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Advertise in Stanford Report

Welcome to the Stanford Report self-service advertising system, which allows campus units to promote their campus-related programs and activities while supporting the university's sustainability mission. The new system allows users to view which ad spaces are available for particular publication dates and to upload image files, appropriate urls and their PTA numbers for payment on their own.

Who can buy a display advertisement?

Advertising is restricted to Stanford University schools, departments and related programs. In other words, we can’t accept advertisements from outside the university. Generally speaking, if you can provide a PTA, we can accommodate you. Display ads are generally run on a first-come, first-served basis. Occasionally, however, an advertisement reflecting a university priority may pre-empt other advertisements. And while we will do our best to accommodate your placement preferences, University Communications reserves the right to determine each ad's final placement.

What are the costs?

The cost of ads is $50 each.

What are the advertising options?

All ads in Stanford Report are the same size: 250 x 250. When viewed on a desktop, ads appear in the lower left-hand and lower right-hand columns. When viewing Stanford Report on a mobile phone, ads may appear in one column, with those that appeared in the right-hand column on the desktop appearing below all content that appeared in the left-hand column. About half of Stanford Report subscribers read the publication on a mobile device.

What are the quality requirements?

We can only accept a JPEG formatted image.

To maximize your ad's visual quality, please use the "Very High" quality setting in Photoshop when saving your JPEG file.

We cannot accept blurry images, or images in which the text is too small to be easily read. We recommend using as little text as possible, and removing any unnecessary letterheads or logos. For example, you do not need to include the Stanford University or your department’s logo. Readers of Stanford Report know that the ads are affiliated.

*Animated Gifs*

We allow for some limited animation, but in order to keep file sizes down, and in order to be sensitive to our readers, we have some constraints.

  • File Size Should be no larger than 1.5MB
  • Frame rate should be 2.5s or longer. We find images that loop faster than 2.5 seconds to be distracting and difficult to read.

Stanford Report reserves the right to reject any ads that fail to meet quality standards and to return payment to advertisers.

When should I submit my ad?

The Image and the url that it will link to must be received by the Stanford Report staff at least two working days in advance of the publication date. You should use the date on which your ad is scheduled and the name of your department in naming the jpg file. In other words, if your ad is scheduled to run on the 23rd of the month, and your ad is about cafes, then name the ad this way: 23_cafe.jpg. Please don't name the ad "SR ad."

The url that the artwork links to must be working by the deadline.

How often does Stanford Report come out and who receives it?

Stanford Report is emailed every workday morning (except for university holidays).

Total circulation for Stanford Report is more than 27,000, which includes more than 17,800 email addresses  – primarily faculty, staff, faculty emeriti and postdocs, who automatically receive the email. The balance includes neighbors, parents, alumni, media and subscribers from peer institutions.

Is there a way to measure the results of the ad?

Yes. We can tell advertisers how many people open each issue of Stanford Report and also how many people click on each ad. The most successful ads in terms of click rates are generally those that offer an incentive to readers.

How do I pay?

We will accept your departmental PTA.

How do I use this system to order ad(s)?

  • Login using the "Log in with your SUNet ID" link on the left of this page. If you are a first-time user, please start by completing your profile .
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to select the date you would like to purchase an ad and view available ad slots.
  • You can upload your ad image at the time you make the reservation if it is ready, or you can return to upload your image later.
  • All ad requests you make will be listed under "My Ad Reservations."
  • Ads are not confirmed until approved by the Stanford Report editorial staff. You will receive email confirmation when ads are approved.

Whom do I contact for assistance and more information?

Contact Michelle Carvalho:, (650) 723-2558.