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Where there's smoke......

April 19 -  Caridad could not find Sancti Spíritus on a map, the province where the company run by the Chilean, Max Marambio, is located, but she is aware of all the rumors about its closing and the corruption scandals. She has learned to decipher the omissions of the press and to read, in the repetition of certain topics, an attempt to cover up others more interesting. So she is not content with the sugar-coated pill offered by the national news. For this 40-year-old Havana woman, the rumors on the street in the last weeks have caused her to dust off an old saying she stubbornly repeats: “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Just the name of the Río Zaza factory reverberates in conversations, although the newspaper Granma only mentioned the investigation in a brief note about the death of its general manager, Roberto Baudrand. GenerationY


Venezuelan boxing champion who murdered his wife hanged himself in his cell (UPDATED)

April 19 - In a tragic end to this sad story, Venezuelan police said this morning that boxing champion Edwin "El Inca" Valero died during the night, when he hanged himself inside the cell where he was being held after murdering his wife on Sunday.

According to police, Valero hanged himself using his own clothes. Guards were advised by other prisoners around 1:30 AM on Monday morning.

April18 - Venezuelan boxing champion Edwin "El Inca" Valero confessed on Sunday to the murder of his wife, 24 year old Jennifer Carolina Viera de Valero. 

Valero had held the World Boxing Council lightweight title, but has had a troubled start to 2010 and is listed by the WBC as "champion in recess".

Valero, a friend and supporter of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, was previously arrested on March 25 for punching his wife and breaking one of her ribs, resulting in the perforation of one of her lungs.

However, Valero was allowed to remain free and was supposed to have traveled to Cuba for alcohol and drug treatment.

The boxer said on several occasions that he was "immune" to prosecution because of his support for Chávez.

In September of 2007, Valero was accused of physically abusing her mother and sister but was also allowed to remain free.

On Saturday night, the boxer and his wife checked in at the Inter Continental hotel in the Venezuelan city of Valencia. They were seen chatting in the lobby of the hotel until about 1:30 AM, before going to their room.

At 5:30 Valero came down and told hotel employees that he had stabbed his wife to death.

In this video dated April 28, 2909, Chávez is seen praising the boxer and thanking him for his support after he won his latest title.


Castros have fighter planes, hundreds of tanks, 500,000 armed soldiers, but are scared of 9 women

April18 - Cuban security agents denied the wives and mothers of jailed dissidents permission to hold their weekly march Sunday, setting off a long, strange standoff under the hot Caribbean sun that ended with the women being led away by officials.

After seven years of peaceful  —mostly uneventful — Sunday protests, officials first stopped the women, known as the "Ladies in White," on April 11, and informed them they would need permission to hold future demonstrations. 

On Sunday, three state security officials waited for the women — just nine protesters in all — as they emerged from a Mass at the Santa Rita church in Havana's leafy Miramar neighborhood. Officials shut down traffic along Fifth Avenue, one of the city's main arteries.

 "Excuse me, Mrs. Laura Pollan," one of the security officials said politely, addressing the "Ladies in White" leader. "You did not inform us, so there will be no march."

 The official, who wore a red shirt and a black baseball cap with a picture of Ernesto "Che" Guevara" — would not give his name.
Pollan responded that she would only stop the protest if the government could produce a desist order in writing.
"You need to show us a legal document," she said.

"You have been advised," the official said, and with that he waved his hand in the air. Within seconds, two groups of counter-protesters descended on the women from both sides of the street, yelling and holding up a large Cuban flag.
"Down with the worms!" "This street belongs to Fidel" they shouted, encircling the women and making it impossible to hear their shouts of "Freedom." 

The government claims such "acts of repudiation" are spontaneous expressions of loathing of the opposition, but coordination between state agents and counter-protesters is open.

At the April 11 march, the Ladies in White had hardly walked a block before they were bundled into a state bus and taken away. This week, the women formed a small circle and stayed put, holding pink gladiolas over their heads as the pro-government demonstrators taunted them.

