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Title I, Part A-Accountability

Information about all local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools, including Title I-funded schools and LEAs, making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) as defined by No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).

Schools and LEAs receiving Title I funds and not meeting or exceeding AYP requirements face consequences under NCLB.

Academic Achievement Awards
The program identifies and recognizes Title I schools with demonstrated success in significantly closing the achievement gap between high and low-performing students.

Program Improvement (PI)
All schools and LEAs that do not make Adequate Yearly Progress are identified for Program Improvement under NCLB. Program Improvement schools and LEAs must implement required program components and interventions. The requirements of Years 1-5 for schools and Years 1-3 for LEAs are explained.

Title I, Part A
Extensive information regarding Title I, Part A is provided.

Questions: Mary Payne | | 916-319-0854 
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