Breaking: Muslim Convert Ex-Con Arrested For Supporting ISIS, Planning New Year’s Eve Machete Attack On NY Restaurant…

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He reportedly also has domestic violence offense pending.

Via Daily Mail:

A man has been arrested for allegedly supporting ISIS and planning an attack on New Year’s Eve.

Emanuel Lutchman, 25, a Muslim convert with mental health problems who is a former convict was picked up by authorities after they learned he was preparing a machete attack on diners at a local restaurant or bar in Rochester, New York.

Federal prosecutors claim Lutchman had been in contact with a member of the terrorist organization in Syria who urged him to kill non-Muslims.

He has now been charged with with attempting to provide material support to ISIL, which is publishable by up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

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Trump Mocks Obama Hurrying Off To See ‘Star Wars’ In Midst Of Terror Threats

We need a real President!

A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on

Whoever does Trumps ads does a terrific job.

HT: Young Cons

Just Exactly What Did Hillary Achieve In The Senate?

Hillary Clinton Speaks At The University Of Miami

Life changing work!

Via Daily Caller:

During her eight years in the U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton sponsored just three bills that eventually became law.

Clinton served as the junior senator from New York from January 2001 to January 2009, during George W. Bush’s presidency. The three pieces of legislation that became law named a highway, renamed a post office and designated a historic site.

The first piece of legislation S.3145, designated a portion of U.S. Route 20A, located in Orchard Park, N.Y., as the “Timothy J. Russert Highway,” after the former “Meet the Press” host.

The second piece of legislation S. 3613, renamed the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2951 New York Highway 43 in Averill Park, New York, as the “Major George Quamo Post Office Building.”

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Libs Complain TV Abortions Are Whiter Than Reality…


Or something.

Via Newsbusters:

Since when does TV closely align with reality? Pretty rarely. However, whenever there’s an agenda to be achieved by doing so, you can expect liberals to chime in.

Recently, NPR reported results from a University of California study that revealed TV portrayals of women who have abortions make them whiter, younger, wealthier and less likely to already have children than true statistics reflect.

According to research sociologist Gretchen Sisson, “very few people have a context for the reality of abortion care, so these fictional stories that happen on-screen can have greater power to influence perceptions of what that care looks like in real life.”

A Huffington Post article weighed in on the same study. “Abortion on the small (and big) screen helps to push the conversation forward, normalize a still very taboo topic, and de-stigmatize abortions and the women who have them.” Aha! So there’s the agenda.

The misrepresentative factors on TV work “to build an interesting social myth,” Sisson continued. The top on-screen reasons for abortion “contribute to the construction of abortion as a self-focused decision, and to the belief that abortions are ‘wanted’ because of personal desires rather than ‘needed’ because of circumstances such as poverty.” Even if you acknowledge the rare cases of a mother’s life being jeopardy, abortions would be rarely “needed.” There’s a great solution for impoverished mothers who can’t support their babies – adoption. Maybe Sisson hasn’t heard of it.

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Executive Action Gun Control Will Force Background Checks On Private Sellers

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The only positive is any executive action can be undone by a subsequent president.

Via Breitbart:

Politico reports that President Obama’s upcoming executive gun control will force a number of private gun sellers to get their Federal Firearms License (FFL) and perform background checks on every gun sold.

This is will not do away with the nonexistent “gun show loophole,” but it will further limit Americans’ freedom to sell guns to their neighbors or family members without a background check–which is ultimately what Democrats want to accomplish anyway.

According to Politico, “Obama will tighten the definition of what it means to be ‘engaged in the business’ of firearms sales.” Currently, those who sell firearms with the “principal objective of livelihood and profit” must have an FFL. Those selling as hobby or those who sell occasionally from a private collection do not. Obama plans to change the language so that those who sell as a hobby will be placed under the same heading as those who sell for a living.

Breitbart News previously reported that Micheal Bloomberg met with Obama in mid-December to discuss using an executive action to bypass Congress and secure this gun control expansion.

