Expression of tissue-restricted self antigens (TRAs) in medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) is essential for the induction of self-tolerance and prevents autoimmunity, with each TRA being expressed in only a few mTECs. How this process is regulated in single mTECs and is coordinated at the population level, such that the varied single-cell patterns add up to faithfully represent TRAs, is poorly understood. Here we used single-cell RNA sequencing and obtained evidence of numerous recurring TRA–co-expression patterns, each present in only a subset of mTECs. Co-expressed genes clustered in the genome and showed enhanced chromatin accessibility. Our findings characterize TRA expression in mTECs as a coordinated process that might involve local remodeling of chromatin and thus ensures a comprehensive representation of the immunological self.
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We thank K. Hexel and S. Schmitt for single-cell sorting; S. Egle for technical help; C. Sebening and T. Loukanov (University of Heidelberg) for human thymic tissue; The Genomics Core Facility of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory for initial sequencing, and M. Miranda and E. Hopmans for support during subsequent sequencing at the Stanford Genome Technology Center; J. Buenrostro and C. Chabbert for discussions about ATAC-seq experiments and data, respectively; C. Michel and S. Anders for advice and comments on the manuscript; W. Wei and M. Sikora for help with data transfer; and The Central Animal Facility (German Cancer Research Center) for animal care. Supported by the European Union 7th Framework Programme (Health) via Project Radiant (W.H. and A.R.), The Helmholtz Center (K.R.), the Sonderforschungsbereich (DFG 938 to S.P.), the European Research Council (ERC-2012-AdG to B.K.) and the US National Institutes of Health (P01 HG000205 and R01 GM068717 to P.B., M.N. and L.M.S.).
Author information
Author notes
- Philip Brennecke
- , Alejandro Reyes
- , Sheena Pinto
- & Kristin Rattay
These authors contributed equally to this work.
- Wolfgang Huber
- , Bruno Kyewski
- & Lars M Steinmetz
These authors jointly directed this work.
Department of Genetics, Stanford University, School of Medicine, California, USA.
- Philip Brennecke
- , Michelle Nguyen
- & Lars M Steinmetz
Stanford Genome Technology Center, Stanford University, California, USA.
- Philip Brennecke
- , Michelle Nguyen
- & Lars M Steinmetz
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Genome Biology Unit, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Alejandro Reyes
- , Wolfgang Huber
- & Lars M Steinmetz
Division of Developmental Immunology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Sheena Pinto
- , Kristin Rattay
- , Rita Küchler
- & Bruno Kyewski
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P.B., S.P., B.K. and L.M.S. conceived of the project; P.B., S.P. and K.R. designed experiments; P.B. performed single-cell sequencing experiments, Klk5 single-cell quantitative PCR confirmation experiments and ATAC-seq experiments; S.P. helped with the ATAC-seq experiments; S.P. and K.R. performed experimental mTEC preparations and flow cytometry of single and bulk mTECs; A.R. and W.H. designed analysis strategy and analyzed the data; A.R. prepared the figures; P.B., A.R., S.P., K.R., W.H., B.K. and L.M.S. interpreted the data and wrote the manuscript; M.N. and R.K. provided technical assistance; and L.M.S., B.K. and W.H. supervised the project.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Corresponding authors
Correspondence to Wolfgang Huber or Bruno Kyewski or Lars M Steinmetz.
Integrated supplementary information
Supplementary figures
- 1.
Histogram of the fraction of genes detected per mTEC that are classified as TRA-encoding genes.
- 2.
Enrichment of TRA-encoding genes among highly variable genes.
- 3.
Enrichment of genes in the Tspan8–co-expressed gene set among genes from cluster B resulting from the k-medoids clustering.
- 4.
Confirmation of co-expressed gene sets by independent experimental approaches.
- 5.
Enrichment of genes in the Klk5–co-expressed gene set among genes from cluster D resulting from the k-medoids clustering.
- 6.
Expected versus observed genomic proximity of the 11 groups of co-expressed genes resulting from the k-medoids clustering.
- 7.
Karyogram of the genomic position of the 11 groups of co-expressed genes resulting from the k-medoids clustering.
- 8.
Examples of co-expressed genomic loci and their locations in the genome.
- 9.
Fraction of cells with detection of expression of genes encoding proteases of the kallikrein family.
Supplementary information
PDF files
- 1.
Supplementary Text and Figures
Supplementary Figures 1–9
- 2.
Supplementary Code 1
Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals coordinated ectopic gene expression patterns in medullary thymic epithelial cells
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