Posts by dreis

Posts by dreis


Topic: By Faculty

Posted on:
Dec 16, 2010
Written by:

Imaging nonequilibrium phonons


Phonons are ubiquitous in condensed matter, but detecting them can be difficult—especially with the momentum and time resolution necessary to follow their dynamics on the fundamental time and length scales of electron-phonon and phonon-phonon interactions. In a new paper published this week in Physical Review B,  physicists from the Stanford PULSE Institute report on first [...]

Topic: By Faculty

Posted on:
Dec 10, 2010
Written by:

Intense laser-matter interactions results in high-order harmonic generation in solids

Image: Greg Stewart/SLAC

Harmonic generation (HHG) is a general feature of driven nonlinear systems and is well known to occur for strong field laser interactions with atomic systems. This is the basis for producing attosecond pulses in the VUV. The mechanism is well understood in terms of a simple three step model consisting of strong-field ionization, acceleration of [...]