Obama is also expected to add new requirements to the numerous ones already in place for FFLs by “[imposing] tighter rules for reporting guns that get lost or stolen on their way to a buyer.”

Neither of these executive gun controls would have prevented even one of high profile shootings from the last decade, but both will succeed in placing a further burden on the exercise of the 2nd Amendment.

Planned Parenthood Warns “Extremists” Not To “Go Out On A Limb”…

You know, like the baby limbs PP sells.

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Black MSNBC Guest: Bill Cosby Would Have More Support If He Backed Black Lives Matter….

He’s a serial rapist. End of story.

Shaun King “Appalled” LeBron James Would Comment On Tamir Rice Case…


Spare us the faux outrage.


In the 1960s, Malcolm X was regularly frustrated when people expected black athletes and entertainers to be effective spokesmen on civil rights issues. Back then, and now, it often leads to a whole lot of disappointment. Once in a blue moon the earth gives us a Harry Belafonte or Muhammad Ali, but they are the ultra rare exceptions to the rule.

LeBron James is one of my favorite athletes. The dude has a work ethic on and off the court that is unmatched. His character as a husband and father are unquestioned and he appears to be an incredibly altruistic and generous man. Sadly, with his recent comments on the death of Tamir Rice and the lack of charges for the officers who killed him, LeBron James has proven that he is not an exception to the rule.

As a fan, I am sincerely surprised and highly disappointed in what LeBron said (and didn’t say) about the case.

Speaking after a recent game, when asked about Tamir’s death, LeBron said, “For me, I’ve always been a guy who’s took pride in knowledge of every situation that I’ve ever spoke on. And to be honest, I haven’t really been on top of this issue. So it’s hard for me to comment. I understand that any lives that [are] lost, what we want more than anything is prayer and the best for the family, for anyone. But for me to comment on the situation, I don’t have enough knowledge about it.”


LeBron is a father to two young sons close to Tamir’s age. The shooting death and subsequent decision not to prosecute the officers is the most covered news story of police violence in Cleveland’s history. It has absolutely gripped the nation, but somehow, most of us know about this case and LeBron doesn’t.

Listen, I know LeBron isn’t Muhammad Ali and I definitely knew he isn’t Malcolm X, but for him to basically say he can’t even comment on this case because he simply doesn’t know enough about it is appalling.

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Annual New Year’s Speech To Have Arabic Subtitles…


Oh boy.

Via Breitbart:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s usual New Year speech will be available with Arabic subtitles this year, in the surest sign yet that Germany is bending to the hordes of migrants that have settled there, rather than requiring them to learn the native language.

The announcement was made by the state television broadcaster, ZDF, which has already made available a video message from the German President, Joachim Gauck, with Arabic subtitle.

The speech, which is usually between six and seven minutes long, traditionally includes a roundup of the year gone by, and a message from the German leader about the prospects for the year ahead. It tends to be overtly political, and a way for the Chancellor to hammer home her side of the story on the years’ events.

This year will no doubt centre around the migrant crisis, which has served as the catalyst for a slump in Mrs. Merkel’s party approval ratings, as well the rise of the PEGIDA movement and the Alternative fur Deutschland party.

The ZDF has even set up a dedicated Arabic subdomain on its website:, as well as a mobile site called “ZDFarabic”.

The Arabic subtitles are not set to be broadcast on television, but online only, and the Middle Eastern language joins English as the only language the speeches were previously subtitled into.

Newsweek Touts Campaign To Whitewash “True Islam”…

Yeah, not buying it.

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George Soros Blames Donald Trump And Ted Cruz For Islamic Terrorism…

The Horned-One penned this absurd op-ed for the Guardian:

… The jihadi terrorists’ ultimate goal is to convince Muslim youth worldwide that there is no alternative to terrorism. And terrorist attacks are the way to achieve that goal, because the fear of death will awaken and magnify the latent anti-Muslim sentiments in Europe and America, inducing the non-Muslim population to treat all Muslims as potential attackers.

