which echoed from ages to ages, and it still rings afresh and true today.

欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间59日(周六) 6:30pm

地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间

活动      6:30-7:15pm Dinner

                 7:15-7:45pm Worship

                 7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

Stanford CEF

05/02 约翰福音第二章查经




Everyone must have seen some magic performances like conjuring a rabbit from a hat or a living human being from a box, but after we grew up we started to understand that those are just tricks to entertain the audience. However, in real life, Jesus has performed the miracle of changing six large jars of water into wine. How did he do it? And how is it different from the ordinary magic tricks? This Saturday, together we will study the very first miracle Jesus performed in John chapter two, and discuss the revelation it brings us in better understanding God, God’s acts and God’s relationship with us.


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间52日(周六) 6:30pm

地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间

活动      6:30-7:15pm Dinner

                 7:15-7:45pm Worship

                 7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

04/25 约翰福音第一章查经

Dear all,


In the beginning was the Word. The Word was not only God and made everything from nothing, but also became flesh and made his dwelling among us. Imagine a first-hand eyewitness who had lived with this incarnated Word for years and heard his teachings and revelations. How would he begin with his sharing of this most profound mystery with us? What would the Incarnation change our worldview through which we see everything? What does this revelation have to do with our pursuit and desire in this life? Please come and join Stanford CEF this Saturday. Brother Wei-Jing will lead us to examine the text of John 1:1-18 and search answers for these fundamental questions in life.


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:      4月25日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:      GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:      6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                 7:15-7:45pm Worship
                 7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

04/11 约翰福音overview


“很久很久以前,在一个遥远的土地上……” 如果乔治卢卡斯要拍一部关于约翰福音的电影的话,他大概会这样开始片头的字幕吧。然而,老约翰以一种超越了所有星球大战电影总和的宏大气势展开了他对耶稣生平的记载:






"A long time ago, in a land far, far away..." If George Lucas were to shoot a movie on John's Gospel, this might be what he'd choose for the opening crawl. However, John opened his account on Jesus's life with a timeless grandeur that surpassed all episodes of Star Wars combined:


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."


After Mark's Gospel, Stanford CEF will study John's Gospel for the next two quarters. While Mark focuses on Jesus's servanthood, John provides a unique perspective on Jesus's deity and his claim to be Christ and the Son of God. In the coming Saturday, we will kick off with an introduction led by brother Yangchun. Whether you are seeking, a new believer, or a mature Christian, John's Gospel will be a pillar of truth and proclamation that everyone can find informative as well as thought-provoking.

欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:       4月11日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:       GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:       6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                  7:15-7:45pm Worship
                  7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

4/4 CEF春季特别聚会: 复活节讲座:最大的奇迹  

这周在世界各地都在纪念,在庆祝“Holy Week",两千多年以前,耶稣钉死在十字架上,成就了多人的赎价。这是所以基督徒在礼拜五纪念”受难日“, 然而在礼拜天,全世界的基督徒庆祝”复活节!“因为正如耶稣所说的,祂钉死后第三天从死里复活。这就是世界上最伟大的奇迹! 

This week is called "the Holy Week."  Christians from around the world celebrate this most important Religious Holiday.  On Friday--Good Friday, we remember Jesus' death on the cross as ransom for all mankind.  But on Easter Sunday. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ just as he told us he would.
There are such great collection of evidence from witnesses and circumstances to prove that Jesus has indeed been raised from the dead.  Professor Charles Lee will present to you the evidence and the reason this event is called "the Greatest Miracle!"

We invite you to join us this Saturday!

地点:Stanford University, Graduate Community Center, Nairobi Room
Dinner at 6:30 PM, program starts at 7:15 PM

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you soon!

 03/14 马可福音第十五,十六章查经


Jesus Nailed it  耶稣大功告成!


英文的成语"Nailed it" 代表将一件事彻彻底底,无懈可击的做成了。这就是耶稣在十字架上的作为。他彻彻底底的把我们的罪,我们的羞耻钉在十字架上,使我们从罪与羞耻的牢笼中释放出来。这个礼拜六我们会查马可福音最后的两章,也会为过去这六个月查的马可福音做简短结论,并思考它在我们生命中的影响。欢迎参加!


“Nailed it" is a term that means done with completion and excellence.  What did Jesus do that make us exclaim "He nailed it?"  He nailed our sins and our shame on that cross so that we can be freed from our sins and our shame.  This Saturday, we are going to study the last two chapters of the Gospel of Mark.  We have spent the past six months studying the Gospel of Mark.  This Saturday, we are also going to make a brief summary of this book, as well as taking time for reflection on the impact of this book in our lives.


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:3月14日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:       6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                  7:15-7:45pm Worship
                  7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

本周六(03/07CEF Special talk

" The uniqueness of Christianity, and a comparison to Buddhism"

This Saturday, our honored guest and dear friend, Paul Volk (please see bio below), is going to share with us on this topic.  Paul is going to launch his talk from Acts 17, and also using his own long and winding experiences of searching for truth to share with us.


Here in his own words, about this Saturday's talk:

If there is one doctrine that captures the essence and distinction of Christianity, it is the Incarnation of God. Christianity affirms the individual life, of personality and of the need for restoration.. Christianity is the revolutionary truth of God descending into the world from heaven, from the spiritual realm, into a bodily self to restore human, to make it whole, spirit and body.  On the other hand, Buddhism is man trying to separate from the body and the self and the physical world. It is man trying to ascend up and out to freedom. 


基督教的特性,及佛教的比 (英文讲座,恕无中文翻译)

这个礼拜六,我们请到了特别讲员,也是CEF的好朋友, Mr Paul Volk 会与我们分享这个题目。Paul 会从使徒行转第17章开始,他也会分享他自己当年呕心吐血寻找真理漫长的过程,以及他如何成为基督徒。



如果可以找一个基督教最核心独特的真理,就是道成肉身”  基督教肯定个人的生命,个体的独特,而且人有被翻转的需要。基督教革命性的认知就是神从天上从属灵的领域降到人间,成了肉身,为了要挽救人类,使他得着痊愈--书灵的,及肉体的。其他宗教,比方佛教,是人试着将自我与肉身世界分开,是人试着跳入天上,得到释放




欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:3月7日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:       6:30-7:15pm Dinner
                  7:15-7:45pm Worship
                  7:45-9:30 pm Talk

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

02/28 马可福音第十四,十五章查经



相信大家对耶稣被钉十字架的画面并不陌生。十字架本是残忍的死刑工具,然而为什么两千多年来,成千上万的艺术作品都在颂扬耶稣被钉十架的场景? 一直施行神迹奇事的耶稣为什么会被钉在十字架上? 耶稣的受死只是一个遥远的历史故事吗? 这是否与我们每一个人的生命都息息相关呢? 



