New GSB Industry Transition Tool Released

The CMC is pleased to announce its GSB Industry Transition Tool that allows you to track the full-time industry choices made by GSB students from the Classes of 2003-2011! It also covers entrepreneur choices for the Classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011. There are six tabs to the spreadsheet:

1. The pivot charts on the first two tabs answer two different questions:

  • For a given pre-GSB industry, what industries did students select after graduation?
  • For a given post-graduation industry, from what pre-GSB industries did students come from?

Filters at the top left enable you to focus on data by year, work authorization status, and entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur data is available only for the Classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011 but is the result of exhaustive research by Lisa Sweeney at the CMC. Her data covers nearly every single student entrepreneur during this time.

2. The pivot tables on the next two tabs present the same data in a tabular format. Students returning to the same pre-GSB industry after graduation are highlighted.

3. The next two pivot tables focus specifically on GSB entrepreneurs

  • From which industries do entrepreneurs come before enrolling at the GSB?
  • To which industries do entrepreneurs go after graduation?

4. The next table uses combined compensation data from the Classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011 to show how compensation transitions from pre-GSB to post-GSB.

Technical note                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

PC Excel 2010 users will see the filters automatically. If using PC Excel 2007, just click anywhere in the chart to see the filters. Unfortunately, Microsoft doesn’t support pivot tables in the Mac versions of Microsoft Office so you’ll see only a static chart. Please try again using a PC.

Thank you students!               

Thank you to all present and former GSB students (over 2,500) who supplied this anonymous data.  If you’ve accepted a job this year, just click on “Update My Status” at the top center of the Dashboard. You’ll help build this table for next year’s students!

» My Career Dashboard

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