
Caltrain Triennial Customer Survey
Customers completed an extensive questionnaire onboard the trains in October 2013. The results, including customer trip characteristics, demographics, service satisfaction and sources of information, are available in this summary report.

October 2013 - Summary Report (PDF, 2.2 MB)
October 2013 - Tables (PDF, 180 KB)

Previous Caltrain Triennial Customer Survey
  October 2010 - Summary Report  (PDF, 3.6 MB)
  October 2010 - Tables (PDF, 743 KB)

Caltrain Customer Satisfaction Survey
The purpose of the annual customer satisfaction survey is to assess how well Caltrain and its contractor are meeting the needs of their passengers. The results show customer ratings at station, onboard trains and overall satisfaction.

June 2015 - Summary Report (PDF, 912 KB)
June 2015 - Verbatim Comments (PDF, 792 KB)
June 2014 (PDF,1.8MB)
June 2013 (PDF,1.5MB)
December 2012 (PDF, 2.2MB)
June 2011 (PDF, 958 KB)

Metropolitan Transportation Commission: Caltrain Origin & Destination  
As part of a regional effort. MTC is surveying Bay Area transit passengers to help with regional service planning, fulfill Title VI equity requirements, gather customer service feedback, collect travel models among other data. This information will help to support regional, as well as local, planning initiatives.

Caltrain Origin & Destination Survey 2014 (PDF, 886 KB)

6/19/15 - pbt