You are probably very familiar with the scene of Jesus being crucified. Have you ever wondered why Jesus was crucified?  Is his crucification relevant to ourselves? This Saturday, we will study the book of Mark, 14:43--15:20. You are more than welcome to join us and discover the answers to these questions.


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:2月28日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:       6:30-7:15pm 晚餐
                  7:15-7:45pm 唱诗
                  7:45-9:30 pm 查经

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

02/21 马可福音第十四章查经



《最后的晚餐》这幅壁画大家应该都很熟悉,是意大利画家达芬奇最有名的作品之一,描绘了耶稣在被捕以及受难前与门徒共享的最后一餐。随着这顿晚餐,耶稣的人生继续走向尾声并且推向高潮。这一餐当中究竟发生了什么事,以及它对人类的历史和你我的未来有着怎样至关重要的意义?这周六我们将继续查考在耶稣传道生涯的最后一周(Passion Week)所发生的另一个重要事件:最后的晚餐。我们还会看到,晚餐后耶稣带着门徒们来到了一座名叫做客西马尼的园子,向天父祷告呼求,汗如雨下,可他的门徒却不住的打盹——耶稣到底跟天父上帝做了怎样的祷告?


We are all very familiar with the famous mural painted by Italian painter Leonardo Da Vinci, The Last Supper. It depicts the very last meal Jesus shared with his disciples before he was arrested and persecuted. What happened during the last supper? What is the significance it has for the history and the future of mankind? This Saturday we will continue in our study of the last week of Jesus' life: Passion Week and an important event that took place: the Last Supper. We will also see that Jesus took some of his disciples to a garden called Gethsemane, where he cried out in great distress to his heavenly Father, while his disciples could not help falling into sleep -- what prayer did Jesus pray to God?

欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:2月21日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动: 6:30-7:15pm 晚餐
            7:15-7:45pm 唱诗
            7:45-9:30 pm 查经

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

02/07 马可福音第十二章查经

Dear all,


When Jesus was about to end his journey of evangelism in the passion week, our shooting camera now is focusing on the most significant moment in the human history—the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Tuesday all groups of people (Jesus and his disciples and followers, religious leaders, the Jewish crowds, and the governor Pilate, King Herod and his soldiers), being stakeholders, gathered in the city of Jerusalem. There were surging undercurrents witnessing the eve of an astonishing event. Let us study just before the crucifixion, how Jesus prophesied God’s plan of salvation, and how His verbal battle with well-educated religious leaders was proceeding and how He reclaimed His savior identity—the Messiah.  




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以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:2月7日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动: 6:30-7:15pm 晚餐
             7:15-7:45pm 唱诗
             7:45-9:30 pm 查经

Enjoy the rest of the week and we cannot wait to see you all soon!

01/24 马可福音第十一章查经

Dear all,


With Mark Chapter eleven, we will begin the final section in the Gospel of Mark: Passion Week- where Jesus prepared for his own suffering and death for our sins. This Saturday (1/24), let us experience the triumphal entry into Jerusalem together with Jesus - our legitimate, victorious and humble king; witness his judgment on a fruitless fig tree and the temple which is primarily a marketplace.


从马可福音第11章开始,主耶稣已经走进了在这个世界的最后一个星期,在这段时间里,他做好了为我们的罪被定十字架的准备。这周六(1/24), 让我们一起领略主耶稣以王的身份光荣的进入耶路撒冷,一起目睹主耶稣对一棵华而无实的无花果树的诅咒,以及一起经历主耶稣洁净一座变成了贼窝的圣殿。一件物品失去了它本身的作用尚且会受到审判,那我们呢?我们的人生目的是什么呢?


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:1月24日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
: 6:30-7:15pm 晚餐
             7:45-9:30 pm 查经

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

01/17 马可福音第十章查经

Dear all,

A rich young man with an impressive resume came to Jesus, eager to inherit eternal life. After several rounds of conversation, he went away sad. What happened? What turned him away? If it was this hard for a person like him to enter the kingdom of God, what about other people? What about us? What must you and I do?

Join us this Saturday to study Mark chapter 10. Let's explore the answers to these questions from the Bible together.





欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/

时间:1月17日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
: 6:30-7:15pm 晚餐
             7:45-9:30 pm 查经

Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you all soon!

01/10 马可福音第九章查经

Dear all, 

"Lord, help me overcome my unbelief!" Have you experienced hopelessness in certain aspect of your life, due to long term disappointment or defeat? Join us to learn in Mark 9 how such a father, having lost hope in curing his son, found faith and hope again.


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:0110日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动: 6:30-7:15pm Dinner 
             7:15-7:45pm Worship
             7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study


Welcome back and enjoy the first week of school! Hope to see you all soon!

12/6 马可福音第八章查经







1210日:Talk by Francis Chan (New York Times best-selling author)---"Crazy Love" 

                 12/10 7:30pm--9:30pm @ Menlo Park Presbyterian Church

                 RSVP required:  https://soulfoodcrazylove.eventbrite.com

1213日: 包饺子party,学唱圣诞歌;EV center

1223日: Hiking, 听圣诞音乐会


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:126日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动: 6:30-7:15pm Dinner 
             7:15-7:45pm Worship
             7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study


Have a great week and hope to see you all soon!

本周六(11/22CEF Special talk: An Abundant Life

Dear all,

Everyone wants to live well, to be happy.  But what does it mean to live well, and how do we find happiness in our human journey?  A large-scale survey of college freshmen recently found that self-reports of emotional well-being have fallen to their lowest level in the twenty-five-year history of the study. Why are true peace and freedom so elusive?  And how is the search for happiness related to our search for God?  Specifically, what does Jesus mean when he said: "I have come so that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10)?  


This Saturday evening at CEF, Professor Charles Lee will lead us in exploring some of these age-old questions (Charles will speak in English and Lily Jie will translate).  We sincerely hope you can join us.



我们每一个人都想要过得好,过得快乐。但是怎样算是过得好呢?我们如何在人生的道路上寻找快乐呢?近期一项在大学本科一年级学生中的大规模调查结果显示,学生们对自己生活的幸福程度的评价达到了该调查二十五年来的最低点。为什么真正的平安和自由总是那么若即若离,难以得到?而寻求快乐和寻找上帝之间有什么关系?耶稣说,"我来了,是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛", 这句话是什么意思,对我们的生活有什么启示?

本周六,CEF的辅导Charles Lee 教授会带领我们一起探讨这个经久不衰的话题——丰富的人生。我们诚挚地欢迎你来加入我们的讨论。 (李教授英文演讲,莉莉姐中文翻译)


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:1122日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动: 6:30-7:15pm Dinner 
             7:15-7:45pm Worship
             7:45-9:00 pm Special talk


Have a great week and hope to see you all soon!

