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About IRSR

This site, currently under development, will be home to Investment Responsibility Stakeholder Relations (IRSR) and the Advisory Panel on Investment Responsibility and Licensing (APIRL).

Input from the campus community has long been part of Stanford's approach to considering questions relating to the responsible investment of the university's endowment. To improve the responsiveness of the process, Investment Responsibility Stakeholder Relations, reporting to the President's Office, has been created to serve as a single point of contact for the campus community and a liaison to university leadership on investment responsibility issues.

IRSR is staffed by a director who fields requests for review of investment responsibility issues, coordinates with campus constituencies, serves as a liaison to the Board of Trustees, and works with the campus Advisory Panel on Investment Responsibility and Licensing. The advisory panel of students, faculty, staff and alumni will review requests for review that are submitted to IRSR and that meet parameters for review outlined in Stanford's Statement on Investment Responsibility.

Stanford hired the IRSR director, Alison Colwell, in January 2016. Please email Alison with any questions, feedback, or to submit a request for review.


News and updates from IRSR:

Seeking dialogue on investment responsibility

February 8, 2016

Alison Colwell, who recently joined Stanford to lead the new Investment Responsibility Stakeholder Relations program, brings global experience and a passion for bringing people together.

New investment responsibility structure aims for clarity, responsiveness

September 29, 2015

Stanford announces a new structure for investment responsibility, including creation of the Investment Responsibility Stakeholder Relations program and the continuation of a campus advisory panel providing input on investment responsibility issues.