Gender Stall Graph

Beyond the Stalled Revolution

Reinvigorating Gender Equality in the Twenty-first Century

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Twenty years ago, Arlie Hochschild described the gender revolution as stalled, noting that while women had flooded into the paid labor market, men had not increased their involvement in the household, thereby limiting the potential of women in the workplace.

More recently, scholars have identified further evidence of a stall in women's progress. The gender gap in wages, while narrowing over the 1970s and 1980s, has remained relatively constant since the mid 1990s. The movement of women into male dominated fields of work has slowed. Women's participation in the paid labor market has leveled off. And, while women are earning an increasingly large share of bachelor's degrees overall, the percentage of women earning degrees in some fields, such as computer science, has actually declined since the mid 1990s. Even women's state-level political office holding seems to have peaked. Accompanying these trends, there is evidence that Americans' attitudes towards acceptable roles for women have taken a conservative turn after decades of moving towards more egalitarian views.

Through a series of workshops, conferences, and fellowships, the Clayman Institute will bring together an intellectually diverse group of scholars to provide new insights into the barriers to women's advancement and to propose novel and workable solutions to advancing gender equality.