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Analysis and Commentary

3 Takeaways From Trump Jr. Emails

by Amy Zegartvia Freeman Spogli Institute News
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Line by ugly line, Donald J. Trump Jr.’s emails with British-born former tabloid reporter and Russian intermediary Rob Goldstone are now plastered on The New York Times website.


Paul Gregory Discusses Russia On The John Batchelor Show

interview with Paul R. Gregoryvia The John Batchelor Show
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Hoover Institution fellow Paul Gregory discusses his Forbes article "The Real Colluder With Russia Isn't Trump -- It's Germany."

Analysis and Commentary

Donald Trump Jr.'s Emails Vindicate The Intelligence Community

by Amy Zegartvia The Atlantic
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Even if the foreign power involved were the Brits and not the Russians, meeting with another government to get opposition dirt for a U.S. presidential election is wrong.

Blank Section (Placeholder)Analysis and Commentary

Stalin’s Greatness?

by Andrew Robertsvia Military History in the News
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

“The Red Army could have defeated Nazi Germany without Allied help,” records The Times of London, “according to two thirds of Russians, who are adopting an increasingly positive view of Joseph Stalin’s wartime leadership despite the enormous casualties suffered under his command.” This worrying sign of increased ultra-nationalism under Vladimir Putin was based on findings from a poll conducted by the respected Levada Center in Moscow. 

In the News

One Photo, Less Than 1000 Words: Trump And Putin Shake On It

quoting Markos Kounalakisvia Macleans (Canada)
Monday, July 10, 2017

What the photo of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin shaking hands at the G20 summit says about the shifts in world politics.

In the News

Trump Backtracks On Cyber Unit With Russia After Harsh Criticism

quoting Michael McFaulvia US News
Sunday, July 9, 2017

U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday backtracked on his push for a cyber security unit with Russia, tweeting that he did not think it could happen, hours after his proposal was harshly criticized by Republicans who said Moscow could not be trusted.

Analysis and Commentary

What Really Happened At The Trump-Putin Meeting In Hamburg, Germany

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Forbes
Friday, July 7, 2017

Two world leaders, U.S. President Vladimir Putin and Russian President Vladimir Putin, met for the first time today in Hamburg to discuss for more than two hours the most thorny and controversial issues facing our troubled world. At its conclusion, CNN and other media outlets were interested in only one “huge headline” from the meeting: Did Trump raised with Putin the issue of Russian interference in the US 2016 election? 

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Brodsky and His Muses

by Cynthia Havenvia Hoover Digest
Friday, July 7, 2017

A new collection shows where the great émigré poet Joseph Brodsky found friendship, love, and inspiration. 


Kiron Skinner On Fox Business

interview with Kiron K. Skinnervia Fox Business
Friday, July 7, 2017

Hoover Institution fellow Kiron Skinner discusses the meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin.

Analysis and Commentary

Competition, Not Sanctions, Can Check Russian Aggression

by Richard A. Epsteinvia The Hill
Friday, July 7, 2017

Friday, Presidents Trump and Putin had their heart-to-heart talks on several ticklish subjects, one of which was undoubtedly trade. It is easy to figure out where President Trump has gone wrong on trade. He is overly-concerned with trade deficits, which leads him to indulge in selective forms of protectionism that are both politically unwise and economically self-defeating.
