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Analysis and Commentary

Can Our Colleges Be Saved?

by Victor Davis Hansonvia Tribune Media Services
Thursday, March 10, 2016

The public is steadily losing confidence in undergraduate education, given that we hear constantly about how poorly educated are today’s graduates and how few well-paying jobs await them.

In the News

The Common Core: Defend, Bury Or Transform?

mentioning Michael J. Petrillivia South By Southwest
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

For over 25 years, the US has made academic standards a key component of K-12 reform, and is now five years into a multi-billion dollar effort to revamp K-12 learning through the Common Core. However, that effort is under attack from the left and right, and faces a new challenge in the form of parental opt-outs from testing. 

Analysis and Commentary

Random Thoughts

by Thomas Sowellvia Creators Syndicate
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Random thoughts on the passing scene: The presidential election prospects for the Democrats are so bad this year that only the Republicans can save them — as Republicans have saved them before.

In the News

Reaching The Cry-Bullies

quoting Victor Davis Hansonvia Ricochet
Monday, March 7, 2016

Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote about the campus “cry-bully” phenomenon: i.e., of students and faculty who inhabit the strange intersection of totally hapless victims and nearly-omnipotent censors.

In the News

School Choice Regulation: Friend Or Foe?

mentioning Michael J. Petrillivia Cato Institute
Friday, March 4, 2016

Since Milton Friedman, school choice proponents have argued that vouchers and other private choice programs would improve student performance, and nearly every “gold-standard” study has found they do – until now. Recent studies of Louisiana’s voucher program have found that it actually reduced students’ performance on standardized tests. Why? 


Rhodes Hasn’t Fallen, But The Protesters Are Making Me Rethink Britain’s Past

by Timothy Garton Ashvia The Guardian
Friday, March 4, 2016

The Oxford students have a point. We do need to acknowledge the pain caused by empire.

Stanford Oval
In the News

Faculty Senate Talks Serra Renaming, Smoking On Campus, PPB Report

quoting Russell A. Bermanvia Stanford Daily
Friday, March 4, 2016

The Faculty Senate unanimously approved a four-part resolution regarding the proposal to rename certain campus buildings and roads currently named after Junipero Serra during their meeting Thursday afternoon.


Michael Petrilli On The Education Gadfly Show

interview with Michael J. Petrillivia Education Gadfly (Thomas B. Fordham Institute)
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hoover Institution fellow Michael Petrilli discusses how technology makes “differentiation” doable, non-cognitive skills under ESSA, and the future of Success Academies in New York City.


Paul Peterson On The EdNext Podcast

interview with Paul E. Petersonvia Education Next
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hoover Institution fellow Paul Peterson discusses the impact of the Every Student Succeeds Act on digital learning, testing, and more.

In the News

How Could The Presidential Transition Affect ESSA Implementation?

quoting Michael J. Petrillivia Education Week
Thursday, March 3, 2016

With the Every Student Succeeds Act now on the books, is the outcome of the presidential election still relevant when it comes to the main federal K-12 law? Yes, absolutely, as we wrote in this previous post.


K-12 Education Task Force

The K–12 Education Task Force focuses on education policy as it relates to government provision and oversight versus private solutions (both within and outside the public school system) that stress choice, accountability, and transparency.

CREDO at Stanford University