Andrea Goldsmith

The Stephen Harris Professor in the School of Engineering

Professor of Electrical Engineering

University Budget Group
Faculty Senate

Stanford University
Packard 371
Department of Electrical Engineering
Mail Code 9515
Stanford, CA 94305-9515
Phone: (650) 725-6932
Fax: (650) 723-9251
Email: andrea at

Administrative Assistant:
Julia Gillespie, Phone: (650) 723-2681, E-mail: jvgill at


Dr. Goldsmith's research is focused on the design, analysis, and fundamental performance limits of wireless systems and networks.

·        Research Overview

·        Publications

·        Research Group: Wireless Systems Laboratory

·        Curriculum Vitae  and a brief Biography


·        Textbooks

-        Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005

-        MIMO Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2007

-        Principles of Cognitive Radio, Cambridge University Press, 2012


·        Classes for 2015-2016:

o   Fall 2015: EE359 - Wireless Communications

o   Spring 2016: EE102b – Signal Processing and Linear Systems II


·        Previous Classes Taught:

o   EE15N - The Art and Science of Engineering Project Design

o   EE360 – Multiuser Wireless Systems and Networks

o   EE179: Introduction to analog and digital communication


·        Founder: Wildfire.Exchange

·        Founder: Quantenna Communications

·        Founding Member: Greentouch Consortium

·        Technical Advisory Boards:

o   InterDigital

o   Sequans Communications

o   Accenture

Best Results:

·  Daniel Alexander

·  Nicole Sabine

·  Early Developments

·  Recent Developments