Stanford CEF


Dear all,

Dear friends, have you ever wondered the purpose of marriage? Have you ever bewildered on you way to find your Mr./Mrs. Right? How do think of the different values on marriage nowadays? Join us on Saturday, November 15, as guest speaker Wen-Hau (Chris) Ku, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, will share about how bible defines marriage, how to look for life long partnership and how to build a harmonious and long lasting relationship. 



欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:1115日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动: 6:30-7:15pm Dinner 
             7:15-7:45pm Worship
             7:45-9:30 pm 讲座

Have a great week and hope to see you all soon!


Dear all,

Many of us believe that people are born good. We often establish our moral standards through comparisons against others. When our moral bottom line gets challenged, have you ever doubted what is right and what is wrong? Everyone is trying to look great and shiny from outside, but is it truly the same from inside? If there is a God who created the universe, what is holy and righteousness by his standard? This Saturday, we will be studying Mark 6:53-7:23, where Jesus will show us the nature of humankind, and reveal what is sin, and what is the origin of sin.



欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间:118日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:6:30-7:30pm Dinner

6:45- 7:30pm There will be dinner talks about how to look for a research supervisor by Nuoya and Mingjun followed with Q&A. YAY!

           7:15-7:45pm Worship
           7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study


Good luck with all the midterms and hope to see you all soon!

11/1 马可福音第六章查经

Dear all,

People invest in order to get returns. The higher the risk, the higher the potential return. You have invested a lot to pursue your life goals in a foreign country. You are also taking many risks. What returns do you expect to have? You must have heard the song - You Raise Me Up, and may be very familiar with the lyrics - “You raise me up to walk on stormy seas”. Do you know where the lyrics come from? This Saturday we will study Mark Chapter 6, where Jesus fed five thousand people with only five loaves and two fish, and walked with Peter on water. From these events, we will learn what Jesus’s followers invested, risked, and what they obtained in return.


人们常说,有付出才有收获,也常说风险越大,收获越大。你在海外的求学生活,付出了很多汗水,也承担了很多压力与风险,那么你想得到什么样的收获呢?你肯定听过 You Raise Me Up 这首歌,可能很熟悉其中一句歌词 “You raise me up to walk on stormy seas”。你知道这句歌词是从何而出么?这个周六,我们会一起查考马可福音第六章,从耶稣用五个饼加两条鱼喂饱五千人,以及耶稣与彼得走过风浪的两件事里,一起来了解耶稣的门徒是经历了怎样的风险与付出,得到了什么样的收获。


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/


时间: 111日(周六) 6:30pm
地点: GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动: 6:30-7:30pm Dinner

 6:45- 7:30pm There will be dinner talk about jobs and careers by Wei-jing and Yangchun, followed with Q&A.  It is a great opportunity to get some job hunting tips as well as to get connections, so make sure you don't  miss that! YAY!

 7:15-7:45pm Worship

 7:45-9:30 pm Bible Study

Have a great week and hope to see you all soon!

10/25 马可福音第五章查经

Dear all,


In a world where our worth is judged by ability, status, or wealth, how should we value the worth of a person? This Saturday we will study Mark Chapter 5, where Jesus demonstrated how valuable each person is in his eyes, no matter how broken their lives have become. 






欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ


以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/

时间:10月25日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
: 6:30-7:15pm 晚餐
7:45-9:30 pm 查经

Hope to see you all today!


Dear all,

Have you ever planted the seed of dream into your heart? What have you done in nurturing the tiny living organism into a fruit bearing plant? Mark 4 revealed to us the secret to harvests exceeding your wildest dreams. Welcome to join us in the Bible Study this Saturday and embrace the fruitful life.


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ

以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/

时间:10月18日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
: 6:30-7:15pm 晚餐
7:45-9:30 pm 查经

Have a wonderful week!


Dear all,

We all need friends in our life journeys. What kind of friend do you desire? What would you do for your friends? The second chapter of Mark shed lights on two stories of friendships that changed people's lives down to their core. Please join us in the Bible Study this Saturday to look at these stories and reflect on the meaning of true friendship!


欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ

以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/

时间1011日(周六) 6:30pm
地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
6:30-7:15pm 晚餐

7:45-9:30 pm

祝大家笑口常开, 一切顺利哦~

10/4 马可福音第一章查经

Dear all,

What does it mean to have a meaningful life?  a powerful life ?and a purpose driven life? 

This Saturday (10/4), we will study the first chapter of book Mark with Weijing where we will see Jesus leading an action packed life full of purpose and power. In one chapter the fast paced narrative already covers the beginning of his ministry and early miracles. As we journey through this chapter, what miracle would you hope Jesus could do for you? How would you respond to his call to walk with Him?

这学期《马可福音》的查经非常适合还不太了解基督信仰的朋友们,我们会特别讨论经文在我们生活当中的指导意义和实际应用, 前三次的查经会分别以"有目标的人生";“友谊”;“丰收的人生” 为主题。所以欢迎慕道的朋友,带着你的问题,更欢迎带着你其他的朋友来参加。不要错过本学期的第一次查经哦~

 Coming up Events: (Mark your calendar  :p)

 1118特别分享聚会:会由Stanford alumni,目前在Georgia Tech 任教的戴建岗教授来和我们探讨他是如何成为基督徒,以及基督信仰在他生命当中的意义.

21115 " life time partnership " 讲座:我们请到了有多年婚姻家庭及心理辅导经验的Chris Ku姊妹,她将给我们带来一堂 “life time parternership” 的讲座,无论是正在dating, 已经结婚,或者还在寻找另一半的朋友们都会从这次讲座中有很多收获.



 欢迎大家来subscribe 我们的 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOCkjVm5KOUsfnxW9ZujXQ

 以及加入我们的 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stanfordcef/

 时间104日(周六) 6:30pm

地点:GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
6:30-7:15pm 晚餐

7:45-9:30 pm

9/13 天歌2012 DVD观赏

从本周六开始,校园福音团契又开始聚会啦!本周六,我们将会一同观赏天歌2012 DVD的节选。 这是2012年在悉尼歌剧院举行的大型音乐见证会的实况录像,由演员孙海英、吕丽萍,迦南诗歌作者小敏,民歌手远征,流行歌手刘欣如,男高音龙涛,女高音李紫君现场,由320人的迦南圣乐团合唱,澳洲爱乐交响乐团伴奏。对基督教和音乐感兴趣的同学千万不要错过。

6:30 - 7:15pm 晚餐
7:30pm - 8:30pm 观看DVD

When:Saturday, September 13, 6:30 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, GCC Room 
  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:30 PM - 8:30PM DVD

9/6 No Activity
本周学生组休息一周, 9/13和9/20我们有户外活动。敬请留意通知。
There is no Stanford CEF activities this Saturday. We will have two outings on 9/13 and 9/20. Details to follow.