And that is exactly what is happening. The hysterical anti-Muslim reaction to terrorism is generating fear and resentment among Muslims living in Europe and America. The older generation reacts with fear, the younger one with resentment; the result is a breeding ground for potential terrorists. This is a mutually reinforcing, reflexive process.

How can it be stopped and reversed? Abandoning the values and principles underlying open societies and giving in to an anti-Muslim impulse dictated by fear certainly is not the answer, though it may be difficult to resist the temptation. I experienced this personally when I watched the last Republican presidential debate; I could stop myself only by remembering that it must be irrational to follow the wishes of your enemies. […]

Consider the Syrian conflict, which is the root cause of the migration problem that is posing an existential threat to the European Union as we know it. If it was resolved, the world would be in better shape. It is important to recognise that Isis is operating from a position of weakness. While it is spreading fear in the world, its hold on its home ground is weakening. The United Nations security council has unanimously adopted a resolution against it, and the leaders of Isis are aware that their days in Iraq and Syria are numbered.

Of course, the outlook for Syria remains highly uncertain, and the conflict there cannot be understood or tackled in isolation. But one idea shines through crystal clear: it is an egregious mistake to do what the terrorists want us to do. That is why, as 2016 gets underway, we must reaffirm our commitment to the principles of open society and resist the siren song of the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, however hard that may be.

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Pic Of The Day: Badass Obama Bench Presses A Baby…

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CAIR Goes Silent After Muslim Man Arrested For Torching Houston Mosque In Latest Hate Crime Hoax…

They had their hopes up but CAIR has stayed silent about the crime since it was revealed to be a hoax.

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Bild, Biggest Paper In Germany: Government Has Ordered Cover-Up Of Migrant Crime, Taken In 1.1 Million Migrants…

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Societal suicide, courtesy, Angela Merkel…

Via Daily Mail:

German officials have ordered a cover-up of crimes committed by migrants to prevent causing alarm, a local newspaper has claimed.

Asylum seekers are being recruited across the country as cheap drug dealers as well as petty thieves, says German newspaper, Bild – the biggest daily paper in the country.

The paper accused the police of covering up the extent of migrant crimes in order to stop concerns among the general population.

It also claimed asylum seekers were prepared to work for a few euros couriering drugs across the country and said they were being signed up almost as soon as they had registered as asylum seekers.

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Bill Clinton Got Paid More Than $8 Million For Speeches For Companies, Groups That Had Matters Before State Dept…

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Speaking of the appearance of impropriety…

Via WSJ:

At Hillary Clinton’s confirmation hearing for secretary of state, she promised she would take “extraordinary steps…to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest.”

Later, more than two dozen companies and groups and one foreign government paid former President Bill Clinton a total of more than $8 million to give speeches around the time they also had matters before Mrs. Clinton’s State Department, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.

Fifteen of them also donated a total of between $5 million and $15 million to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, the family’s charity, according to foundation disclosures.

In several instances, State Department actions benefited those that paid Mr. Clinton.

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How Rubio May Have Helped His Ex-Con Brother-In-Law Get A Real Estate License

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Nowhere near the level of perfidy of the Clintons and nothing illegal about interceding on the brother-in-law’s behalf. But there is the appearance of throwing his weight around.

Via WaPo:

When Marco Rubio was majority whip of the Florida House of Representatives, he used his official position to urge state regulators to grant a real estate license to his brother-in-law, a convicted cocaine trafficker who had been released from prison 20 months earlier, according to records obtained by The Washington Post.

In July 2002, Rubio sent a letter on his official statehouse stationery to the Florida Division of Real Estate, recommending Orlando Cicilia “for licensure without reservation.” The letter, obtained by The Washington Post under the Florida Public Records Act, offers a glimpse of Rubio using his growing political power to assist his troubled brother-in-law and provides new insight into how the young lawmaker intertwined his personal and political lives.

Rubio did not disclose in the letter that Cicilia was married to his sister, Barbara, or that the former cocaine dealer was living at the time in the same West Miami home as Rubio’s parents. He wrote that he had known Cicilia “for over 25 years,” without elaborating.

