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Family Involvement & Partnerships

Resources and support for parents, guardians, and families of children with disabilities.

This page will highlight the topics and links from other sections of this Web site, which are of particular interest and will provide information, resources and support to parents, guardians and families of children with disabilities.

Procedural Safeguards and Referral Services

Provides technical assistance information and resources for parents, school districts, advocates, agencies and others of procedural safeguards regarding students between ages 3 and 21 with disabilities and their educational rights.

  • Phone: 800-926-0648; TTY 916-323-9779; Weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • E-mail:
  • FAX: 916-327-3704
Rights of Parents and Children

Special Education Rights of Parents and Children Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B - Notice of Procedural Safeguards (English) ( Updated 22-Jan-2009; DOC; 107KB, 13pp .) | PDF (Updated 22-Jan-2009; DOC; 59KB, 13pp .)
This document complies with the final federal regulations, effective October 13, 2006, implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, as amended in 2004.
Available Translations of the Notice of Procedural Safeguards (Updated 02-Feb-2009)

Parents' Rights (Posted 23-Jul-2007)
A brief summary of Procedural Safeguards for students with disabilities receiving special education services.

Quality Assurance Process

Quality Assurance Process (Posted 27-Sep-2005)
Detailed description of the process that assures that students with disabilities receive the programs and services they need, positive results are achieved, and procedural safeguards are provided.


Training on Writing IEP Based on State Standards (Updated 19-Nov-2009)
Writing measurable annual goals and objectives in the IEP related to California Content Standards.

National Autism Center Standards Project (Outside Source)
Provides critical information about which treatments have been shown to be effective for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Surrogate Parents in California Special Education (Updated 20-Apr-2010)
Prepublication release of revised manual to train surrogate parents to serve as child representatives in California.

California Parent Organizations (Revised 08-Jun-2010)
List of California agencies providing resources for families of children with disabilities.

Reasons for Concern (Revised 14-Feb-2008)
That your child or a child in your care may need help.

Diabetes Management in Schools (Posted 07-Aug-2007)
Information to assist schools in effectively managing diabetes, one of the most common chronic diseases in school-aged children.

Early Childhood Special Education Series (Revised 16-Nov-2007)
Core concepts and preferred practices for successful, high-quality intervention services.

Test Variations
Accommodations and modifications available to students with disabilities for California statewide assessments.

California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) (Revised 12-Jan-2007)
The development and implementation of an alternate assessment for children with severe cognitive disability.

Algebra I Graduation Requirement (Revised 17-Jul-2006)
Guidance and resources for teaching algebra concepts to students with disabilities.


ED Response to Report Card and Transcript Questions (Posted 24-Aug-2006)
United States Department of Education clarifies issues regarding grade reporting for students with disabilities.

Promotion, Retention, and Grading (Posted 15-Mar-2006)
Frequently asked questions from the field regarding the promotion, retention, and grading of students with disabilities.

California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) (Revised 17-Feb-2006)
Assistance for students, parents, and schools with the administration of the CAHSEE.

Family Participation Fund (Outside Source)
Provides assistance for family members to attend, and participate in, policy-making meetings.

Early Start (Outside Source)
A child with or at risk of developmental delay or disability can receive an "Early Start" in the State of California. The California Department of Developmental Services plans, develops, implements, and monitors the statewide early intervention services system in collaboration with the California Department of Education.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (Outside Source)
A central source of information on IDEA, No Child Left Behind (as it relates to children with disabilities) and research-based information on effective educational practices.

Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers (Outside Source)
Helps families obtain appropriate education and services for their children with disabilities.

Resources in Special Education (RiSE) Library (Outside Source)
RiSE Library is located with Parents Helping Parents (PHP) of Santa Clara, a Parent Training and Information Center (PTI), in an effort to enhance parent partnerships.

Questions: Barbara McDonald | | 916-327-3536 
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