8/15 The American Dream

Each one of us has dreams about our future.  Consciously and subconsciously, we set our life's compass towards our dreams, and we charter our courses according to our dreams.
This Saturday (8/16), Professor Charles Lee will share his journey of "dream searching" of his life, and why he has become a Christian.  There will be an open forum for Q&A after the talk.  Let us use the Q&A to talk about social issues, faith questions,values, world views, or any other topics you wish.

When:Saturday, August 16, 6:30 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, GCC Room 

  • 6:00-6:45 PM Dinner 
  • 6:45-7:15 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Talk by Prof. Lee 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)


专题有专家讲实际又吸引的题目,多彩多姿!Stanford CEF 报名负责人:陈辰 cchen86@stanford.edu

Stanford CEF is taking a summer break
We will reconvene end of July with a
烧烤!介时通知!Have a great summer!

5/31 Bible Study

It has been a great joy studying the book of Ephesians.  This Saturday, we are coming to the grand finale of this book. Lily Jie will give a brief review of this profound book.  Then brother Yingjie will lead us through chapter 6.  

In chapter 6, Paul continued to teach us on two important relationships: parent-children and work.  Paul ends this chapter by instructing us on the the spiritual warfare we constantly engaged in.  We need to recognize whom we are fighting against and what defenses we have.  Indeed, we must put on the full armor of Christ! 知己知彼,百戰百勝。We hope it is going to be another applicable and uplifting Bible study.

同时, 我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session. 这次讨论的题目是"The Truth Shall Make You Free",由杨双姐妹带领。


When:Saturday, April 12, 6:30 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 

  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

5/24 Bible Study

本周六,(5/24), 我们将会一起查考以弗所书第五章,盼望各位弟兄姐妹及慕道朋友们预备时间参加。

It seems the closer the human relationship, the harder it is to keep it harmonious, especially when it comes to between husband and wife. This Saturday, we are going to learn principles and applications regarding this very important relationship from Ephesians 5.  Whether you are still seeking a life's partner, or you are married, it is worthwhile to spend the time reflecting and seeking wisdom from the Bible.  We sincerely invite you! We want to hear your perspectives, and try to bring answers to your questions.

This is a combined group of Christians and seekers.  We hope it  is going to be an exciting, informative and reflective meeting.  All is welcome!

When:Saturday, April 12, 6:30 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 

  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

5/17 Bible Study


同时, 我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee) 也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论. 这次讨论的内容是约翰福音8:12-30,由杨双姐妹带领。


When:Saturday, April 12, 6:30 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 

  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

5/10 Bible Study


同时, 我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee) 也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论. 这次讨论的内容是“罪人的拯救“,由杨双姐妹带领。


When:Saturday, April 12, 6:30 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 

  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

5/3 Bible Study

本周六(5/3),Jesse弟兄会带领我们查考以弗所书第二章,盼望各位弟兄姐妹及慕道朋友们预备时间参加。God revealed his plan that through the death and resurrection of Christ, he created a new entity, the church, which is referred to as "the body of Christ". The title of this chapter is "how God transported us from death to Life, wrath to Glory and division to Unity."

同时, 我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee) 也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论. 这次讨论的内容是“Jesus the Bread of Life?由丛林弟兄带领。


When:Saturday, April 12, 6:30 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 

  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

4/26 颜新恩牧师基督教末世论讲座

CEF邀请各位来参加本周六2月15日晚的特别讲座!题目是:基督教末世论 (Eschatology)。 难得大好机会我们请到一个绝佳的讲员来讲这个充满了神奇神秘的主题!大家绝勿错过!

我们邀请到了严新恩牧师,给我们做特别讲座。严牧师是神学学者,他的讲座精深又幽默风趣,是大家特别喜爱的讲员. 以下是严牧师对这次讲座的描述:

基督教末世论(Eschatology)是非常好的主题,但也非常复杂。因此我们把演讲分成了两次分享(2月&4月),题目是 “天国的奥秘:在已然未然之间"(Already and not yet:the mystery of the kingdom of heaven)。第一次主要讲末世的概念与“已经来临的天国”,本次主要集中在天国的未来部分。欢迎弟兄姐妹和慕道朋友,带着你的问题,更欢迎带着你其他的朋友来参加。


颜新恩牧师,浙江温州人。1989年归信基督,1995年开始全职在温州教会传道并从事音乐事工。2004年入北京大学哲学系研究生班,修读基督教与西方文化(思想史)。他在求学期间及毕业后,一直担任北京守望教会传道人,兼任《杏花》杂志编委与圣乐部主任,同时在全国各地布道、教授神学、举办基督教文化讲座、受邀参加基督教学术会议。他于2009年赴美进修圣经神学博士,期间于2010年获邀担任《中国教会》总编辑(义务),在加州各地华人教会讲道,并广泛参与Stanford, UC Santa Barbara, UC Berkeley 等大学的校园事工。现在圣芭芭拉华人播道会(Evangelical Free Church)担任牧师。

When:Saturday, April 26, 6:30 PM

Where: EV Center, 150 Comstock Cir, Stanford 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Pastor Yan's talk 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

4/19 Easter Talk


圣经-哥林多前书15:14节说到,“若基督没有复活,我们所传扬的,便是徒然,你们所信的,也是徒然。” 耶稣从死里复活的历史事实是基督徒信仰的根基;如果这个历史事件并没有发生,那信仰基督教就没有任何意义了!那么耶稣到底有没有复活?如果他真的复活了,这件历史事件的重要意义在哪里?对你的人生又意味着什么?李教授将会在他的演讲中回答这些重要问题,之后有问答时间。让我们在这个复活节一起见证历史上最大的神迹!

