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Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment

On June 14, 2012, President Obama issued Executive Order (E.O.) No. 13616, “Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment,” to facilitate wired and wireless broadband infrastructure deployment on Federal lands, buildings, and ROW, federally assisted highways, and tribal and individual Indian trust lands, particularly in underserved communities. The E.O. established and charged the Broadband Deployment on Federal Property Working Group (Working Group) with ensuring a coordinated approach in implementing agency procedures, requirements, and policies related to these topics. The Working Group has just completed their first Progress Report that is available here as well as created a GIS mapping tool and inventory of broadband resources to assist those interested in broadband deployment. The Federal Highway Administration has also published a report on successful broadband deployment in highway rights of way as well as other resources available here.

Creating Jobs Faster by Cutting Timelines in Half for Major Infrastructure Projects

On May 17, 2013, as part of the Administration’s effort to make America a magnet for jobs by building a 21st Century infrastructure, President Obama will sign a Presidential Memorandum that will modernize the Federal infrastructure permitting process, cutting timelines in half for major infrastructure projects while creating incentives for better outcomes for communities and the environment. By cutting red tape and shaving months, and even years, off the time it takes to review and approve major infrastructure projects, we will be able to start construction sooner, create jobs earlier, and fix our Nation’s infrastructure faster.

Presidential Memorandum: Modernizing Federal Infrastructure Review and Permitting Regulations, Policies, and Procedures

Reliable, safe, and resilient infrastructure is the backbone of an economy built to last. Investing in our Nation's infrastructure serves as an engine for job creation and economic growth, while bringing immediate and long-term economic benefits to communities across the country. The quality of our infrastructure is critical to maintaining our Nation's competitive edge in a global economy and to securing our path to energy independence. In taking steps to improve our infrastructure, we must remember that the protection and continued enjoyment of our Nation's environmental, historical, and cultural resources remain an equally important driver of economic opportunity, resiliency, and quality of life.

REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT – Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure: Cutting Timelines and Improving Outcomes for Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects

This report provides an update on the progress made over the past year implementing Executive Order 13604 of March 28, 2012 (Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects). Through diligent work, agencies have made substantial progress over the past year in reduc­ing permitting and review timelines while improving outcomes for communities and the environment. Agencies have reduced timelines for major infrastructure projects, including ports and related infra­structure, road and bridges, rail and transit, water resources projects, pipelines, and renewable energy by several months to several years.

We Can’t Wait: Obama Administration Announces Transit Projects in Minnesota and Ohio to Be Expedited

WASHINGTON, DC – On October 1, 2012 as part of his We Can’t Wait initiative, President Obama announced that two nationally and regionally significant transit projects in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Cleveland, Ohio will be expedited to put Americans to work building a 21st century infrastructure and providing Minnesota and Ohio with more transportation choices...

We Can’t Wait: Obama Administration Announces Two California Transportation Projects to Be Expedited

WASHINGTON, DC – On September 21, 2012 as part of his We Can’t Wait initiative, President Obama announced that two nationally and regionally significant surface transportation projects in California will be expedited to put Americans to work building a 21st century infrastructure and providing California with more transportation choices...

We Can’t Wait: Obama Administration Announces Four Surface Transportation Projects to Be Expedited

WASHINGTON, DC – On August 20, 2012 as part of his We Can’t Wait initiative, President Obama announced that four nationally and regionally significant surface transportation projects will be expedited to put Americans to work replacing aging infrastructure and improving the reliability and resiliency of critical highway, transit and rail systems in Maine, North Dakota, Oregon and Washington State...

We Can’t Wait: Obama Administration Announces Seven Major Renewable Energy Infrastructure Projects that Would Power 1.5 million Homes to be Expedited

WASHINGTON, DC – On August 7, 2012 as a part of his We Can’t Wait initiative, President Obama announced that seven nationally and regionally significant solar and wind energy projects will be expedited, including projects in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Wyoming...

We Can’t Wait: Obama Administration Announces Atlanta Regional Multimodal Passenger Terminal Project to Be Expedited

WASHINGTON, DC – On July 27, 2012 as part of his We Can’t Wait initiative, President Obama announced that the Atlanta Regional Multimodal Passenger Terminal project will be expedited as a nationally and regionally significant infrastructure project, shaving up to a year off the review timeline for the project...

We Can’t Wait: Obama Administration Announces 5 Major Port Projects to Be Expedited

WASHINGTON, DC – On July 19, 2012 as part of its We Can’t Wait initiative, the Administration announced that 7 nationally and regionally significant infrastructure projects will be expedited to help modernize and expand 5 major ports in the United States, including the Port of Jacksonville, the Port of Miami, the Port of Savannah, the Port of New York and New Jersey, and the Port of Charleston...

Federal Agency Plans for Improving Performance of Permitting and Reviews of Infrastructure Projects

Executive Order 13604 directs each Member Agency to identify those permitting and review Processes viewed as most critical…

A Federal Plan to Modernize the Federal Permitting and Review Process for Better Projects, Improved Environmental and Community Outcomes, and Quicker Decisions

Fulfilling a commitment he made in his 2012 State of the Union Address, President Obama signed Executive Order 13604 on Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects. The Executive Order created an inter-agency initiative, spearheaded by the Office of Management and Budget, to institutionalize best practices to reduce the amount of time required to make permitting and review decisions and improve environmental and community outcomes. The Federal Plan for Modernizing the Federal Permitting and Review Process for Better Projects, Improved Environmental and Community Outcomes, and Quicker Decisions describes the specific steps the Obama Administration is taking to enhance the review process for vital infrastructure projects. Implementation of the best practices and specific and measurable actions described the Plan will create a more transparent, more predictable, and better performing process that will maintain the confidence of stakeholders, improve engagement with project sponsors, and reduce timelines while protecting the public’s health and safety, our security, and the environment.

Executive Order – Improving Performance of Federal Permitting And Review of Infrastructure Projects

March 22, 2012 - By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to significantly reduce the aggregate time required to make decisions in the permitting and review of infrastructure projects by the Federal Government, while improving environmental and community outcomes, it is hereby ordered as follows…

Initial High-Priority Infrastructure Projects

In August 2011, President Obama identified 14 High Priority Infrastructure Projects to be expedited through the permitting and review process. Six of these projects have already completed the process, four are in construction, three more will be completed over the next three months, and the remaining projects are on track for expedited review.

Presidential Memorandum – Speeding Infrastructure Development Through More Efficient and Effective Permitting and Environmental Review

August 31, 2011 - To maintain our Nation's competitive edge, we must ensure that the United States has fast, reliable ways to move people, goods, energy, and information.  In a global economy, where businesses are making investment choices between countries, we will compete for the world's investments based in part on the quality of our infrastructure. Investing in the Nation's infrastructure brings both immediate and long-term economic benefits -- benefits that can accrue not only where the infrastructure is located, but also to communities all across the country.  And at a time when job growth must be a top priority, well-targeted investment in infrastructure can be an engine of job creation and economic growth.