And thus began a two-hour contest of attrition. The women did not march, so they technically did not defy the government's ban. But they didn't leave either.

What can be said about a regime that has the second largest army in this Hemisphere, but is scared to death of nine unarmed women?

And what can be said about those, here in the United States and other free countries around the world, who still support this criminal, racist and fascist regime?

There is only one word to describe them: COWARDS!    More

You don't kow Che" A  Musical Video by Steve Pichan

A message from the author of You Don't Know Che: "This is a musical challenge to celebrities and others that proudly wear the image of Che on their clothing, jewelry, etc. The music was inspired by documentaries that I viewed which exposed the horrific truth about Che Guevara."

This video was produced by Agustín Blásquez, AB Independent Productions.


April 17 2010 - 49th. anniversary of a betrayal

April17 - A single 9:30 p.m. telephone call on April 16, 1961, 49 years ago today, could well have assured what was to become more than a half-century rule of Cuba by Fidel and Raúl Castro.

The call from McGeorge Bundy, special assistant to President John F. Kennedy, went to Gen. Charles Cabell, deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, who at the time was at CIA headquarters for Operation Zapata, more commonly remembered today as the Bay of Pigs. 

Cuban exile Brigade 2506 -- organized and trained by the CIA -- was to land on a Cuban beach at dawn the next morning, April 17, to begin the assault that would free Cuba from more than two years of Castro's increasingly dictatorial and communist-oriented rule.

As Cabell testified later, Bundy ``notified me that we would not be permitted to launch air strikes the next morning until they could be conducted from a strip within the beachhead. Any further consultation regarding the matter should be with the secretary of state.'' It was a decision that by many accounts -- including from members of the CIA task force who planned the operation -- doomed it to failure.

Don Bohning


Cuba now says what killed Roberto Baudrand was "alcohol and drugs" and not a heart attack

April16 - A Chilean businessman found dead this week in Cuba following questioning in a corruption investigation died of "acute respiratory insufficiency" caused by a mixture of drugs and alcohol, the Cuban government said in a statement on Friday.

It did not say how much alcohol Baudrand had consumed nor which drugs were in his system, in findings said to be based on a preliminary investigation and autopsy by Cuba's Institute of Legal Medicine.

On Thursday, sources close to the case and Baudrand's family said they had been told preliminary autopsy results found he had died of a heart attack.  Washington Post


Cuba claims that Chilean businessman died of a heart attack; Chile foreign minister doesn't buy it

April15 - Chilean newspapers are reporting late tonight that the Cuban government is saying that Roberto Baudrand, the Chilean executive who was found dead in his Havana apartment on Tuesday, died of a heart attack, but that Chile's Foreign Minister Alfredo Moreno said that the information that they have doesn't coincide with what Cuba is saying.

"We have verbal information as to the causes that do not coincide with that, but it is not definitive and is not formal either and, because of that, we are not going to give any information until the autopsy is not completed and we receive a formal response from the Cuban government," Moreno said.

Baudrand was interrogated in three different occasions by Cuban authorities. The first interrogation lasted 11 hours and among the people questioning Baudrand was a Cuban general.

Cuba's official press has not said on word so far about Baudrnad's death  La Nacion  (Spanish)


Gloria Estefan's Obama fundraiser creates controversy in the exile community

April15 - After a visit to Florida's Space Coast to talk about the future of NASA, President Barack Obama heads to Miami Thursday evening for two Democratic fundraisers — including a cocktail reception at the home of Gloria and Emilio Estefan that has irked some in the Cuban-American community.  The Miami Herald


You can use the comment section to say why you are in favor or against.


No more 'Open hand' - Obama must get tough with the Castros

April15 - President Obama is coming to Miami, and American Alan Gross remains in prison in Cuba. Gross was distributing telephones and laptops to Jewish organizations in Cuba when he was arrested Dec. 5. Since then he's been accused, but never formally charged, of spying for the United States. 

