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CDE on iTunes U

CDE on iTunes U offers easily accessible high quality professional development for teachers and education administrators.

About | Contribute | FAQ

CDE on iTunes U page on Apple's iTunes Web site.

Go to CDE on iTunes U (Outside Source)

What You Will Find

CDE on iTunes U is the State Superintendent's latest initiative to provide professional development resources to California's education community.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the CDE on iTunes U project or need more information, please contact:

Veronica Aguila, Administrator
Standards, Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division or 916-323-4867

Jim Long, Consultant
Standards, Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division or 916-323-4583


If you would like to receive information and updates via e-mail notification, subscribe to the CDE on iTunes U listserv by sending a "blank" message to


To unsubscribe from the CDE on iTunes U listserv, send a "blank" message to

Note, Apple iTunes is required in order to open the link to CDE on iTunes U. If you have trouble accessing the link to CDE on iTunes U, download Apple iTunes (Outside Source), install the program, and then try the link again.

Questions:  Jim Long | | 916-323-4583
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