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House Intel Committee To Look Into Obama Regime Spying On Congress Over Iran Deal

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Update to this story. Any chance that anything will be done? Well, that depends on how much intel has been gathered against members of the committee…

Via Politico:

A House panel on Wednesday announced it is seeking information from the Obama administration on U.S. intelligence collection that may have swept up members of Congress.

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence’s announcement comes after a Wall Street Journal report that the U.S. collected information on private exchanges between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and members of Congress during ongoing negotiations for a nuclear deal with Iran.

“The House Intelligence Committee is looking into allegations in the Wall Street Journal regarding possible Intelligence Community (IC) collection of communications between Israeli government officials and members of Congress,” Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said in a statement. “The Committee has requested additional information from the IC to determine which, if any, of these allegations are true, and whether the IC followed all applicable laws, rules, and procedures.”

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Pakistanis With Ties To Terrorism Caught Crossing U.S Border…


But Hillary will continue to say it’s not happening.

Via Washington Times:

The Border Patrol nabbed two Pakistani men with ties to terrorism at the U.S.-Mexico border in September in the latest instance of illegal immigrants from so-called “special interest countries” using the southern border as a point of entry to the U.S.

Muhammad Azeem and Mukhtar Ahmad, both in their 20s and from Gujrat, were caught Sept. 20 by agents south of San Diego and just over the international border from Tijuana. When agents checked their identities through databases they got hits on both of them: Mr. Ahmad popped up as an associate of a known or suspected terrorist, while Mr. Azeem’s information had been shared by a foreign government for intelligence purposes.

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Affluenza Teen Wins Temporary Stay Against Deportation Back To U.S.-Update:Mother Deported Back To U.S.

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Hope he stays in Mexican custody, otherwise he’ll be off to somewhere there is no extradition.

Via Daily Mail:

Affluenza teen Ethan Couch has won a temporary stay against his deportation back to the United States, according to officials.

The controversial decision comes after the killer drink-driver and his mother Tonya filed papers to fight their extradition from Mexico, meaning it could be months before they face a judge in Texas.

The 18-year-old killer and his mom were taken into Mexican custody on Monday, two hours after they were caught on surveillance camera looking relaxed in their short-lived life on the run.

Police in Texas were trying to get them into court as early as Wednesday, but the U.S. Marshals have revealed their attorney has filed an ‘AMPARO’ writ of habeas corpus.

The pair were spotted buying food at a butchers in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, the popular resort town where they were trying to hide.

Couch strolled into the store with his cap on backwards before speaking to one of the clerks. He even cheerily waved to staff as he left.

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The son may have won a temporary stay but the mother had no such stay. Both entered Mexico illegally, so Mexico kicked her out. Imagine that, deporting an illegal alien! He wouldn’t have Mommy to rely on now.

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO: Mexican authorities on Wednesday deported a US woman accused of helping her fugitive teenage son flee despite his probation in a notorious and deadly drunk-driving case.

While Tonya Couch was sent on a plane to the United States, her 18-year-old son Ethan remained in custody at a National Migration Institute facility, an official from that agency told AFP.

“She’s gone. She was headed to Los Angeles,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The source did not have more details about the mother’s flight to California.

Earlier, Ethan Couch’s attorneys filed a petition in court to block his deportation process for 72 hours, but no such legal maneuver appears to have been made for his mother, who faces a US arrest warrant on charges of “hindering an apprehension.”

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Obama Regime Cooking Up New Sanctions Against Iran Over Missile Tests…


Utter lunacy, they shot a missile 1500 yards from one of our ships, and this is the response?

Via WSJ:

The Obama administration is preparing to impose its first financial sanctions on Iran since it forged a landmark nuclear agreement in July, presenting a major test for whether Tehran will stay committed to the deal.

The planned action by the Treasury Department, U.S. officials told The Wall Street Journal, is directed at nearly a dozen companies and individuals in Iran, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates for their alleged role in developing Iran’s ballistic-missile program.

Iranian officials have warned the White House in recent months that any such financial penalties would be viewed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as a violation of the nuclear accord.

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