Stanford University's Official Athletic Site - Women's Gymnastics

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Previous Diary Entries

April 21, 2010

Hey SWG fans!

Whew, what an incredible week of preparation we've had before leaving for Nationals! The week was filled with game days, intrasquads and agility as well as adding some usual SWG flair with dress-up days, memorable music choices, and lots of fun and laughter. The team is so prepared gymnastically and mentally that it's hard to contain our excitement. All week we made comments like, "Can we go already? I want to compete right now!" And every time we see Tenaya West's post-season pump-up video, we get the urge to run onto the floor and compete immediately after we watch it. Check it out at: (

After coming back from winning Regionals, we had some time to rest and get caught up on school work. We returned to the gym on Wednesday and had to get a bit refocused through agility and emphasized swaggering on and off the floor. We ended practice with a team-induced intrasquad, which the girls rocked. On Friday, we had a meet run-through complete with byes so that we could practice the waiting period and we did agility (also called our "5th event") for one of the last times.

On Saturday, over half the team attended the Stanford Spring football game in San Francisco. Most of SWG are dedicated football fans and we showed our support by sitting in the front row and making red and white t-shirts. The White team won!

At Sunday's practice we ran through what Super Six will be like on Friday. We included the upgrades like T's double layout and Shelley's full in on floor as well as Peach's ginger on bars. We also mixed up the scene by putting the beam in the hallway of the Ford Center. And, to mix it up further, we played The Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys in the background just to get a blast from the past! Yeahh SWG.

Monday was our last game day of the year. The underclassmen had a blast dressing up as the seniors before practice. Peach and Sko dressed up as Weedge and came dancing out of the locker room with an iPod and rhythm in their step. Ashley and I dressed up as T and came bounding out with T's favorite silver pants on and signs that read "I bike realll fast" and "I jump realll high". Ming dressed as Carter by sporting a cardinal and black colored outfit, an Engineering sign, and a water bottle in hand. Shelley and Dayton dressed as CJ with a part and a dewdrop in their hair. And Dani and Brown dressed up as Blair wearing sparkley bright leos, a poof on their heads, and a Blackberry at their side.

The seniors had some reminiscent talk about "doing-this-for-the-last-time" - like wearing their favorite leo for the last time, eating training table at the beloved Jimmy V's for the last time, and practicing at the Ford Center with their favorite team for the last time. Now, the only last-last thing on the seniors' to-do list is to kill it at Nationals. And trust us … this team is going to finish this incredible season strong. Florida, here we come!