Cardinal Quarter Connections

Thank you for your interest in posting an internship opportunity for Stanford students to consider as part of Stanford University’s Cardinal Quarter. Cardinal Quarter provides support for student to pursue fulltime (35 hours per week) quarter long (at least 9 consecutive weeks) service experiences. Students are awarded stipends to cover living, transportation, and summer earnings expenses (the amount varies based on expenses and financial aid level). Most, but not all, students pursue these experiences in the summer. Please provide the information below so your opportunity can be included on our Cardinal Quarter Connections page. Interested students will be encouraged to contact you if they have additional questions or want to pursue the opportunity. Please note that the application deadline for most Cardinal Quarter summer funding opportunities has passed, but we are happy to post your opportunity for students who are still seeking summer positions. If you have any questions about the Cardinal Quarter program, please contact Jon McConnell ( Thank you again for your interest and willingness to support our students.

* indicates required fields.

Name *

Preferred contact to provide to students *

About Your Opportunity

Time of year *

May we include your contact information and opportunity on our website? *