For a month the regime refused to allow American diplomats to visit Gross, who was working with the U.S. Agency for International Development in a congressionally mandated program to promote democracy in Cuba. Gen. Raúl Castro perversely declared Gross's arrest proved Obama's offer to extend an "open hand'' to regimes willing to "open their closed fist'' was a sham. Frank Calzon


The latest news on the death in Havana of a Chilean business partner of the Castro brothers

April15 - Details of the death of Chilean Roberto Baudrand (59), General Manager of the company Rio Zaza, who was found dead in his apartment in Havana, on Tuesday April 13th, were partially revealed today.

According to the Chilean newspaper, “La Tercera,” when an employee of the company Río Zaza, accompanied by Chilean diplomats and Cuban police forces, forced their way into Baudrand’s apartment at on Tuesday at around 3 PM, they found his body supported by his bed side table, surrounded by various pill-boxes. Members of Baudrand’s family deny that he may have overdosed on the pills, remaining firm that he took them only to prevent heart attacks. Authorities remain silent regarding cause of death. The Pulse

A corruption scandal got more complicated when a Chilean executive known to be affiliated with two Fidel Catro protégés was found dead in Havana.    The Miami Herald

Chile asked Havana on Wednesday for an “exhaustive investigation” of the death of a Chilean businessman in Cuba, Foreign Minister Alfredo Moreno said.  Latin American Herald Tribune

The death of Robert Baudrand, the top executive in Cuba of Alimentos Rio Zaza, a food processing company jointly owned by Mr. Marambio, a Chilean businessman, and the Cuban government, is the latest twist in a murky saga surrounding Mr. Marambio, a Fidel Castro protegé who became one of Cuba's top businessmen but who appears to have fallen from grace with the Castro regime.

Chile said it had been informed last week that Mr. Baudrand was prohibited from leaving the island, and called in the ranking Cuban diplomat in Santiago for an explanation. The Wall Street Journal


Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz criticized the Chávez regime for using children for political reasons

April14 - Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz criticized the regime of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, for using children as "communicational guerrillas."

On Tuesday, Chávez swore in the first 75 "communication guerrillas," made of students who are supposed to contradict any criticism of his regime by Venezuela's private media.

The children are supposed to use the Internet, text messages and even street graffiti to defend the Chávez regime.

On Wednesday, the famous Spanish singer posted two messages on his Twitter blog.

"The government of hugo chavez is using children as "communication guerrillas"...It is despicable that the international community is not doing anything," read the first message from Sanz.

A second message a few minutes later said: "People of the government of Venezuela using children politically is the greatest cowardly and

meanest thing that I have ever seen in my whole life."

Several newspapers in Spain and Latin America published Sanz' comments on their online editions on Wednesday.


Chilean executive of a company under investigation, is found dead in Havana (UPDATED)

Chile's Foreign Minister sent a diplomatic note to Havana requesting an "exhaustive investigation" of the death

El Mercurio Online (Spanish)

Report in Chile's English newspaper The Pulse saying that the family denied that Baudrand had committed suicide

About 3 years ago, I posted the information about Rio Zaza at under the title Where is the blockade?

April14 - A Chilean executive who worked for a company that the Cuban regime was investigating for alleged "corruption," was found dead in his apartment in Havana, according to reports in several newspapers in Chile.

Roberto Baudrand was general manager of Rio Zaza. a company owned by Chilean citizen Max Marambio, who made millions of dollars as a business partner of the Castro brothers and currently owns several businesses in Cuba.

The Castro brothers started breaking their links to Marambio after the recent defeat of the Socialists in Chile, who lost the presidential election for the first time since the end of the Pinochet government.

Rio Zaza is currently being investigated for alleged corruption and Baudrand had been told that he could not leave Cuba.

Another Marambio employee, Lucy Leal, has been under arrest for more than a month as a result of the same investigation.

