
We are Women in Computer Science, a student organization at Stanford University.

Our Mission

We work to promote and support the growing community of women in CS and technology.

Our Three Broad Goals

Build and strengthen the community of women in CS
Raise awareness of the issues women in the field face
Encourage their educational and professional development


Stay updated with WiCS!

Stay Updated

to our main mailing list to stay up to date with WiCS events.

to our opportunities mailing list to receive information about job postings, scholarships, events, and other women in CS-related opportunities.

our Facebook page to get the latest information.

Please email us with any questions or comments, or find out how to get involved .



Interested in getting involved with WiCS and joining a strong community of friends? Apply to our intern program! With the guidance of their individual mentors and the current board, interns plan and execute a project or event beneficial to the Women in Computer Science community. Participate in and see the inner workings of WiCS. Hang out with the WiCS community and make new friends. Be a visionary. Get involved. Apply to the frosh intern program! Applications for new interns open at the beginning of each academic year.


The WiCS Industry Mentorship Program pairs current Stanford undergrad and grad students with industry role models. Mentors and mentees should plan to be in touch approximately once a month with additional visits decided mutually by each pair. Mentors will provide advice on various topics (e.g. how to successfully pursue a Computer Science degree, how to join research groups, how to prepare for a technical career, how to obtain a job) and serve as someone to chat with about the field. WiCS will also hold mixers to provide networking opportunites between all mentors and mentees. Applications for the 2015-16 academic year are now closed, but applications for the 2016-17 academic year will be available next fall.


WiCS holds events throughout the year for interested students. Our events range from hackathons, networking workshops, and speaker series to casual dinners and dessert nights. We often collaborate with industry professionals to develop and host our events.



Check our Facebook page for upcoming events, or take a look at our calendar above!



If you are interested in sponsoring WiCS, please e-mail the board and our Industry Relations Coordinator will get in touch with you with more details.

We have a number of ways companies can get involved, including industry panels, our mentorship program, meal-time chats with engineers, and other exciting events. We are always open to suggestions so please feel free to get in touch!



Stanford Computer Forum

The department's own recruiting network. Great source of information about companies, salaries, etc.

Stanford Career Development Center

Career fairs, skills assessment, and many other resources for figuring out career choices.


Women's Community Center

Events and resources addressing women's issues at Stanford. Mailing list: wcc_announce@lists.stanford.edu


Society of Women Engineers

The Stanford Society of Women Engineers chapter was founded in 1986 with the following mission:

  • Promote the study of engineering and engineering fundamentals to our local youth through outreach work
  • Provide career and academic development opportunities for our collegiate members
  • Enhance the diversity of the Stanford engineering community

SWE Meeting Times: Wednesdays at 12pm

Girls Teaching Girls to Code

Girls Teaching Girls to Code is a program where Stanford women teach and inspire Bay Area high school girls to explore Computer Science and Engineering. Students learn coding basics, build exciting projects, and develop strong relationships with mentors in the field. Contact: jduan1 (at) stanford (dot) edu

Code the Change

Code the Change helps computer scientists use their skills for social change. We believe that social change should be an integral part of computer science culture, and that this is often forgotten in the rush of campus culture. We connect students to nonprofits that need their help, lead code jams for nonprofit work, and maintain a campus community for discussing the social impact of computer science. Contact: Andrew Suciu andrewsuciu (at) gmail (dot) com


she++ is a nonprofit that seeks to dismantle the untrue sterotype that computer science is not a career for women. We work with the technology industry to create a culture that is more appealing to women, and we work with young women across the globe to dismantle harmful perceptions that they cannot succeed in the technology industry. Our outreach includes an annual fellowship for high school students, an ambassador program for college students, and the creation of online videos and campaigns. We are rebranding technology to be less about the stereotypes, and more about the problem-solving, the building, and the impact. By tackling the source of these stereotypes, we hope to create a field where women feel included, respected, and valued. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit run by Stanford undergraduate students.


Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)

(For graduate students and postdocs) WISE groups are professionally facilitated weekly meetings on issues relevant to group members, such as interaction with advisors and peers, work-life balance, and career choices.

Women Mechanical Engineers

(Geared towards graduate students but everyone is welcome) The ME women group usually holds a seminar series in the winter quarter with a fairly useful and interesting lineup of speakers.


Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

(Women Only) Deadline: February The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship was established to honor the legacy of Anita Borg and her efforts to encourage women to pursue careers in computer science and technology. Google Anita Borg Scholarship recipients will each receive a $10,000 award.

Microsoft Research Graduate Women's Scholarship

(Women Only) Deadline: October The Microsoft Research Graduate Women’s Scholarship is a one-year scholarship program for outstanding women graduate students and is designed to help increase the number of women pursuing a PhD. This program supports women in the second year of their graduate studies. Women who are interested in this scholarship must apply during their first year of graduate studies.

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship Program

Deadline: October The Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship is a two-year fellowship program for outstanding PhD students nominated by their universities. This program supports men and women in their third and fourth years of PhD graduate studies. To be eligible for this fellowship, you must apply during your second or third year of PhD studies. Fellowships are granted by Microsoft Research at the discretion of Microsoft.


ACM-W Conference Scholarships

Deadline: Rolling ACM-W, with funding from Wipro Technologies, provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in Computer Science and related programs who wish to attend research conferences. As of 2011, twenty ACM-W/Wipro scholarships will be funded annually: ten scholarships of up to $600 will be awarded for intra-continental conference travel, and ten scholarships of up to $1200 will be awarded for intercontinental conference travel.

N2 Women Student Fellowships

Deadline: Rolling N2 awards partially cover student travel costs to conferences in communications and networking research. In exchange, the student must help organize an N2 Women event at the conference. The benefit of organizing the event is for the student to connect with the conference organizers, who are typically leaders in the research field.

Grace Hopper Scholarship

Deadline: May Grace Hopper Conference scholarships cover a combination of conference registration (which includes most meals), lodging, and fixed amount of travel reimbursement funds.


Women's Institute in Summer Enrichment (WISE)

Deadline: April The Women’s Institute in Summer Enrichment (WISE) is an annual education and outreach program held on the UC Berkeley campus. It brings together graduate students, postdocs, and faculty from all disciplines who are interested in ubiquitous secure technology and the social, political, and economical ramifications that are associated with this technology.

Workshop for Women in Theory

June, Princeton NJ. Deadline: March The Women in Theory (WIT) Workshop is intended for graduate and undergraduate students in the area of theory of computer science. The workshop will feature technical talks and tutorials by senior and junior women in the field, as well as social events and activities.

Workshop for Women in Machine Learning

December, Co-located with NIPS conference. Deadline: September This day-long workshop gives female faculty, research scientists, and graduate students in the machine learning community an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and learn from each other. Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in machine learning research are encouraged to attend.

Future Science Leaders Workshop

September, Oxford University The Future Science Leaders program is led by Katherine Blumdell, Oxford University, for early-career women researchers in physics, math, and computer-science fields. The objective is to explore challenges that scientists face today, techniques for scientists to succeed in research, and to educate today’s and tomorrow’s scientists.

2015-16 BOARD

Ali Eicher: Industry Relations Team

Grace Wu: Events Team

Priyanka Rao: Events Team

Deeksha Goyal: Industry Mentorship Program Team

Angela Kong: Speaker Series Team

Akhila Moturu: Speaker Series Team

Christina Hung: Speaker Series Team

Amy Liu: Publicity Team

Ash Ngu: Publicity Team

Nicole Hardson-Hurley: Community Building Team

Sarah Rosston: Community Building Team

Kylie Jue: HackOverflow Team

Sydney Li: HackOverflow Team

Ana-Maria Istrate: HackOverflow Team

Emily Ling: HackOverflow team

Cindy Lin: HackOverflow team

Michelle Guo: HackOverflow team

Emily Tang: Co-President

Tara Balakrishnan: Co-President

Amy Nguyen: Vice President & Industry Relations Coordinator

Ishita Prasad: Secretary & Publicity Coordinator

Ji Park: Financial Officer

Cheenar Banerjee: Webmistress & Publicity Coordinator

Daeun Kim: Community Building Coordinator

Irene Kaplow: Campus Outreach Coordinator

Maya Balakrishnan: Campus Outreach Coordinator

Theodora Chu: Intern Program Coordinator

Paula Kusumaputri: Speaker Series Coordinator

Kylie Jue: HackOverflow Coordinator

Sunmi Lee: Industry Mentorship Program Coordinator


If you have any questions or feedback, please e-mail wics-board@lists.stanford.edu or reach out to us on Facebook at facebook.com/StanfordWICS