When:Saturday, April 19, 6:00 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 1st Floor, Havana Room 

  • 6:00-6:45 PM Dinner 
  • 6:45-7:15 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Talk by Prof. Lee 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

4/12 Bible Study


同时, 我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee) 也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论. 这次讨论的内容是“你要痊愈吗” (Do you want to get well)?由丛林弟兄带领。


When:Saturday, April 12, 6:30 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 

  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

4/5 以弗所书概论

这本书是使徒保罗在监狱里写给以弗所教会的书信,其中充满了许多对信徒日常及属灵生活的教导。本周六,CEF 的辅导, Stanford 医学院的 Dr Dana Y. Lin 会为我们讲以弗所书概论,盼望各位弟兄姐妹及慕道朋友们预备时间参加。

同时, 我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee) 也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论. 这次讨论的内容是约翰福音第四章耶稣与萨玛利亚妇人在井边的相遇,由从林弟兄带领。欢迎慕道的朋友,带着你的问题,更欢迎带着你其他的朋友来参加。

When:Saturday, April 5, 6:30 PM
Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room

  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Ephesians Overview 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

3/15 音乐诗歌分享

Have you thought about why Christians sing songs at church before a service? What are the stories behind those songs? How can some songs, written hundreds years ago, still touch and inspire peoples’ heart today? If you've ever wondered about these questions, come join us on Saturday and prepare to be inspired!

Sabrina Tso
From Taiwan, accepted and committed to be the follower of Jesus Christ in 1997. Attending Chinese For Christ Church in San Jose. 

同时,我们邀请大家参加今年的湾区春令营, 将在3/28-30的周末在Mount Hermon Camp举行. 报名详情请见网站

When:Saturday, March 15, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Sabrina sharing 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

3/8 旧约圣经人物查经--参孙(下)


参孙是最后一任,也是最富有传奇色彩的一位士师。在以色列王朝制度开始之前,士师是被上帝选中来拯救以色列人的个人,是当时最强有力的军事领袖。 参孙在众人无比的期盼中出场,却对自己的使命毫不在意;他身负超级英雄一般的神力,却抵挡不住美女的诱惑和纠缠;他生为以色列的拯救者,却死在敌人的手中。这一生,算是活的波澜壮阔。这一周,我们就继续来查考这位超级英雄的故事,省察这种造反有理的心态。

This Saturday, we will study the bible character Samson. Samson is one of the last of the Judges of the Israelites. Samson was given supernatural strength by God in order to combat his enemies and perform heroic feats such as killing a lion, slaying an entire army with only the jawbone of an ass, and destroying a pagan temple. Samson had two vulnerabilities, however: his attraction to untrustworthy women and his hair, without which he was powerless. These vulnerabilities ultimately proved fatal for him. What lessons can we learn from the miraculous life story of Samson?

同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee) 也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论这次讨论的题目是"重生”。 由刘鸽姐妹带领。


When:Saturday, March 8, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM bible study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

3/1 旧约圣经人物查经--参孙(上)


参孙是最后一任,也是最富有传奇色彩的一位士师。在以色列王朝制度开始之前,士师是被上帝选中来拯救以色列人的个人,是当时最强有力的军事领袖。 参孙在众人无比的期盼中出场,却对自己的使命毫不在意;他身负超级英雄一般的神力,却抵挡不住美女的诱惑和纠缠;他生为以色列的拯救者,却死在敌人的手中。这一生,算是活的波澜壮阔。这两周,我们就一起来查考这位超级英雄的故事,省察这种造反有理的心态。

This Saturday, we will study the bible character Samson. Samson is one of the last of the Judges of the Israelites. Samson was given supernatural strength by God in order to combat his enemies and perform heroic feats such as killing a lion, slaying an entire army with only the jawbone of an ass, and destroying a pagan temple. Samson had two vulnerabilities, however: his attraction to untrustworthy women and his hair, without which he was powerless. These vulnerabilities ultimately proved fatal for him. What lessons can we learn from the miraculous life story of Samson?

同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee) 也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论这次讨论的题目是"道成肉身”。 由刘鸽姐妹带领。


When:Saturday, March 1, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM bible study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

2/22 旧约圣经人物查经--所罗门(下)



This Saturday, we will study the Bible character King Solomon. Solomon is known in the bible as a king once great in wisdom, wealth, and power, but ultimately whose sin, including idolatry and turning away from Yahweh, leads to the kingdom's being torn in two during the reign of his son Rehoboam. What can we learn from his life experience? Christians and seekers are welcome alike.


When:Saturday, February 22, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM bible study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

2/15 颜新恩牧师基督教末世论讲座

CEF邀请各位来参加本周六2月15日晚的特别讲座!题目是:基督教末世论 (Eschatology)。 难得大好机会我们请到一个绝佳的讲员来讲这个充满了神奇神秘的主题!大家绝勿错过!

我们邀请到了严新恩牧师,给我们做特别讲座,一次是2月15 日,下一次再四月。严牧师是神学学者,他的讲座精深又幽默风趣,是大家特别喜爱的讲员. 以下是严牧师对这次讲座的描述:

基督教末世论(Eschatology)是非常好的主题,但也非常复杂。因此我们会把演讲分成两次分享(2月&4月),题目是 “天国的奥秘:在已然未然之间"(Already and not yet:the mystery of the kingdom of heaven)。第一次主要讲末世的概念与“已经来临的天国”,第二次主要集中在天国的未来部分。欢迎弟兄姐妹和慕道朋友,带着你的问题,更欢迎带着你其他的朋友来参加。


颜新恩牧师,浙江温州人。1989年归信基督,1995年开始全职在温州教会传道并从事音乐事工。2004年入北京大学哲学系研究生班,修读基督教与西方文化(思想史)。他在求学期间及毕业后,一直担任北京守望教会传道人,兼任《杏花》杂志编委与圣乐部主任,同时在全国各地布道、教授神学、举办基督教文化讲座、受邀参加基督教学术会议。他于2009年赴美进修圣经神学博士,期间于2010年获邀担任《中国教会》总编辑(义务),在加州各地华人教会讲道,并广泛参与Stanford, UC Santa Barbara, UC Berkeley 等大学的校园事工。现在圣芭芭拉华人播道会(Evangelical Free Church)担任牧师。

When:Saturday, February 15, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Pastor Yan's talk 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

2/8 旧约圣经人物查经--所罗门(上)


This Saturday, we will study the Bible character King Solomon. Solomon is known in the bible as a king once great in wisdom, wealth, and power, but ultimately whose sin, including idolatry and turning away from Yahweh, leads to the kingdom's being torn in two during the reign of his son Rehoboam. What can we learn from his life experience?

同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee) 也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论这次讨论的题目是"大宴席的比喻”。 由肖明军弟兄带领。


When:Saturday, February 8, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM bible study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

2/1 旧约圣经人物查经--罗得


This Saturday, we will continue studying Bible character : Lot, Part 2.  Last time, we learned that Lot chose for himself the fertile grounds near Jordan River, and did not consider the needs of his uncle, Abraham.  Lot did enjoy short term advantage over his uncle, but what were some "costs" he paid for his decision?  What kind of consequence this choice had on his family and on himself?  What can we learn from Lot?

