Studying Abroad in the Summer?

Yes, you can study abroad in the summer! As of 2014-2015, both Santiago and Cape Town offer a full summer quarter. In addition, BOSP also offers Overseas Seminars and the Community Health progam in Oaxaca.

Why might you consider doing a quarter abroad in the summer?

Especially Useful For...

Student-athletes may want to look at summer quarter abroad, since it is less likely to interfere with competition schedules. Consult an AARC advisor to discuss whether you can integrate training with time abroad, and the possiblities for athletic aid. Melissa Schellberg in the AARC has been investigating these questions and any athlete should feel free to contact her.

Engineering students in majors with tight course sequences and advanced courses that are only offered once per year may also find summer an attractive time to go abroad. The School of Engineering offers more advice.

For freshmen, study abroad can be an excellent way to spend this first summer. Studying abroad early can also create connections that become the foundation for later work--for instance, many Cape Town students have built on their experience with community partners to develop independent research or honors projects.

Co-terms and seniors are eligible to go abroad in the summer as long as they do not confer their undergraduate degrees. Graduating seniors can still participate in graduation activities but would receive their diploma during the next graduation quarter.


If financial concerns are the only thing stopping you from applying, please consult a BOSP advisor and/or a staff member from the Financial Aid office.  Studying abroad in the summer does have the same cost, and does count as one of your twelve quarters for financial aid, but be sure to speak with BOSP and Financial Aid to ensure that you are making decisions based on good information. In addition, be aware that “trading” a summer for another quarter later can open up new opportunities:

  • taking leave in an autumn quarter might enable you to do a six-month internship where you take on greater responsibilities and build more skills than a summer can allow.
  • taking leave in a spring quarter might let you participate in a program that normally begins before Stanford finishes the school year in mid-June.

See Also