Fingate Financial Reporting Tools > OBI Financial Reporting > Access


Transitioning to OBI Financial Reporting

The first phase of the Evolve Financial Reporting initiative, Payroll and Labor Management, delivered new reporting solutions for staff responsible for analyzing and reporting payroll and labor related information (e.g., planned and actual pay, labor schedules, distribution adjustments, time and leave records).

The next release addressed Expense Requests and Stanford University Credit Card Activity transaction detail reporting (e.g., expense reports / reimbursements, Stanford Travel Card transactions, advances, non-PO payments, and petty cash replenishments), historical iOU transactions, and Stanford Purchasing Card transactions recorded in the PCard module of Oracle Financials

Gaining Access to OBI Financial Reporting

Before you can access financial reporting data using OBI, you must satisfy the following:

  1. Enroll in and complete the online Financial Confidentiality Agreement in STARS (FIN-PROG-0010).
  2. Complete required training.
  3. Your school / department must grant you OBI financial reporting authority using Authority Manager. Identify authorized authority grantors.

OBI Authority

OBI Reporting authority in Authority Manager is divided into two types:

Report Viewer Intermediate Ad Hoc
  • An introduction to the suite of OBI financial reports for all financial administrators and analysts
  • View all static and interactive reports delivered via OBI report catalogs and dashboards
  • Perform essential analysis through interactive reports using drill down and drill across functionality
  • Designed for experienced financial analysts whose job requires flexible and specific ad hoc financial analysis and reporting
  • Create customized analyses and share with other ad hoc users
  • Share analyses with non-ad hoc users via export to Excel, PDF, or PPT

Click the link for more detailed information on OBI authority. Authority for OBI Financial Reporting is updated daily. Once you complete your training and new authority is granted, you should have access within 24 hours.

>> Authority Model for OBI Reporting


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