Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment


solar panels and wind turbines

Underground Solution for Solar Energy Storage »

November 23, 2015

A common criticism of a total transition to wind, water and solar power is that the U.S. electrical grid can't affordably store enough standby electricity to keep the system stable. Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson...

By Dan Stober, Stanford News Service

State-By-State Plan to Convert U.S. to 100% Clean, Renewable Energy »

June 8, 2015

Mark Jacobson and colleagues show that it's technically possible for each state to replace fossil fuel energy with entirely clean, renewable energy by 2050

By Bjorn Carey

A farmer burns rice straw

Biomass Fires' Affect on Climate Change and Health »

July 31, 2014

Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellow Mark Jacobson's calculations indicate that wildfires and other types of fires involving plant matter play a much bigger role in climate change and human health...

By Glenn Martin, Stanford News Service

Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in the Mojave Desert

A Clean Energy Roadmap for California »

July 22, 2014

New study outlines the path to a possible future for California where renewable energy creates a healthier environment, generates jobs and stabilizes energy prices.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Wind turbines

Hurricane Tamers: Offshore Wind Farms »

February 26, 2014

Computer simulations by Stanford Woods Institute fellow show that offshore wind farms with thousands of wind turbines could have sapped the power of three real-life hurricanes, significantly decreasing their winds and...

By Bjorn Carey, Stanford News Service

Wind turbines in New York State

Envisioning a Nation Run On Clean Energy  »

February 15, 2014

Stanford Woods Institute fellow presents new roadmap to renewable energy for all 50 U.S. states 

Stanford News Service

Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellows Barbara Block, Mark Jacobson, Chris Field and Paul Ehrlich

AAAS: Woods Researchers to Speak at World's Largest Scientific Meeting »

February 6, 2014

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

David Letterman and Woods Fellow Talk Clean Energy »

October 10, 2013

Mark Jacobson talks with late night show host about clean-energy future

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

An Alternative Energy Future for New York »

March 12, 2013

Study outlines a path to statewide renewable energy conversion, and away from natural gas and imported fuel.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Global Warming Agent Found to be Much Stronger Than Thought »

January 16, 2013

Study finds that black carbon – emitted by diesel engines, solid fuel home heating and primitive cook stoves, among other sources – traps significantly more heat than previously realized.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Avoiding Flight Shortcuts Could Save Arctic Ice  »

December 4, 2012

Long-distance travelers have a lot to do with record low levels of Arctic sea ice, but a solution may be at hand.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute

Urban 'Heat Island' Effect, White Roofs and Global Warming »

October 19, 2011

Heat emanating from cities - called the "urban heat island" effect - is not a significant contributor to global warming, Stanford researchers have found. They also concluded that if all the roofs in urban areas were...

By Louis Bergeron, Stanford News Service