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Math and Reading Professional Development Intro

Background for the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program (SB 472).

Note: Please refer to the Fiscal Issues Relating to Budget Reductions and Flexibility Provisions guidance letter for information on provisions that apply to all programs. The letter covers such matters as the public hearing requirement, base year funding provisions, and how funding reductions will be calculated.

The contact information for many of the letters are outdated but remain unchanged for historical purposes. If you have any questions, please use the contact information at the bottom of this Web page.


Assembly Bill (AB) 466 (Chapter 737, Statutes of 2001) established the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program. This reimbursement program provides funding for professional development in mathematics and reading/language arts. AB 466 was set to be repealed on January 1, 2007; however, the enactment of Senate Bill (SB) 472 (Chapter 524, Statutes of 2006) has reauthorized the program to continue until July 1, 2012. See Local Educational Agency (LEA) Criteria and Guidelines and Prospective Providers sections at the end of this document for a complete discussion of the program.

AB 466 required the California Department of Education (CDE) to develop a final report (DOC; 472KB; 39pp.) and executive summary regarding the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program for submission to the Legislature by July 1, 2005.  The State Board of Education (SBE) reviewed and approved this report on July 7, 2005, for transmittal to the Legislature.  

A letter was sent out to all county and district superintendents in the state of California at the end of April 2007.  This letter provides an update of information regarding Senate Bill 472.  Most notably the legislature has provided more incentive funding to LEA's for English Learner Professional Development (ELPD) training. 

The Reauthorization of AB 466

While the majority of the provisions governing the operation of AB 466 remain intact, SB 472 has made the following important changes:

  • Beginning January 1, 2007, all new training providers of the initial 40 hours of SB 472 training must be approved by the SBE prior to conducting SB 472 training. Providers that were previously approved to conduct AB 466 training must be reapproved by CDE staff before conducting SB 472 training. CDE will not reimburse LEAs for 40-hour SB 472 training conducted by training providers who have not been approved.
  • LEAs may no longer receive reimbursement for 40-hour training conducted by the California Professional Development Institutes (CPDIs) unless the CPDI has been approved by the SBE to provide training in specific instructional materials.
  • To enable CDE to report pre and post program pupil achievement data as required by SB 472, LEAs must now report data at the school level.
  • LEAs must give highest priority to training teachers who are new to the teaching profession, who are assigned to high-priority schools, who are assigned to schools that are under state sanctions as specified under California Education Code (EC) sections 52055.5 or 52055.650, or who have recently changed teaching assignments.
  • Teachers must complete the 80 hours of follow-up within 2 years of completing the 40 hours or by January 1, 2009, if the 40 hours was completed prior to January 1, 2007.
  • Training must include instructional strategies designed to help all pupils gain mastery of the California academic content standards with special emphasis on English learners (EL) and pupils with exceptional needs.
  • Incentive funding is authorized for a new 40-hour component of professional development in mathematics and reading for teachers of EL. Priority in funding shall be given to LEAs in which ELs are twenty percent or more of total enrollment, one or more schools have been identified as program improvement under the No Child Left Behind Act, or one or more schools have not met their EL subgroup targets pursuant to EC Section 52052. A teacher must complete the initial 40 hours of intensive professional development before he or she is eligible for the new 40-hour training for teachers of EL. A teacher may choose to count the new 40-hour EL training towards completion of the 80-hours follow-up. Training providers must be SBE-approved to conduct the new 40-hour training. We anticipate that this training, as well as other details regarding the operation of this program component, will be available in June 2008.

SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Program

The English Learner Professional Development (ELPD) Program, authorized by SB 472 (Alquist) (Chapter 524, Statutes of 2006), provides funding to LEAs in support of EL teachers. The program provides 40 hours of professional development in reading language arts and mathematics and is intended to be follow-up training to the initial 40 hours of professional development provided by SB 472. The program will include foundational knowledge specifically designed to assist EL pupils to attain a high level of English proficiency, English Language Development instruction designed to meet the language and academic instructional needs of EL pupils, and reading/language arts and content area instruction to help teachers of EL pupils understand and apply knowledge of linguistic structures to SBE-adopted instructional materials.

Teachers who have already completed the 120 hours of AB 466 or SB 472 may also be funded to complete the 40 hours of EL professional development. Since the funding methodology for the ELPD component differs from the rest of the program, a letter has been sent to all county and district superintendents that describes the funding process in detail.

SB 472 Chaptered Legislation (Outside Source)

Application and Reimbursement Forms for Fiscal Year 2007-08 and Prior Years

Note: No new applications are being accepted at this time.

CDE is pleased to announce the automation of the application and claims process for the SB 472 portion of the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program. You may link to this new online system on the California Department of Education Web site or you may access it directly at WestEd's Web site (Outside Source). To enter the system, you will need to use your district’s access code during the login process. This access code was recently mailed to your LEA’s superintendent.

