Do you feel like you aren’t getting a lot of attention? Isn’t it annoying that OCR is taking over the Bass Center?
The CMC is here to help you pursue the post-GSB career of your dreams. Below is a list of resources and events we’re offering to continue to support you in your networking based job search.
Don’t ever forget: We’ll Stand By You.
One-on-One Career Advising: CMC Advisors are available to support you with all aspects of your job search. Use the Advisor Selection Tool to identify the best advisors for your current needs.
Information & Tips:
- Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Sourcing Your Job
- MyGSB – Networking Based Job Search Tab
- Social Networking Tips
- Networking Road Map – MBA2
- GSB Lists: Find current GSB students and recent GSB alums with connections to your target organizations.
- GSB Directory (OneGSB): Find current classmates who worked at your target organizations before the GSB.
- GSB Alumni Directory: Find GSB alums who work at your target organizations.
Upcoming Events & Programming:
- 3rd – CMC LINK Registration Closes
- 13th – Blumberg Capital Portfolio Speed Networking: Network with more than a dozen portfolio companies of Blumberg Capital, a leading VC firm
- 20th – Networking Essentials Part 2: Strengthen your in-person networking skills with an emphasis on the elevator pitch
- TBD – LinkedIn with John Hill
- Feb thru May: Industry Insiders: Meet with an Industry Insider for current industry trends and get career advice from an experienced perspective. Stay tuned for details on MyGSB Digest.
- 4th – CMC Link Program Begins
- 6th – 2-Hour Job Search Workshop: An effective and highly-rated program on how to best leverage your network to move your job search forward.
- 11th – 2 Hour Job Search Lab: This hands-on lab will help you build a list of target organizations.
- 13rd – Finance Networking Event: Informal networking event with private equity and hedge funds
- 16th – Fewer than 300: Informal networking event with dozens of the hottest entrepreneurial companies
- April 8th thru May 1st – Spring on-campus interviews: On-campus interviewing with less traditional, just-in-time recruiters