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Educational Options

School and program alternatives that provide students with the environment, curriculum, and support systems needed to ensure that they achieve their full academic potential.
Alternative Schools & Programs of Choice
Provides different means of attaining the objectives of regular education and meeting students' needs; voluntary for districts, teachers, students, and their parents.
Community Day Schools
Serve high-risk youths, including those referred by expulsion, probation, or a School Attendance Review Board; provide challenging academic curriculum; and develop pro-social skills and resiliency.
Continuation Education
Serves students sixteen years of age and older who have not graduated from high school, are at risk of not graduating, and are not exempt from compulsory school attendance.
County Community Schools
Serves students who are referred by a parent or a School Attendance Review Board, paroled, on probation, expelled, homeless, or not attending school.
Countywide Plans for Expelled Students
County superintendents, and superintendents of the districts within the county, develop countywide plans for providing educational services to all expelled pupils.
Diploma Plus High Schools
Serves students fifteen years of age and older who have not reached their potential in a traditional secondary school setting and are at risk of not graduating from high school.
High-Risk Youth & Public Safety
Serves two youth populations on probation: first-time offenders and transitioning high-risk youth.
Home & Hospital Instruction
School districts provide home and hospital instruction to maintain instructional continuity during a student's temporary disability.
Independent Study
A voluntary alternative instructional strategy for providing regular education; available from kindergarten through adult education.
Juvenile Court Schools
Serves students under the protection or authority of the juvenile court system and incarcerated in juvenile halls, homes, ranches, camps, day centers, or regional youth facilities.
Programs or schools offered through school districts to meet students' choice and enrollment needs.
Open Enrollment
Information on the Open Enrollment Act, which allows students the option to enroll in a different school with a higher Academic Performance Index (API) than the pupil's school of residence.
Opportunity Education Program
Serves students who are habitually truant, irregular in attendance, insubordinate, disorderly, or failing academically.
Program Access & Retention Initiative
Promotes dropout prevention, recovery, and retention services for all students at risk of not completing a high school education.