The new SB 472 online system has many features which we hope you will find useful and which will simplify the Application and Request for Reimbursement process. With its easy drop-down menus, users are guided through the completion of the forms. Built-in safeguards prevent common reporting errors which, in the past, have often delayed payment. Users will be able to view and print the SB 472 forms which the district has submitted online, view the projected and actual payment dates for each reimbursement request, and view funding cap balance information for the current fiscal year (FY).

LEAs may submit reimbursement requests for current FY 2007-08 and for prior FY 2006-07. Training must be completed before it can be claimed on the reimbursement form. Request for Reimbursement forms may be submitted continuously until the due dates.

To receive reimbursement a LEA must submit both an Application and a Request for Reimbursement Form for the appropriate fiscal year. The state fiscal year begins July 1 and ends the following June 30. LEAs must apply for each new fiscal year they intend to train teachers, even if they were previously approved for program training in a prior fiscal year. The application needs to be submitted only once for FY 2007-08. Your LEA may need to submit two Applications for FY 2006-07. For teachers who attended the majority of reported training after January 1, 2007, the LEA must complete the online Application and Request for Reimbursement forms. For teachers who attended the majority of reported training before January 1, 2007, the LEA must complete and return the hard copy Application and Request for Reimbursement forms. The chart below shows the appropriate form to claim SB 472 or AB 466 reimbursement for training completed under the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program.

Training (40 or 80 hours)

Form to Use

Due Date

  • Teachers attended or will attend the majority of either the 40 or 80-hour training on or after January 1, 2007

Online Application for Participation in the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program (SB 472)

  • FY 2006-07 -- March 1, 2009
  • FY 2007-08 -- November 15, 2008
  • Teachers attended the majority of either the 40 or 80-hour training before January 1, 2007

Application for Participation in the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program (AB 466)

  • FY 2006-07-- March 1, 2009
  • First 40 or 80 hours in a subject area or qualified second 40 or 80 hours in a subject area*
  • Teachers attended the majority of reported training after January 1, 2007
  • Training completed anytime from January 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008

Online Request for Reimbursement for the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program (SB 472)

  • FY 2006-07 -- March 1, 2009
  • FY 2007-08 -- March 1, 2010
  • FY 2007-08 -- October 30, 2008 for inclusion in redirection funding for teachers trained over the cap
  • First 40 or 80 hours in a subject area
  • Teachers attended the majority of reported training before January 1, 2007
  • Training completed anytime from July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007

Request for Reimbursement for Prior Years Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program (AB 466)

  • FY 2006-07 -- March 1, 2009
  • Qualified second 40 or 80 hours in a subject area*
  • Teachers attended the majority of reported training before January 1, 2007
  • Training completed anytime from July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007

Request for Reimbursement for Teachers Receiving Additional Training Under The Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program (AB 466)

  • FY 2006-07 -- March 1, 2009
  • No funding is available for additional training completed prior to July 1, 2006

* LEAs may receive reimbursement for a teacher attending a second sequence of 40, 80, or 120 hours in a subject if the LEA has changed its adopted instructional materials, and approved training is available for the new program; the teacher’s grade level assignment has changed; or the teacher’s course assignment has changed to an area in which the teacher has not previously received the applicable training.

Funding Results for Mathematics and Reading Professional Development (SB 472)

SB 472 Base Program Funding Results:

Funding Results for FY 2007-08
Funding Results for FY 2008-09

SB 472 ELPD Funding Results:

Funding Results for FY 2007-08
Funding Results for FY 2008-09

Pertinent Information

  • Separate lists of current SBE-approved training providers are available for mathematics, reading, and ELPD. Please note if the majority of reported training occurred on or after January 1, 2007, please reference the "SB 472" providers in the far right-hand column of the provider lists. If the majority of reported training occurred before January 1, 2007, please refer to the providers in the adjacent "AB 466" column.

  • Contact information for the Mathematics Professional Development Institutes (MPDI) (Outside Source) is available. MPDIs are part of the California Professional Development Institutes (CPDIs), and are designed to provide the 80-hours follow-up.

  • For the purposes of the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development program, "otherwise authorized instructional materials" is outlined.

  • The California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) tables of eligible teachers for the base program (XLS; 241KB; 28pp.) and the ELPD program (XLS; 158KB; 27pp.) are available by county for LEAs to determine the number of teachers funded during FY 2008-09.

Frequently Asked Questions

Program Contacts

  • Reading/Language Arts
    Carrie Roberts, Education Programs Consultant
    Reading/Language Arts Leadership Office or 916-323-4630
  • Mathematics
    Jim Greco, Education Administrator I
    Mathematics and Science Leadership Office or 916-323-6189
  • LEA Applications and Fiscal Issues
    Juliet Barbero, Associate Analyst
    Administrative and Fiscal Services Office or 916-323-5795
Questions:  MSLO | | 916-323-5847
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