Caltrain Modernization Program

Commute Calculator

Calculate how much money you will save by taking Caltrain instead of driving your car.

Enter round-trip commuting miles per day:

Enter commute days per month:

Enter parking costs per month:

Current gasoline price per gallon:

Enter average miles per gallon of your vehicle:

Toll costs per day:

Average vehicle costs per mile*:

Starting Caltrain Station:

Ending Caltrain Station:

Check for a senior/disabled/youth pass:

Monthly cost to drive:

Caltrain Monthly Pass Savings Monthly Savings

Total Savings:

* From AAA 2014 "Your Driving Costs" (23.2¢ per mile for depreciation, 6.7¢ per mile for insurance and 6.1¢ per mile for maintenance + tires, rounded)