Widgets Magazine


The R word

On April 19, Freddie Carlos Gray, Jr., died from severe trauma to his spine while in police custody. Baltimore has been the site of peaceful protests and violent unrest since Gray’s murder, with thousands continuing to rally and protest after May 1, when state attorney Marilyn J. Mosby charged six officers with crimes ranging from manslaughter to murder.

It is after curfew in Baltimore as I write this, and as I listen to muffled music drifting from the direction of the Row, I know protesters on Baltimore streets continue to be pepper-sprayed and arrested by lines of riot gear-clad police officers.

As we go about our daily lives on campus, nearly 3000 miles away, it is easy for many of us to feel disconnected from the resistance, from black rage and black power, from police brutality. It is easy to condemn protesters as “thugs” or immediately criticize violent resistance. For those who are willing to learn about the historical, economic and political forces driving the actions in Baltimore, resources exist; I will not beat a dead horse.

These responses to the protests in Baltimore, however, seem symptomatic of a campus that is still echoing with anti-activist sentiments directed against the chalking that was quickly erased during Admit Weekend, the Students of Color Coalition, the Stanford 68 and others. Over this past year, sentiments made in classrooms, news articles and on Yik Yak have consistently demonstrated an ugly truth about our communities that we would rather not acknowledge.

Stanford, we are racist.

The instinctive reaction to that claim is often, “no, we’re not.” Racism is that taboo that is never discussed, an uncomfortable concept that many of us would like to claim is entirely contrary to our personal values. Racism, for many of us, looks like the n-word and swinging nooses, plantations and slavery, chains and whips. Our perception of racism is predicated on our understanding of a historical system of subjugation, a system that has evolved substantially since the 1800s when it was forced by law to change its name. Racism today manifests as police brutality, colonialism, poverty, border enforcement, mass incarceration, the War on Drugs – each of which is a construct born from the same history of racial oppression. Though racism has changed, we have not: While we are quick to denounce fraternity chants and police departments’ emails for using racial slurs; we fail to recognize that racism is more than the n-word. In fact, by avoiding a handful of words and phrases, we convince ourselves to absolve that label, “racist.”

Perhaps this is why we have such a visceral reaction to being called racist. Since we assume that the label of “racist” only applies to those who use racial slurs, or are foolish enough to publish prejudiced statements, we take offense at the accusation. We believe that since racism is not in our intent, racism never results from our actions. But the systems of subjugation have changed. Society has normalized a new racial discourse using coded words like “thugs,” “inner city” and “welfare queens” and created new systems of subjugation through law enforcement, mass incarceration and the school-to-prison pipeline. Intent or not, by virtue of living inside the system, we are all complicit in its injustices. Racism is in the air we breathe, and gas masks aren’t cheap.

At Stanford, this reality is slowly sinking in. More and more students are refusing to turn a blind eye to the patterns of murder and subjugation rampant across our country and the world and the continuing injustices perpetuated by the state. More and more Stanford students are challenging and questioning their own racist attitudes and beliefs. In response to global injustice, we must continue to critically examine not only our own biases, but how our actions support or subvert larger systems; we must recognize global resistance and activism for what it is: self defense.

Several Stanford students have cited divisiveness as a negative side effect of activism. To that allegation, I say this: At Stanford, our role as students is to learn. If divisiveness or a tense campus climate is the result of this learning, then this only means that divisiveness and tension is the reality of our society. It is our responsibility as Stanford students to educate ourselves about the society we live in and ask ourselves whether our actions or inactions support or challenge the existing racial paradigm.

Marginalized communities are tired of debating whether or not black lives matter or whether racism exists. Stanford students are tired of hypocritical condemnations of violence, of people insistently holding onto their security blankets of “not all white people” and “not all cops.” In order to move from these basic realities into more nuanced discussions on activism, resistance, survival and healing, we must move past our fear of acknowledging racism. Only by confronting our own beliefs can we grow as individuals, as communities and as a campus.

Contact Lily Zheng at lilyz8 ‘at’ stanford.edu.

About Lily Zheng

Lily Zheng '17, is a weekly columnist for The Stanford Daily, a Social Psychology major and co-president of the student group Kardinal Kink. Her weekly column revolves around consent culture, queer and trans identity, social justice and activism. In her spare time, she enjoys wearing too much black clothing, accidentally sleeping in her makeup and spending quality time with her partners. Contact her at lilyz8 'at' stanford.edu – she loves messages!
  • Guest

    Rubbish. Is it racism when a young man commits murder and goes to prison? Or when a protester ignores the legal curfew in Baltimore and is forced off of the streets or arrested? No. Racism is a canard. The problem is that too many youth are choosing crime. So shouldn’t we work together to solve that instead of labeling everyone as racist?

    Improve inner-city schools and policing, improve the economy to provide jobs, improve the home support systems with complete families — all to help the young man to choose not to commit the crime.

  • NoWayJoseMourinho

    The term ‘racist’ has been so thoroughly diluted and expanded by activists like Lily Zheng, that this term is basically devoid of any practical value. What insights can we possibly hope to gain by equating things as dangerous as committing illegal acts of violence, and things as innocuous as getting dressed in the morning?

  • Alum

    This article says that we need to repent for our racism, even if we’ve done nothing racist or hold no racist viewpoints. Lily wants everyone to be baptized into the activist cult to cure us of our state of Original Racism.

    Complete garbage.

  • Undergrad

    I would like to turn your attention to the Letter from a Birmingham Jail, where King stated that the White Moderate who did nothing was more upsetting than the Ku Klux Klanner. The idea of apathetic compliance is not in any way new.

    She’s not even saying “everybody must be an activist.” She saying that it is important to recognize that racism still exists in America, as uncomfortable as it may be to acknowledge.

  • mogden

    Stanford should address its own racism in the form of discrimination against Asians.

  • Alum

    This entire piece equates racism with “anti-activist sentiments” multiple times. She discusses campus backlash against activists and then immediately says “Stanford, we are racist” as a conclusion.

    You’d be hard-pressed to find someone at Stanford who isn’t aware that there is racism in America or doesn’t want to help stop it. He or she would have to live under a rock. But plenty of people still dislike Stanford’s brand of activists because of their questionable tactics, accusatory and self-aggrandizing demeanor, discriminatory viewpoints toward white people or males, disagreement with their vision (or lack thereof) of the future, or any number of other legitimate reasons. That doesn’t make them compliant with racism. You can oppose both racism and authoritarian activists.

  • Undergrad

    The use of backlash against activists as a segue into her conclusion that Stanford has racial issues is not “[equating] racism with ‘anti-activist sentiments.'” It is, however, making a judgement of those anti-activist sentiments – had you looked at Yik Yak, for example, during any of the times when activists were doing their thing, you would be hard pressed to avoid blatant racism hurled upon the activists. There’s a way to criticize activists without being racist that many critics failed to understand or care about, which indeed made them compliant with racism. She wasn’t talking about everyone – just those critics.

    I must draw your attention again to my point with King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Awareness that racism exists is not enough – when Lily says “Stanford, we are racist,” she is making a suggestion that nobody wants to hear due to massive discomfort – that maybe just maybe, you yourself might be participating in a racist system, even if you you do not actively do anything racist or hold racist viewpoints (or believe that you do nothing racist or hold racist viewpoints – Strom Thurmond, for a particularly extreme case, did not not believe that he was a racist).

    I’m not saying that you have to be “baptized into the activist cult” to suddenly not be racist. I’m not even saying that you have to be an activist. I’m saying that if you think racism is an issue, do more than simply criticize the people who try to do something about it.