同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee)也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论这次讨论的题目是"神的恩典”。 刘鸽姐妹带领。


When:Saturday, February 1, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM bible study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)


1/25 无查经安排

本周六(1/25), CEF没有查经安排,祝大家度过一个愉快的周末!

1/18 旧约圣经人物查经

本周六(1/18)开始, 我们将会查考旧约圣经中的三个著名的人物--罗得,参孙和所罗门。 虽然这几位都是远近闻名的圣经历史人物,但你可曾想过他们之间有什么共同点吗? 他们和我们可有几分相像之处?另外我们可以从他们的故事中学习到哪些宝贵的功课?


Old Testament Bible character study this quarter!  The three people we are going to study are Lot, Samson and Solomon.  Wow!  You may say, aren't they kind of infamous?  But...what do they have in common?  What do we may have in common with them and what might we learn from each of them?

We will start the studies with a "Jeopardy" style contest.  And yes, winners are going to have prices!  Why not sharpen your memories about them and come to show your knowledge and help your team win! (teams will be assigned at the fellowship meeting). After Jeopardy, our fellowship adviser Lily will lead us in the study of the first biblical character-- Lot. 

Hope you are going to join us!

同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee)也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论这次讨论的题目是"神的恩典”。 刘鸽姐妹带领。


When:Saturday, January 18, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Jeopardy and bible study 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

一月十一日特别讲座:极受欢迎Vertias Forum,(20 年前从哈佛大学开始,传偏世界校园的“校园真理对话”)讲员。
Dr.Satyan Devadoss, Williams College 数学教授,现今访问斯坦福大学。
这是一个困扰慕道友及许多基督徒的题目。 Dr Devadoss 在讲座后会有问题解答。我们竭诚邀请你来参加,问一些你对于基督教信仰的疑问,获得光亮,解答!


1/11 Talk By Dr Devodoss

CEF在2014年度的第一次聚会将是在1月11日。 Dr. Satyan Devodoss (Prof of Mathematics, William and Mary college, visiting prof at Stanford University)  会跟我们分享一个主题"旧约的神".


Next Saturday special guest speaker Dr. Satyan Devodoss (Prof of Mathematics, William and Mary college, visiting prof at Stanford University)  is going to give a talk titled "God of the Old Testament."

When:Saturday, January 11, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Dr Devodoss's Talk 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

12/13 Jesse's Talk

大家有没有猜想过耶稣在人间33年的生活是什么样的? 本周五(12/13)晚, Jesse弟兄会跟我们分享他以色列之行的所见所闻,图文并茂地描述拿撒勒人耶稣在圣地的一生。欢迎大家与我们一起学习和讨论。

时间:1213日(周五 6:30pm
地点:GCC Havana Room 
活动:  6:30-7:15pm 晚餐
              7:45-9:30 pm 
联系人: Sophia Zhang  650 766 3452

另外, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church 会在12/23和12/24举行圣诞音乐会,欢迎大家参加。
时间 December 23 at 5 pm*, 6:30 pm* 8 pm
              December 24 at 5 pm*, 6:30 pm*, 8 pm, 9:30 pm, and 11 pm
地点:950 Santa Cruz Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025

12/7 Bible Study



This Saturday CEF is going to continue our study of the book of Galatians. Our sister Sophia will lead us in studying chapter six of Galatians.

If you are new to the Christian faith and to the Bible, don't worry! We've prepared for you a video to watch, based on a touching story about a girl desiring love but could not find it until she came to know Jesus. Bring lots of questions and, even better, your friends! 

When:Saturday, December 7, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

11/23 Point Lobos/Carmel/17-Mile Drive 郊游


在感恩节来临之前,CEF邀请大家一起在11/23周六与我们一起一日游,早上我们会出发去湾区很有名气并且风景优美的Point Lobos State Nature Reserve 去hiking. Hiking之后我们为大家预备了简单的午餐一起享用。午餐过后我们出发去参观下一个景点:17 mile drive/Carmel. 郊游会在下4点钟结束,我们会在晚餐前返回Stanford.

请有兴趣郊游的同学在这里的google doc上报名,并注明是否愿意当司机. 建议每辆车的每位passenger付给司机$10包含了油费及Point Lobos和17-mile drive的门票费。


时间:11月23日 (周六)9:00am
集合地点: In front of GCC
活动:9:00-11:00am drive to Point Lobos
11:00-12:30pm hiking at Point Lobos
12:30-1:30pm lunch picnic
1:30-2:00pm  drive to next tour destination
2:00-4:00pm  tour of 17 mile drive/carmel 
4:00pm: drive back to Stanford

联系人: Sophia Zhang  650 766 3452

11/16 Bible Study


同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session. 这次讨论的题目是"What is God's Solution”? 由杨双姐妹带领。

This Saturday CEF is going to continue our study of the book of Galatians. Our sister Nuoya will lead us in studying chapter five of Galatians.

If you are new to the Christian faith and to the Bible, don't worry! We've prepared for you a group discussion session (concurrent to the bible study group) lead by our brother Will. The topic this week is, "Who Is Jesus?"  Bring lots of questions and, even better, your friends! 

When:Saturday, November 16, 6:30 PM

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

11/9 Bible Study


同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session. 这次讨论的题目是"What is God's Solution”? 由杨双姐妹带领。

This Saturday CEF is going to continue our study of the book of Galatians. Our brother Jesse will lead us in studying chapter four of Galatians.

If you are new to the Christian faith and to the Bible, don't worry! We've prepared for you a group discussion session (concurrent to the bible study group) lead by our sister Shuang. The topic this week is, "What is God's Solution?"  Bring lots of questions and, even better, your friends! 

When:Saturday, November 9, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

11/2 Talk By Elder Jack Uan

大家关注到了吗?科技日新月异是由许多的研究和突破而带来的成果, 生命是经过许多的学习与突破而成长, 从而进入更佳境界, 更能认识自己和环境, 体会到挑战与突破所带来的祝福。 人最大的突破是认识自我的有限, 体验到耶稣基督的大爱, 谦卑地邀请神到我的生命中作我的主宰, 享受神赐予的丰盛生命. 本周六(11/2)晚,基督五家的阮雄长老将与大家分享一个主题: 从自我, 认知, 心志, 价值, 和好等方面探讨生命的突破

阮雄长老出生於台湾,台大电机系毕业, 在北加州湾区从事电脑软件和 flash memory storage 设计方面的工作,是 SanDisk的原始创办人之一。退休后,阮长老现任基督之家第五家的长老,并积极的参与东南亚福音的工作,包括宣教与圣经培训

This Saturday Elder Jack Uan from Home of Christ in Cupertino will give a talk on "Breakthrough". 

