Guidelines for Use of Categories for Non-SU Payees (Visitor Reimbursement)

Visitor Reimbursements are limited to the following categories regardless of dollar value. When creating a new expense report for Non-SU Payee (Visitor Reimbursement), begin on the General Information screen by choosing the correct category based on the descriptions below. Visitors may be reimbursed for eligible out-of-pocket travel expenses and other eligible expenses.

Category Description
Athletics Use Only

Used only by the Athletics department for the reimbursement of visitor travel expenses

Expenses (Domestic U.S.)

Used to reimburse visitors for travel expenses in which both the origination and destination locations are within the U.S.

  • Travel is completely within the U.S.
Expenses (Foreign)

Used to reimburse visitors for travel expenses where the origination and/or destination locations are outside the U.S.

  • Travel includes an origination and/or destination location outside the U.S.
Human Subjects
To reimburse Non-SU Payees for out-of pocket funds used for incentive payments to human subjects, or for human subject travel expenses

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