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School Libraries

Information to help improve school libraries in California.

Library Standards Project

Development of the School Library Standards

Public Meeting Notice - November 12, 2010 Model School Library Standards Working Group Public Meeting Notice and Agenda

Public Meeting Notice - October 20, 2010 Model School Library Standards Working Group Public Meeting Notice and Agenda

State Board of Education action, Item 26
On March 12, 2009 the State Board of Education approved the launch of a project to develop California school library standards. Contact the project:

Prepublication Draft
Model School Library Standards - September 2010 (DOC; 381KB; 45pp.)
Adopted by the State Board of Education September 16, 2010

School Library Standards Supporting Common Core (DOC; 271 KB; 35pp.)
Examples of Draft Model School Library Standards Supporting Common Core California Standards (CCCS) in English Language Arts.

Resources to Support School Library Standards

Links to tools and lessons to incorporate cyber safety into the curriculum

How School Librarians Can Assist You: Internet Safety and Filtering (Outside Source)
Resources collected by the American Association of School Librarians to help parents and teachers understand the complexities of the online environment and provide tools to keep children safe when online.

Information for Educators - Cyber Safety for Children (Outside Source)
Cyber Safety for Children is a partnership between the California Office of Privacy Protection and the California Coalition on Children's Internet Safety. This page contains links to a variety of resources for educators on children's cyber safety.

A Parents' Guide to Facebook (Outside Source)
34-page resource available online as a printable PDF file. A portion of the Guide addressed "safety, privacy and reputation."

Recommended Facebook Privacy Settings for Teens (Outside Source) From to help parents and teens choose privacy levels.

Online learning tutorials created by the California School Library Association

For teacher librarians, classroom teachers, IT coordinators, and staff

Discovering Assistive Technology (Outside Source) This tutorial is brought to you by the
California School Library Association (Outside Source) and TransAccess (Outside Source), a community-based organization that provides persons with disabilities access to computer adaptive technology and career transition services so that they can achieve their desired education and employment, and improve their quality of life.

For students

  • Learning 2.0 for Teens (Outside Source) Online, self-paced tutorials includes 10 things for teens to learn 21st century skills.

Library Surveys

  • CDE Online School Library Survey
    The annual online survey is now open to collect information from individual schools about their libraries in 2009-2010. It will be active through April 30, 2011. Information about prior year surveys is available any time.
  • Statistics About California School Libraries
    Number of books per students, staffing ratios, and more.
  • School Libraries Count! (Outside Source)
    American Association of School Librarians (AASL) "School Libraries Count" gathers annual data on changes in the field to gain understanding of the state of school library media programs nationally. Private schools are included.

Library Funding

  • School Library Funding
    Beginning in 2005-06, funding for the California Public School Library Act (School Library Materials) program is included in the School and Library Improvement Block Grant, established by Assembly Bill (AB) 825, Chapter 871, Statutes of 2004.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    Information about state funding, additional funding sources, and staffing.
  • NEA Foundation Grants (Outside Source)
    The National Education Association (NEA) Foundation makes $1,000 awards to public schools serving economically disadvantaged students to purchase books for school libraries as part of Books Across America Library Book Awards. The NEA Foundation makes these awards in collaboration with the National Education Association. The new application process has not been announced. Other grants are available.
  • Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries (Outside Source)
    Grant opportunity. The Laura Bush Foundation will make grants of amounts up to $5,000 to school libraries. Funds are to be used to update, extend, and diversify the book collections of those libraries. The application (Outside source) is currently available. Please note it must be submitted through the web site; the application cannot be mailed, e-mailed, or faxed. The last day to submit questions regarding the application is December 14, and the deadline to submit the application is December 31.
  • Improving Literacy Through School Libraries (Outside Source)
    Grant Opportunity. View the list of FY 2009 grant awards and abstracts.
  • Lenski Covey Foundation grants for purchasing books (Outside Source)
    The Lois Lenski Covey Foundation, Inc. annually awards grants for purchasing books published for young people preschool through grade 12. Grants for 2010 will range from $500 to $3000 and are specifically for children’s book purchases rather than administrative or operational uses. The Foundation gives to libraries or organizations that serve economically or socially at-risk children, have limited book budgets, and demonstrate real need. Only libraries or organizations within the United States, its territories, or commonwealths are eligible.
  • Target Early Childhood Reading Grants (Outside Source) support programs like weekend book clubs and after-school reading programs that foster a love of reading and encourage children, from birth through age nine, to read together with their families. The maximum award is $3,000. All schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations are eligible for the grant. The deadline to apply is May 31.


Links to current research about the impact of a quality school library on student achievement.

Library Collection Development

  • Literature Links
    CDE recommended literature lists and more from libraries and educational associations.
  • School Library Policies
    Sampling of resources for districts and schools for developing and revising policies for selection, intellectual freedom, acceptable use, privacy, and weeding.

Teacher Librarians

A teacher librarian is a person who possesses both a California teaching credential and a California Teacher Librarian Services credential. Other states frequently refer to this as "library media specialist." Find a program to become a Teacher Librarian.

Legislation to change credential title from library media teacher to teacher librarian became effective on January 1, 2008 (SB 132, Chapter 730, SEC 16).

Requirements as defined by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTCC).

Statistics on Teacher Librarians

Assessing Your School Library

Tools for assessing your school library.

School and Public Library Cooperation

Activities between school libraries and public libraries.

Key Connections

  • Key Connections
    Professional library associations, research assistance, and CDE Web pages frequently used by the CDE library consultant.
Questions: Barbara Jeffus | | 916-319-0881 
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