The California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) (Outside Source) program is California's primary state level resource for career guidance and planning information to assist youth and adult career seekers.
The mission of CalCRN is to provide youth and adults with the career information and resources that enable them to reach their career goals.
The mission of the California Career Resource Network is to provide all persons in California with career development information and resources to enable them to reach their career goals.
The primary duty of the California Career Resource Network is to distribute career information, resources, and training materials to middle school and high school counselors, educators, and administrators, in order to ensure that middle schools and high schools have the necessary information available to provide a pupil with guidance and instruction on education and job requirements necessary for career development.
Information and resources distributed by the California Career Resource Network shall provide all of the following:
- Encouragement to completing a secondary education.
- Career exploration tools, provided in written and multimedia format, that offer an introduction to the nature of career planning, self-assessment, methods of investigating the work world, methods of identifying and meeting education and training needs, and methods of creating a career action plan.
- Relevant information on the labor market and career opportunities.
- Assistance to a pupil in the acquisition and development of career competencies including the appropriate skills, attitudes, and knowledge to allow a pupil to successfully manage his or her career.
Housed at the California Department of Education, CalCRN works with a State Agency Partners Committee to support other state agencies in tailoring career-related educational resources and training and to improve coordination and communication among state-level administrators and planners. The State Agency Partners Committee is comprised of:
- The Director of Employment Development
- The State Superintendent of Public Instruction
- The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges
- The Director of Rehabilitation
- The Director of Social Services
- The Executive Director of the California Workforce Investment Board
- The Chief Deputy of the Adult Programs Division, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
- The Chief Deputy of the Juvenile Justice Division, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
- The Director of the Department of Developmental Services
Information about the following resources is available at CalCRN (Outside Source):
- The California Career Planning Guide
- The Real Game California
- The California CareerZone
- California Reality Check
- For information contact:
California Department of Education
Secondary, Career & Adult Learning Division
High School Transformation Unit
1430 N Street, Suite 4503
Sacramento, CA 95814
John Merris-Coots, Education Programs Consultant