The Rio Zaza investigation has to do with the millions of dollars found inside a water tank at the home of Civil Aviation Minister Gen. Rogelio Acevedo.

As we were the first to report back in March, Acevedo was forced to resign by Raúl Castro and he is currently being held under house arrest.

According to information from sources inside Cuba, Acevedo sold space clandestinely on several Cubana de Aviación planes to Latin American companies that needed to transport their merchandise, and the money paid by these companies went directly to his and other directors pockets.

The Cuban regime is like the Mafia. If you occupy a high enough position, you can benefit from some of the criminal activities taking place,  but never try to leave Don Fidelone out of the deal.

If you do, you may end up in jail, in front of a firing squad or be forced to commit suicide.

He is Cuba's Mafia boss and Godfather in Chief.


Feds are worried about 300 Somalis with terrorist ties, who were smuggled into the US with Cuba's help

April13 -  Federal authorities say they're certain nearly 300 Somalis allegedly smuggled into the United States by a Virginia man who admitted contacts with an Islamic terrorist group are in the country, but they can't find them despite a worldwide search for leads.

The search, first reported by the Washington Examiner, started in early February after Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested Anthony Joseph Tracy on charges that he helped smuggle the Somalis into the United States from Kenya. The 35-year-old has since been indicted on charges of conspiring with Cuban Embassy officials in Kenya to help the Somalis illegally enter the United States. ICE Agent Thomas Eyre has testified that authorities are "concerned" about the contact Tracy admitted having with the Somali terrorist organization Al-Shabaab, an al Qaeda ally.

According to court documents, Tracy helped the Somalis move to the United States by getting them travel visas to Cuba through contacts he had at the Cuban Embassy in Kenya. Tracy's attorney declined comment for this story.

The Somalis are believed to have entered the United States through the border with Mexico after making a circuitous trip from Kenya to Dubai to Moscow to Cuba to South America then to Mexico and northward, Eyre testified. Washington Examiner


The Bay of Pigs—An Anniversary of Heroism and Shame

April13 - "Freedom is our goal!" roared commander Pepe San Roman to the men assembled before him 49 years ago this week. "Cuba is our cause! God is on our side! On to victory!"

Fifteen hundred men crowded before San Roman at their Central American training camps that day. The next day they'd embark for a port in Nicaragua, the following day for a landing site in Cuba named Bahia De Cochinos (Bay of Pigs). Their outfit was known as Brigada 2506, and at their commander's address the men (and boys, some as young as 16) erupted.  Humberto Fontova


Cuban police stopped Sunday's march by the Ladies in White (UPDATED)

Associated Press report about today's incident

April11 - The Ladies in White attempted to march on Sunday after attending Mass at a Havana church, but were stopped by Cuban police and returned by force to their homes.

Bertha Soler, one of the leaders of the group, said they were stopped from conducting their weekly march, after refusing to accept arbitrary restrictions placed by Cuban authorities.

"We will continue our peaceful fight because the streets belong to all Cubans and we should be able to walk peacefully wherever we want," said Soler.

Soler said that about 2 weeks ago Cuban authorities visited them and said that from now on they would have to ask for permission at least 72 hours in advance, if they intended to march after attending Mass at the Santa Rita Church in Havana, as they have been doing for several years.

Cuban police also limited their march to half a kilometer or about one third of a mile.

According to Soler, a state security officer visited the home of Laura Pollán, leader of the Ladies in White, on Saturday and told her that they could not march today because they had not asked for permission.

"Why do we need to ask for permission to be able to walk?," asked Soler.

She said that police officers in full uniform and others dressed in civilian clothes, prevented several of the ladies from reaching the church.

Soler said that only about 5 of the Ladies in White were able to attend the Mass and when the service ended and they tried to walk out of the church, they were forced inside a bus and taken to their homes.


