
Tunisia Attack Kills at Least 38 at Beach Resort Hotel

Armed forces patrolled near a beachfront hotel in Sousse, Tunisia, where a man disguised as a vacationer opened fire on Friday, killing 38.CreditAssociated Press

By Farah Samti and Carlotta Gall

SOUSSE, Tunisia — At least one gunman disguised as a vacationer attacked this placid Mediterranean resort on Friday, killing at least 38 people at a beachfront hotel — most of them British tourists — before he was shot to death by the security forces.

The slaughter at the Imperial Marhaba Hotel in Sousse, a palm-flecked town on the northeast Tunisian coast, was among the worst terrorist attacks in the country’s history and the second in a little more than three months aimed at the tourist industry, which depends on European vacationers.

It sent shock waves through the country, which was still recovering from the massacre of mostly foreign tourists at a museum in Tunis, the capital, in March.

Roaming from the beach to the pool to the reception area of the hotel, the assailant appeared to have methodically targeted guests with a Kalashnikov rifle he had hidden in a beach umbrella, according to accounts by witnesses, including terrified hotel workers. He was shot and killed by police officers who witnesses said arrived about 30 minutes after the attack began.

There were conflicting accounts on whether the gunman acted alone. The Interior Ministry identified him as a 23-year-old Tunisian student with no police record. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, according to statements released Friday night on Twitter.

Visitors on the hotel terrace after the attack.CreditZoubeir Souissi/Reuters

There had been speculation almost immediately that the Islamic State might have played a role, partly because it had taken responsibility for the museum attack in Tunis, which the group had described as a siege on “citizens of the Crusader countries.”

Tunisian officials said they knew of only one gunman, although the police were searching for possible accomplices.

President Beji Caid Essebsi rushed to the resort and promised tough new procedures to thwart any further mayhem. The speaker of Tunisia’s Parliament, Mohamed Ennaceur, proclaimed in Tunis that “terrorism is targeting the state and the interests of the people.”

Britain’s deputy ambassador, Rufus Drabble, who arrived here within hours of the assault, said many of the victims were Britons, but he declined to specify a number. He said two teams of British officials were checking the stricken hotel and nearby resorts to ensure that other British citizens were accounted for. “This is sickening,” he said.

Prime Minister Habib Essid of Tunisia said at a news conference early on Saturday that most of the victims were British. Witnesses said some children were among the victims. The BBC reported that “Tunisians, Britons, Germans, Belgians and at least one Irish citizen were among the dead.”

At least 20 people were wounded in the attack, including five British tourists and five Tunisians, who were being treated at a city hospital, Tunisian news media reported. Hours after the assault, many of the vacationers in Sousse, traumatized and tearful, were packing to leave.

“We were planning to stay for a week, but we’re cutting our trip short because we’re scared,” said a woman from Belgium accompanied by her daughter, who had been staying at the al-Mouradi Hotel next to the Imperial Marhaba. She asked not to be identified by name.

The audacity of the assailant suggested a sharp escalation from the relatively low-level political violence that has bedeviled Tunisia since its Arab Spring revolt four years ago.

Some said it took the police and security officers at least 30 minutes to respond after the shooting started just before noon, as the gunman targeted guests on the beach, at the pool and in the lobby.

“I can’t understand why they didn’t arrive earlier,” said Khmais Bouzayane, 45, a longtime employee of the hotel. “I lived in an unimaginable terror. I hid near the pool, in the engine room below the ground.”

Hours after the assault, he said, police officials were still combing through the hotel grounds and medical crews were “still picking bodies from the sea — the sea has the biggest number of bodies.”

The Tunisian authorities have struggled to suppress a small but violent Islamist insurgency that has sprung up since the uprising that forced out the former president, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, and set off the Arab Spring.

But Islamist extremist groups have been threatening attacks against the Tunisian government, its security forces and its institutions. They have frequently mounted attacks against police and army units over the last two years, but appeared to turn their focus recently to the tourism industry, which offers easy targets and is vital to the local economy.

Mr. Essid, the prime minister, said in a recent interview that the aim of the extremists was to damage the economy and derail Tunisia’s democratic transition. He announced a number of additional counterterrorism measures at his news conference early Saturday, including the closing of 80 mosques and enhanced security at Tunisian hotels and resorts. The attack in Sousse, Mr. Ben Ali’s hometown, comes just over three months after two gunmen killed 22 people — 21 of them foreign tourists — in a mass shooting at the Bardo National Museum in Tunis. The two men had been radicalized in Tunisia and trained in an Islamist militant camp in Libya in the weeks before the attack.

In Sousse, the assailant who was killed wore black shorts and a T-shirt, and his body lay sprawled on the street, his assault rifle beside him. He had dressed as a tourist.

The tourism minister, Salma Elloumi, who has worked conspicuously to support the industry and encourage foreign visitors, said on national radio that the Sousse attack was a “catastrophe” for Tunisia.

Farah Samti reported from Sousse, and Carlotta Gall from London. Reporting was contributed by David D. Kirkpatrick and Merna Thomas from Cairo, Melissa Eddy from Berlin and Rick Gladstone from New York.

A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A9 of the New York edition with the headline: Scores Die in Attack at Tunisian Beach Hotel. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe

