Health & Fitness
The holidays are here! Everything you need to make it extra special

Health & Fitness

Exercise Class Reviews

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L.A. Walks

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Find a walk near you

Nobody walks in L.A.? Ridiculous! This is a series of articles exploring the many opportunities for walking in (and around) a city of 3.8 million.

Getting Out for a SoCal Experience

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Want to hang with La Jolla's rock stars? Kayak to them.

"Look — it's Bruno!" shouted our guide. All heads turned left. Sprawled on an isolated rock in the water below the shoreline cliffs, his reputation as massive as his size, was a true American hero and the rock star of La Jolla Cove: Bruno the sea lion. There's a lot to see in a 90-minute kayaking...

Health Advice From the Stars

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Mental Health

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More Health & Fitness News

  • Getting Out

    Getting Out

    We are Getting Out — and we hope you'll join us. Late-night group runs or early-morning surfing. Mountains or beaches, trails or tracks. On foot or on bikes. Could we live in a more alluring place for going outside? I've run on icy Moscow sidewalks, through smog-thickened Beijing air and while...

  • How hugs make everything better, even running the stairs at the Hollywood Bowl

    How hugs make everything better, even running the stairs at the Hollywood Bowl

    It’s not even 6 a.m., it’s still dark and scores of people are about to utterly exhaust themselves. And yet they’re so darned happy. An offer to shake hands is met with: “Oh, we hug here.” All those people. They cheer and clap and, good Lord, they even skip. All of that before they chug up and...

  • Pioneers of mindfulness meditation gather in Santa Monica Nov. 15 for 'Joyful Spirit'

    Pioneers of mindfulness meditation gather in Santa Monica Nov. 15 for 'Joyful Spirit'

    A group of pioneering teachers of meditation in the United States are coming together to celebrate the explosion of interest in what they've been heralding as a fruitful way of life for decades. They will take part on Nov. 15 in "Living With a Joyful Spirit and a Wise Heart," an event at the Broad...

  • At Campowerment in Malibu, women find joy, inner strength or simple relaxation

    At Campowerment in Malibu, women find joy, inner strength or simple relaxation

    Mary Olson, a 59-year-old IT executive from Falls Church, Va., scaled to the top of a 40-foot high pole and perched there for 10 minutes, trembling, summoning the courage to make the next move. Below, clusters of women shouted encouragement. Finally, Olson began slowly shimmying 40 feet across...

  • Should you be worried about the mercury in your teeth?

    Should you be worried about the mercury in your teeth?

    There is no doubt in many consumers' minds that mercury is an environmental hazard; many avoid eating fish, such as tuna, known to be high in the neurotoxin. While numerous studies have linked fetal and infant mercury exposure to impaired brain and nervous system development, recent Environmental...