Carlos Alberto Montaner answers Silvio Rodríguez

April11 - Carlos Alberto Montaner, a renowned Cuban author and a critic of the Cuban regime, has exchanged a series of open letters with Silvio Rodriguez, a singer who has become a millionaire thanks to his support for that same brutal regime, which denies 11 million Cubans the same opportunities he has enjoyed  The Miami Herald


Only "a few hundred" Cubans attended the "concert for the homeland" in support of the Castro brothers

April11 - A surprisingly small crowd sweated and sang along to performances by Cuban rock, folk and salsa stars Saturday, at what the communist government billed as a politically important "concert for the homeland."

According to Spanish news agency EFE, only a few hundred people attended the free concert.  AP reports that approximately 1,400 showed up. 

Organizers had said the show would be headlined by Cuba's most famous folk singer, Silvio Rodriguez. But instead the pro-Castro government activist made fans wait for an hour in unrelenting afternoon sun before he took the stage, read a letter defending the single-party communist system — and then left without performing. 
Immediately after the 63-year-old Rodriguez's appearance were performances by top artists from the "Nueva Trova" movement, a genre that mixes folk music and pro-Castro politics. But many in the already sparse crowd drifted away, missing later performances by other musicians and poetry recited by Cuban film stars. 

State-controlled media said the concert would prove Cuba's artists and intellectuals support the government. But the approximately 1,400 Cubans who turned out to watch were nothing compared to the thousands who routinely jam the plaza for free concerts, including a show in March by Puerto Rican rockers Calle 13. NPR  EFE (Spanish)


Cuba sugar ministry to be shutdown. That should not surprise anyone

April 8 -  Cuba's sugar ministry will close in the coming months and be replaced by a state-run corporation, business sources said, in the most important reorganization of the once-thriving industry since it was drastically downsized in 2002.

The ministry's upcoming demise appears to be the last chapter in the dramatic decline of the sugar industry in a Caribbean island country where sugar was once king but now accounts for less than 5% of foreign exchange earnings. More

The real reason for the decline of the sugar industry in Cuba is once again the stupidity and mismanagement of the Castro brothers and their gang of human termites, who have never created anything and have destroyed everything that took a lot of hard work and years to create, before they came to power.

Click here to see  how Cuba's sugar mills look after 51 years of Hurricane Castro.


 Eyewitness report about life in Cuba today (UPDATED)

April 8 - We have posted more photos of life in Cuba today, including this menu of a cafeteria in Havana where you can buy a cold hot dog for 10 pesos and a condom for 1 peso!

April 7 - Read how Cubans have to carry the coffins of their deceased relatives, to prevent the bottom from falling off.

April 6 - Read and see what a family found when they went to visit a sick relative in Cuba last month.

Click here


Cuban writer signed the petition to free political prisoners and is ready for "whatever comes"

April 1 - Ena Lucia Portela, considered one of the most remarkable young writers in Cuba and winner of the Juan Rulfo Prize in 1999 for her book El Viejo, El Asesino Y Yo (The Old Man The Assassin And I), added her name to the more than 42,000 people from around the world who have signed a document asking the Castro regime to free all political prisoners.

Portela, who lives in Havana, becomes the first member of UNEAC (National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba) to sign the petition.

The UNEAC, which is controlled by the Cuban regime, published an article about 2 weeks ago in Granma rejecting the document "I denounce the Cuban Government,"  and saying it was a "maneuver that was part of a media campaign against Cuba organized by amoral persons."

In a message to OZT, who organized the gathering of signatures, Portela said "I am a member of UNEAC, but I reject the declaration made public several days ago by the Board of that organization. Add my name, please, and whatever comes it comes."

"I, like many Cuban artists and intellectuals who live in the island, do not have complete access to the Internet and only have this electronic mail that has an international connection," she said in her message to OZT.

"Because of that, I was not aware of the text of this document which so accurately express what many of us think here, there and everywhere. Among the names of the Cuban signers, I do not see the name of any artist or writer living in Cuba. I am not surprised, since I am aware of the high cost  to be paid for expressing an opinion in our country. But enough is enough. I do not have any way to link to that document through the Internet, so I am asking to please do it for me," ends the letter from this courageous young writer.

