OPM has recently reported that a cyber intrusion into its systems has compromised personnel records of current, former, and prospective Federal employees. Further information about this incident is available at Please be aware of scam email or telephone campaigns targeting victims of the OPM breach, which seek to steal personally identifiable information. If you believe you have been the victim of a crime related to the OPM data breach, you may file a complaint by clicking the button below. Please include the keyword “OPM” and any relevant information in your complaint.

Filing a Complaint with the IC3

The IC3 accepts online Internet crime complaints from either the actual victim or from a third party to the complainant. We can best process your complaint if we receive accurate and complete information from you. Therefore, we request that you provide the following information when filing a complaint:

  • Your name
  • Your mailing address
  • Your telephone number
  • The name, address, telephone number, and Web address, if available, of the individual or organization you believe defrauded you.
  • Specific details on how, why, and when you believe you were defrauded.
  • Any other relevant information you believe is necessary to support your complaint.