Principal Investigator
Sindy K.Y. Tang, Ph.D.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University


We are a group of experimentalists dedicated to solving problems at the interface of engineering, soft matter, and biology! The tool we use is microfluidics. Applications of our work include biochemical sensing and diagnostics, water and energy sustainability.

Open Position. We are seeking a joint NIST-Stanford postdoctoral fellow to help develop millimeter-scale cryofluidic systems for working with and handling functional biomaterials (i.e., cells, cultures, environmental samples). Ideal candidate should be able to work independently, and also with a diverse team of scientists, engineers, and designers to rapidly prototype and iterate on the design and testing of integrated systems (i.e., build a 'box', test a 'box', debug and repeat). Expertise and prior experience in working with fluids in low temperature systems (e.g.,-80C) and interfacing low temperature fluidic systems to other mechanical and electronic systems strongly desired. US citizenship required.

Please contact Sindy Tang (Mechanical Engineering, and Drew Endy (Bioengineering, if available and interested along with 1) your CV, 2) a statement describing why you are interested and qualified for the position, and 3) a list of names and contact information of references.

More info can be found here.

We acknowledge support from the following sponsors:


Sindy gave a lecture on The Unofficial Hitchhiker’s Guide to Cellular Engineering at CCC summer course!

Great video capturing our single-cell wound repair work featuring Luke and Seth!

Congrats to Fengjiao for a successful PhD defense!

Congrats to Jian Wei for having his paper on using machine learning to discover shape descriptors for predicting droplet breakup accepted to Soft Matter!

Jian Wei and Alison represented the group at APS DFD 2018 at Atlanta!

We had a great time talking and demo'ing science at the Bay Area Science Festival at AT&T Park!

A commercial product based on our nanoparticle technology is now available! Contact us for details!

Our lab is part of the newly awarded $24 mil NSF Science and Technology Center for Cellular Construction! Our project is to develop a "Living Bioreactor"!

© 2020 Tang Group @ Stanford University. All rights reserved.