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Funding Results

Charter School Facility Grant Program

Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.

These results are for the first disbursement of the 2009-10 Charter School Facility Grant. The disbursement reimburses 2008-09 facilities expenditures and reflects 75 percent of each applicant's estimated entitlement. The estimated entitlement is contingent upon full review of expenditures submitted with the application. After a full review of the application, the total entitlement may be adjusted to reflect eligible expenditures.

Program Questions: Iqbal Badwalz, e-mail:, tel. 916-445-7689

Fiscal Questions: Julie Klein-Briggs, e-mail:, tel. 916-322-1646

Results by County

County Name Total Entitlement


Butte $54,000
Contra Costa $282,061
Del Norte $16,073
El Dorado $225,269
Fresno $212,900
Humboldt $46,688
Inyo $13,590
Kern $13,050
Los Angeles $18,027,449
Madera $85,500
Mendocino $186,321
Nevada $192,693
Orange $1,149,495
Sacramento $683,217
San Bernardino $918,990
San Diego $2,911,123
San Joaquin $1,065,317
San Mateo $57,387
Santa Clara $830,194
Shasta $28,800
Sonoma $157,178
Stanislaus $186,761
Sutter $75,353
Tulare $192,308
Yuba $90,668
State Total


Detailed Results by Apportionment Date

Apportionment 1: October 15, 2009 (XLS; 85KB; 5pp.)

Apportionment 2: November 20, 2009 (XLS; 52KB; 1p.)

Apportionment 3: February 1, 2010 (XLS; 48KB; 1p.)

The following apportionments are based on verified documents in each school's application:

Apportionment 4: March 1, 2010 (XLS; 68KB; 3pp.)

Apportionment 5: March 26, 2010 (XLS; 56KB; 2pp.)

Apportionment 6: August 12, 2010 (XLS; 52KB; 1p.)

Apportionment 7: September 10, 2010 (XLS; 53KB; 1p.)

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