Elder Jack Uan Biography: 
Jack Uan was born in Taiwan. He graduated from NTUEE and came to US, northern California. He worked in the area of EDA and I.C. designs for decades. He is one of the founder of SanDisk. He currently is an Elder of Home of Christ in Cupertino. Elder Uan is also actively involved in ministry in Southeast Asia.

When:Saturday, November 2, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Talk by Elder Hsieh 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

10/26 Talk By Elder Wen-Jai Hsieh

本周六晚 (10/26), CEF邀请到了谢文杰長老与我们分享一个主题“侍奉神,或侍奉玛门(金钱)-- 避开事业的陷阱从心开始”。

谢文杰长老出生於台湾,台大电机系毕业,在上世纪70年代末期来美,在北加州湾区从事电脑软件和集成电路芯片设计方面的工作,是Cadence Design System的原始创办人之一。上世纪90年代末退休,与远志明弟兄一起成立神州传播协会,曾参与《神州》,《十字架》等福音影视片的拍摄和製作,现在是北加州山景城基督徒会堂的长老。

This Saturday Elder Wen-Jai Hsieh from CCIC-Mountain View will give a talk on "Serving God or Money--Guard Your Heart Against Traps on Your Career Path". 

Elder Wen-Jai Hsieh Biography:
Wen-Jai  Hsieh was born in Taiwan. He graduated from NTUEE and came to US, northern California in late 1970s. He worked in the area of EDA and I.C. designs for more than 20 years. He is one of the founder of Cadence Design System. He took early retirement in late 1990s and founded China Soul for Christ Foundation with Rev. Yuan. He participated in the filming and making of China Soul’s documentaries such as China Confessionand The Cross: Jesus in China.  He currently is an Elder of CCIC-Mountain View, California.

When:Saturday, October 26, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Talk by Elder Hsieh 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

10/19 Bible Study


同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session. 这次讨论的题目是"What is God's Solution”? 由Kate姐妹带领。

This Saturday CEF is going to continue our study of the book of Galatians. Our brother Yangchun will lead us in studying chapter three of Galatians.

If you are new to the Christian faith and to the Bible, don't worry! We've prepared for you a group discussion session (concurrent to the bible study group) lead by our sister Kate. The topic this week is, "What is God's Solution?"  Bring lots of questions and, even better, your friends! 

When:Saturday, October 19, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

10/12 Bible Study


同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee)也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论. 这次讨论的题目是"Who Is Responsible”? 由Kate姐妹带领。

This Saturday CEF is going to continue our study of the book of Galatians. Our sister Lily will lead us in studying chapter two of Galatians.

If you are new to the Christian faith and to the Bible, don't worry! We've prepared for you a group discussion session (concurrent to the bible study group) lead by our sister Kate. The topic this week is, "Who Is Responsible?" Professor Charles Lee will be among you to answer any questions you might have. Bring lots of questions and, even better, your friends! 

When:Saturday, October 12, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

10/5 Bible Study


同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee)也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论. 这次讨论的题目是“What went Wrong with Human Beings”?

This Saturday CEF is going to start our study of the book of Galatians. Our brother Jesse will us in studying chapter one of Galatians.

If you are new to the Christian faith and to the Bible, don't worry! We've prepared for you a group discussion session (concurrent to the bible study group) lead by our sister Shuang. The topic this week is, "What went wrong with Human Beings?" Professor Charles Lee will be among you to answer any questions you might have. Bring lots of questions and, even better, your friends! 

When:Saturday, October 5, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

9/28  Overview of Galatians by Dr. Dana Yip Lin

本周六 (9/28)开始我们要查一卷新的书:加拉太书。这是新约圣经里使徒保罗写给加拉太基督徒的一封信,信中的教导堪称为基督徒自由宪章。本周,我们团契辅导叶医生(斯坦福医学院)会做一个全书概论,欢迎邀请朋友参加。

同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee)也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论. 这次讨论的题目是“Is Christ the Only Way”?


This Saturday CEF is going to start our study of a new book in the bible, the book of Galatians. In his letter to the churches in Galatia, Paul teaches us the true freedom that Christ instituted on the believers. Dr. Dana Yip Lin from the Stanford Medical School will give us an overview of the book of Galatians. Please join us in this week's bible study to see how the bible may help us understand the true meaning of freedom.

If you are new to the Christian faith and to the Bible, don't worry! We've prepared for you a group discussion session (concurrent to the bible study group). The topic this week is, "Is Christ the Only Way?" Professor Charles Lee will be among you to answer any questions you might have. Bring lots of questions and, even better, your friends! 

When:Saturday, September 28, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

9/20  CEF中秋迎新特别聚会

本周五晚 (9/20), CEF邀请大家来参加2013-14学年的中秋迎新特别聚会,我们为大家预备了丰富的节目,包括多种美食,有趣的游戏。活动内容精彩多多不容错过!

硅谷是许多人梦想开始的地方,相信你我都对未来有很多的期许。但我们应当如何在追求成就的同时过好我们每天的日子?在新学年开始之际,我们特别请到CEF的辅导之一,Jason Lin,跟我们分享座谈,题为“Finding Happiness in Graduate School, Lessons From An Entrepreneur." Jason目前在eBay担任Senior Manager的职位(附简历),年轻却拥有丰富的读书及工作经验,曾就读于UCLA (本科), University of Michigan(MBA), 并曾就职于普华永道,沃尔玛等世界级公司,也两次自己创业开办公司。

另外,不能错过的还有两位学长,丛林师兄和杨双学姐,也整理了他们在Grad School的丰富经验跟大家分享。丛林是斯坦福商学院第五年的优秀博士学生,马上面临求职的重任;杨双则在不久之前拿到斯坦福计算机系硕士学位后成功入职Google成为了一名软件工程师。欢迎大家带着问题来到我们当中,相信他们的宝贵经历会对你我都有所启发。

时间:    09月20日(周五) 6:30pm
地点:    GCC二楼 Nairobi 房间
活动:   6:30-7:15 pm 晚餐

             7:15-8:00 pm 唱诗游戏时间
             8:00-9:30 pm 分享(Jason Lin, Will Cong, Shuang Yang)
Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

9/14  Talk from Prof. Charles M.C. Lee





Have you ever read the fairy tale where the princess is carried away by her prince? Have you dreamed of being that princess or that prince? Have those dreams been washed away by the daily grind of real life?

Does the Bible really teach us anything about becoming a "princess?" and about becoming the "prince?" The answer is "YES!" According to God's standard.

Sisters: What kind of person should you become in order to attract the noble prince?
Brothers: What should you be looking for in a true "princess?" And having found her, how should you behave?

This Saturday, Professor Charles Lee will speak on "A Match Made in Heaven", based on the touching love story between Ruth and Boaz from the Bible. Don't miss this special presentation!

