30 Smokefree Days – Never Quit Quitting
If you smoke a pack a day, you could save about $2,000 a year by quitting.
At age 16, Tiffany lost her mother to lung cancer. She knew being there for her daughter was more important than smoking, so she quit. You can too. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for free help. Read more about Tiffany, visit:

Build a quit plan for the New Year, so you can stick to your smokefree resolutions.

Set your 2018 quit date.

Quitting smoking adds years to your life—so you can enjoy more moments like this.

The Tips from Former Smokers campaign features real people suffering as a result of smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.

This NYE, make your goals personal. Maybe quitting cold turkey isn’t working for you, and that’s OK. Try completing SmokefreeUS’s daily challenges program. A new chance to succeed every day. A new way to quit in the new year.

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Quitting smoking may help your body repair some of the damage done to your DNA and reduce your risk of cancer.

Prevent damage to your DNA.

Share your smokefree success with loved ones during this holiday season.

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Make the first day of winter smokefree by taking your mind off smoking and enjoying your favorite activities of the season.

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If you slip and have a cigarette, think about what caused the urge so you can better handle it next time.

Power through those speed bumps and stay focused on your goal.

Cravings can make it hard to quit, but staying smokefree is still the best thing for your health.

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Quitting smoking adds years to your life—so you can enjoy more moments like this.

Finding support and staying busy are great ways to get past the urge to smoke.

Stay prepared and smokefree.

Harness the force and stay motivated on your journey to a smokefree life.

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A Federal Court has ordered RJ Reynolds Tobacco, Philip Morris USA, Altria, and Lorillard to make statements about the health effects of smoking. This is one of those statements.

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Start your smokefree journey by using these free quitlines, coaches, and other online resources.

Resources to help you quit.

Because quitting smoking improves your overall oral health, it may also make for better smooches.

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Smoking makes it harder for your body to fight diseases like the flu. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, get vaccinated against the flu and quit smoking to stay healthy.

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Make sure loved ones know how much you support their smokefree efforts by reaching out to them and asking how they’re doing.

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