Race & Gender


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On Radical Islam, Trump Has Lost His Focus

by Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Wall Street Journal
Thursday, August 10, 2017

There’s no ‘extreme vetting,’ no outreach to moderates, and too much coziness with Riyadh.

Blank Section (Placeholder)Featured

The Libertarian: The Google Controversy

interview with Richard A. Epsteinvia Defining Ideas (Hoover Institution)
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Was the tech giant justified in firing an employee critical of its diversity policies?

In the News

What Should A Truly Diverse Society Look Like?

mentioning Richard A. Epsteinvia NewsMax
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Accusations that affirmative action amounts to reverse discrimination have driven many organizations to repackage their policies under the rubric of “diversity.”

In the News

It Is Time To Review Race-Based Affirmative Action Programs

quoting Thomas Sowellvia Communities Digital News
Monday, August 7, 2017

Race based affirmative action has failed to create a color blind society; Actually, it has done the opposite creating more divisiveness and anger.

Analysis and Commentary

Life Among India’s Lowly

by Tunku Varadarajanvia Wall Street Journal
Sunday, August 6, 2017

The lowest members of the caste system are born into forms of misery and humiliation from which it is nearly impossible to escape. Tunku Varadarajan reviews ‘Ants Among Elephants’ by Sujatha Gidla.

In the News

Get Government Out Of The College Discrimination Business

quoting Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowellvia The Federalist
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

t’s perfectly reasonable for the Trump Administration to undo institutional discrimination against white and Asian kids.

In the News

Why Does Randi Weingarten Think More Freedom Is Racism?

quoting Eric Hanushekvia Creators Syndicate
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Randi Weingarten, president of the nation's second-largest teachers union, the American Federation of Teachers, used a speech last week to brand the education choice movement as racist.


Richard Epstein Discusses Harvard’s Final Clubs On The John Batchelor Show

interview with Richard A. Epsteinvia The John Batchelor Show
Saturday, July 29, 2017

Hoover Institution fellow Richard Epstein discusses his Defining Ideas article "Harvard’s Final Clubs Debacle."

In the News

Why The Left Is In A Frenzy Over Transgender Ban

quoting Shelby Steelevia WND - World Net Daily
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

As recently as three years ago, no Democratic politician in America would have insisted that the U.S. military ought to allow transgendered people to serve in the military, but today they are hysterically defending their right to do just that.

In the News

Trump Just Announced A Ban On Transgender Military Service On Twitter

quoting Kori Schakevia Vox
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
This changes an Obama-era policy from 2016.


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