When:Saturday, Sep 14, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Talk from Prof. Charles Lee 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

9/7 No Gathering
CEF has no gathering this Saturday. Wish everyone a wonderful weekend! We will resume bible study on 9/14.

时间:8/30 - 9/2 Labor Day Weekend
地点:U.C. Davis Campus
海报 (请点击查看原图):

8/24  Video & Discussion


This Saturday night, CEF cordially invites you to join us in watching documentary series "The Legend." We will watch selected episodes from the series and have discussions afterward. Look forward to a wonderful time of sharing and fellowship together!

When:Saturday, Aug 24, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

8/17 Talk from CEF members

这个周六,我们很高兴能听到我们团契的两名成员这个夏天宣教的分享和见证。Kate姐妹七月份远赴乌克兰,在基辅与众弟兄姊妹带领当地的学生和商人举办福音营会,有非常美好的见证。Jonathan(周乃生)弟兄也参与了Menlo Park长老会组织的去洛杉矶的短宣。他与其他弟兄姊妹带领教会的二十多名中学生给洛杉矶的流浪汉传福音,服侍他们,经历了神丰富的恩典。

同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.这周的讨论题目是:为什么世界上有邪恶李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee)会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论.

When:Saturday, Aug 17, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

8/3 Talk
James and Cheryl Yi will come to our fellowship to share their mission experiences. We welcome everyone to join this talk.
  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Talk

7/27 BBQ
时间:7月27日 星期六
地点:Studio 5 & 6 lounge in Escondido Village (45 Olmsted Rd)

7/20 Bible Study
这个礼拜六,我们有特别讲员, Chris and Emily Peng 夫妇将给我们带来他们的见证和分享.
Chris牧師與Emily同為海外基督使團宣教士。Chris是美國密西根大學電腦工程學士,工業工程碩士,哥倫比亞神學院道學碩士。曾任電腦工程師,英語傳道。Emily是美國密西根大學工業工程博士,富樂神學院跨文化領袖發展研究碩士。曾任工程師,大學教師,教會師母。Chris和Emily對福音未得之民有很深的負擔,曾在東亞少數民族中宣教,後參與臺北服務業教會開拓。育有 一對兒女

This Saturday we have guest speakerS: Chris and Emily Peng.  They will share with us their testimony in GCC.
Chris and Emily are both OMF (Oversea Missions Fellowship) missionaries. Chris received a Bachelor of Computer Engineering and a Master of Industrial Engineering from the University of Michigan. He also went to the Columbia Theological Seminary, and received a M.Div. degree.  Formerly, he worked as a computer engineer and as a pastor. Emily Peng received a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Michigan. She also received a Master's in Intercultural leadership Development from Fuller Seminary. Formerly, she worked as an engineer, an university teacher and ministered in a church with Chris. Both Chris and Emily have great passions to reach the unreached peoples. They have a strong burden for the Chinese ethnic minorities, and had been missionaries in East Asia. They are now church planters in Taiwan. Chris and Emily have a son and a daughter.

When:Saturday, July 20, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

7/6 Bible Study

这个礼拜六,我们有一个特别讲员, Paul Volk。他是“你是什么意思?”一本解经学书的作者。他的讲题是“律法的三个工作” Mr.Volk是一位极佳的讲员。他曾是哲学教授。现在与妻子Adrienne一起在Minnesota州服事国际学生。欢迎参加。

This Saturday we have a guest speaker: Paul Volk.  He is the author of a book "What do you mean by that--A brief guide to interpreting Scripture".  He will be speaking on "the three works of the law," that is, the three necessary things that the law works in us.  It's from Ps.119 with some Galatians (the tutor that leads us to Christ) intertwined.  Mr.Volk was a professor in Philosophy.  He and his wife, Adrienne, are now serving international students in Minnesota.

6/22 Bible Study

这个周六,Professor Charles Lee 以及莉莉姐会带我们查考"你与你的父母"。小时候,听话就是孝敬父母,而今你长大了,是个成年人了,你与你父母的关系如何?现在,”孝敬“父母的定义是什么?如果你已经是基督徒,而父母还不是基督徒,如果你们的意见相左,你该如何照着圣经来回应呢?本周,我们会从耶稣及诺亚的例子来看这个问题。欢迎参加!

This week, Professor Charles Lee and Lily Jie will be leading us on a Bible study of the topic "You and your parents." When you were young, honoring parents may just mean obeying them. Now that you are an adult, does the definition of "honoring" change? If you are a Christian but your parents are not yet Christians, what are the Biblical guidelines in facing potential conflicts? This Saturday, we are going to use examples from Jesus' life and Noah's life to study and discuss this topic. All is welcome to join!

When:Saturday, June 22, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room 


  • 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner 
  • 7:15-7:45 PM Worship 
  • 7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion 

Contact: Sophia Zhang (650 766 3452)

6/15 Bible Study


同时我们也特别为我们的新朋友和慕道友们准备了"What is Christianity" discussion session.杨双姐妹这周会带领我们的新朋友们讨论: Is God Really There?.李勉群教授(Prof. Charles Lee)也会进行辅导,跟我们的新朋友们一起讨论.


This Saturday CEF is going to continue our study of the book of Proverbs. The topic this time is "friendship", lead by brother Mingjun. Friendship is such an integral and important part of our lives. We've all tasted the sweetness of a great friendship, or maybe we've been hurt by a friend before. What kind of friendships are you looking for? What is your motivation for befriending someone? Please join us in this week's bible study to see how the bible may help us understand the true meaning of friendship.

If you are new to the Christian faith and to the Bible, don't worry! We've prepared for you a group discussion session (concurrent to the bible study group) lead by our sister Shuang. The topic this week is, "Is God Really There?" Professor Charles Lee will be among you to answer any questions you might have. Bring lots of questions and, even better, your friends! 

When:Saturday, June 15, 6:30 PM 

Where: The Graduate Community Center, 2nd Floor, Nairobi Room

Schedule: 6:30-7:15 PM Dinner

                    7:15-7:45 PM Worship

                    7:45-9:30 PM Bible Study and Discussion

Contact: Sophia Zhang 650 766 3452

June Schedule
We will have Bible study on 6/1 Saturday, 6/15 Saturdayand 6/22 Saturday.
We will study the Book of Proverbs.

* Note. Professor Charles M. Lee's talk on 6/1 is canceled.  

2013 Summer Schedule
For the summer starting the month of June till end of August, we are going to have fellowship meetings on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Saturdays.  We are going to take the 2nd Saturday and 5th Saturday off. (for the 5th Saturday, it only applies to June 29th since the 5th Saturday in August is Fall Camp).

Activity Calendar