If you still haven't signed the petition, please Click here and add your name to the more than 42,000 who have told the Cuban regime: Enough is enough!


Raul Castro meets with "religious leaders" at Havana's airport; next meeting will take place in Hell

March 31 - According to Cuba's official press, Raúl Castro met with a group of fascists, disguised as "religious leaders," at Havana's José Martí airport on Tuesday.

According to the official reports, the meeting was a "political and cultural ceremony held on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Fidel’s meeting with religious leaders."

Among those present to lick Raúl Castro's boots were the "reverend" Marcial Miguel Hernández, President of the National Council of Churches and Frei Betto, the renegade Dominican friar who wrote the book "Fidel and Religion." 

Another "reverend," Raul Suarez, director of Cuba's Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Center, was "overcome by emotion," according to the Cuban press.
This piece of cow manure told the Cuban dictator that “you, the Cuban Revolution, and its socialist project, can count on us.”

The next meeting between Raúl Castro and this group of "religious leaders" will probably take place when all of them are frying in Hell.

If you have the stomach, you can read the whole thing here and see the photos of Raúl and his ass kissers here


Dr. Darsi Ferrer honored with the State Department Freedom Defenders Award, Honorable Mention

March 24 - During yesterday's State Department Daily Press Briefing, Assistant Secretary Philip J. Crowley announced that Cuban prisoner of conscience Dr. Darsi Ferrer, has received the State Department Freedom Defenders Award, Honorable Mention.

Here is what Mr. Crowley said in the press briefing:

"Dr. Darsi Ferrer received the 2009 State Department Freedom Defenders Award, Honorable Mention.

This award recognized Dr. Ferrer’s work and bravery in the defense of human rights in Cuba. He was the only Honorable Mention recipient in the Western Hemisphere.

Dr. Ferrer has been imprisoned without charge in a Cuban jail since July 2009. Yesterday, Assistant Secretary Mike Posner had the opportunity to conduct a video teleconference with Dr. Ferrer’s wife, Mrs. Yusnaymi Jorge Soca, and the rest of Dr. Ferrer’s family to talk about his case. And at the same time, he had the opportunity to speak directly with members of the Damas de Blanco group that has been conducting peaceful protests within Cuba, seeking expanded human rights and freedom of expression."


Visit our Videos page with many new and old videos, including the latest attacks against the Ladies in White


Fidel Castro's own words demonstrate, once again, what a hypocrite he is






FIDEL CASTRO - 08-18-1981



Click here to read more Veritas  (H/T Val Prieto Babalu)


The truth about the left's health care paradise

March 4 - Liberals pushing for free health care often site Fidel Castro's fiefdom as evidence of how to do it right. Problem is, foreign leaders, celebrities, patients and media are shown only the good stuff that is maintained for PR purposes and for the Cuban elite.

Humberto Fontova wrote about this for us in "Cuba's Free and Fabulous Health Care." If you haven't read it, please do -- it is a great tutorial on the truth about Fidel's glorious hospitals.

In his piece, Fontova mentions a site called "The Real Cuba." The site gives the real story about what's going on at the Left's island paradise. The page on Cuban health care is sobering. Here are a few photos from "The Real Cuba" -- if you first think you're looking at photos from Auschwitz, don't be surprised.

We'll have more in the upcoming issue of Townhall Magazine. Click here for the complete article


11 Cuban political prisoners have died in hunger strikes since the Castros took power

Cuba Archive has photos and a detailed description of all the 11 Cuban prisoners who have died during hunger strikes in Castro's Gulag. (Document is on PDF format)


Lula had a great time meeting with Cuba's walking corpse

Feb. 24 - Less than 24 hours after the death of Cuban prisoner of conscience Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Brazilian President Lula da Silva had a very friendly meeting with his murderers.

