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In The News - Immigration Reform Struggling To Maintain Momentum

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Immigration seems to be out of the limelight until President Obama and Congress come to a decision on limited military action in Syria.

The biggest test over the August break was whether activists would put enough pressure on their congressmen to make them rethink supporting some form of immigration reform. Several news reports indicate very little pressure occurred.

That said, at this point it looks like the one thing that could stop immigration reform in its tracks is time. Sen. John McCain fears that if legislation doesn’t continue in the next few weeks, then any chances of reform will be lost. Rep. Mari Diaz-Balart predicts the same fate.

Pressure on Rep. Paul Ryan from constituents and Tea Party activists seems to have fallen to a manageable level, but Speaker Boehner faces a different kind of challenge over immigration reform. Senator Rand Paul hinted that Boehner’s speakership might rest on how he addresses immigration reform.

Back in March, many initially thought would be through both houses in June. Now, an October vote beckons. Business leaders and immigration activists are doing what they can to move the process along from the outside. One argument likely to see more traction this fall is over immigration’s budget impact. Since congress is heading into another debt ceiling fight, any bill that is deficit reducing could garner much needed support.