Lula met with Cuba's walking corpse and his brother, made jokes, laughed a lot and never asked a question about their latest victim.

Orlando Zapata Tamayo was a prisoner of conscience.

Luis Inacio Lula da Silva is a president without a conscience.

Big difference between the Cuban patriot and Lula.

Maybe some day, Lula will have to defend his love affair with the oppressors of the Cuban people, and his probable defense will be: "I don't remember, I was drunk most of the time."


Popular protests during the funeral of Cuban patriot Gloria Amaya González

This video was taken during the funeral of Gloria Amaya González, the mother of Cuban prisoners of conscience Ariel and Guido Sigler.

Her sons were allowed to attend the funeral for a few hours.

Ariel Sigler is very ill and is currently so weak that he had to be transported in an ambulance and had to use a wheel chair because he cannot walk. The Castro brothers still refuse to set him free.

When the two brothers were taken back to jail, you can hear people yelling "Asesinos," "Abajo Fidel," "Abajo la dictadura."

Gloria Amaya fought every day for the freedom of her sons. She died while they were still being jailed by the criminal regime that holds power in Cuba. Click here to see the video

Postcard from Las Piedras, Cuba

In “Slums of Havana” Award -winning journalist David Adams takes viewers in a journey through the decaying infrastructure of Havana, and the conditions under which many there are forced to live due to a shortage of adequate living spaces. Reporte Virtual


It was difficult, but they got there

May 20 - Getting the Marti t-shirts to Cuba hasn't been easy.

This weekend they finally reached some of the dissidents who will help distribute them.

Some of the t-shirts were distributed in Havana and others were sent to Cardenas and Holguin.

I want to thank Dr. Darsi Ferrer and the Plantados for the great help they have provided me with this project and I also want to thank all our readers who have contributed to this effort.

We are having more t-shirts printed and I'm looking at different ways of getting them to Cuba.

This photo was taken last weekend when several of the dissidents got together to receive the first t-shirts.

From left to right: Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramirez, Rafael Leyva Leyva, Carol Susent Cruz and Pedro Moises Calderin.

Rafael and Carol live in Holguin and took several of the t-shirts to be distributed there.

We want to thank the following readers who have contributed to our campaign:

Ruth E. Cooke - Diego Trinidad III - Daisy Varela - Miguel Beltra - Marco Polo - R. Duval - Dona Flores - Henry Agueros - Christopher Glick - Elena Borkland -

Odalys Fabregas - Fernando Dominicis - Zivainla Sahl - Alfredo Zayas - Andy Grubbs - R. Campanioni - Ana J. Martinez - Liliana Quincoses - Pete Guevara - Constantino Peńa - Angel Valdes - José A. González-Posada - Francisco A. Gómez

If you want to help with the t-shirts and postcards projects, please send a donation:

You can also send a check to: The Real Cuba - P.O. BOX 835308 - Miami, FL 33283-5308

Click here to learn more about our projects for 2009


Racism in Castro's Cuba

This documentary about racism in Castro's Cuba was aired Sunday, April 26, on Channel 41 in Miami.

Click here (In Spanish)


Our new page: Fidel Castro, the World's oldest terrorist


On April 4 we updated our Find my Friend page

Please check to see if someone is looking for you, or if you can help any of those who are looking for friends or relatives


Socio-Economic Conditions in Pre-Castro Cuba

Dec. 17 - Cuba Facts is an ongoing series of succinct fact sheets on various topics, including, but not limited to, political structure, health, economy, education, nutrition, labor, business, foreign investment, and demographics, published and updated on a regular basis by the Cuba Transition Project staff at the University of Miami.

Click here to learn the truth about Cuba's Health, Education, Personal Consumption and much more in pre-Castro Cuba.


Video of Castro's police beating a Cuban man near the University of Havana

More photos showing how the Castro brothers have destroyed one of the world's most beautiful cities

Click here


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